Deja Vu

In the middle of the blazing and chaotic dust storm, Sejin's emerald eyes glowed as he tried to walk closer to his frozen mother again, however, like what he's been doing before, his attempts remained futile. He grits his teeth which the woman laughed at mockingly, "Pitiful."

She lifts her hand and with a slice in the air, Sejin was thrown inside the black storm of dust with a grunt leaving his mouth when his back slammed against a marble pillar.


He struggled getting up with the excruciating pain on his back and legs plus the throbbing of his muscles from being slammed on the strong and solid pillar felt like a bitch which made him mutter curses in his mind as he held his stomach, feeling like he needs to throw up.


'It hurts!'

'It feels like I'm turned to ground beef now...'