New Frontier

Daniel's gaze remained fixed on the TV screen, each revelation about the Droids sinking into his thoughts. The images of the Linx and the promise of the upcoming Hippo ignited a spark of hope within him. Yet, as he contemplated the potential turning point, Eric Frost, his colleague, approached with a contemplative remark.

"The 'Droids,' huh?" Eric mused. "They've crafted something intriguing... With those, we might finally stand a chance against those foes on equal footing."

Daniel nodded, his voice carrying the weight of the situation. "Yeah."

However, the optimism in the room dimmed as Eric's expression darkened. "But this doesn't bode well for me."

Intrigued, Daniel turned around and asked, "What do you mean?"

Without offering an immediate answer, Eric walked away, prompting Daniel to follow. The tension in the air was palpable as they moved through the corridors of AURORA BioTech.

"What's happening, Eric?" Daniel inquired, his curiosity mingled with a sense of concern.

"We're losing, Daniel," Eric admitted, frustration coloring his voice. "Our department is falling behind the Tech Department. Come with me."

Daniel and Eric later arrived at Eric's office. As they entered, Daniel couldn't help but feel a knot tightening in his stomach. The atmosphere in the room was charged with an unspoken gravity.

"What's going on?" Daniel asked, his curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension.

Eric closed the door with deliberate care and walked up to his desk. Leaning over, he retrieved an envelope, its surface seemingly holding the weight of the decisions within. He extended it toward Daniel.

Daniel accepted the envelope, his fingers brushing against the sealed contents. The label itself seemed to hum with a concealed energy. As he read the title, a myriad of questions raced through his mind, overshadowed by a singular doubt.

"Project Siren," Eric declared urgently. "It's time, Daniel. No more delays, no more roundabouts. Straight to it."

Daniel's gaze locked with Eric's as doubt clouded his mind. "But we've already discussed about this. Would the council even approve such a project?" he voiced his concern.

Confident, Eric smiled. "There's no need to worry about that, Daniel. I'll handle it myself."

"But-" attempting to voice his concerns, Daniel suddenly was interrupted by Eric's unwavering conviction. "No more 'buts,' Daniel. Just think about the lives this could save. Imagine the world looking up to you—praising, respecting, admiring you. Your daughter... she would be truly proud, knowing her father developed something that could finally free the world from the shackles of terror."

A heavy silence hung in the room, the weight of the decision palpable.

Eric continued his impassioned plea, his words resonating in the tense atmosphere. "This transcends the Bio Department's needs, Daniel. Consider how long those Droids will last against the might of the Riftborns. You're our last hope, Daniel. Do it for us, for the entire world... for your family."

A pregnant pause echoed the gravity of the moment.

Silent for a moment, Daniel grappled with conflicting emotions. Finally, he sighed heavily, "Alright... I'll do it."

Eric smiled and said "Good. I'll get all of our department's best and brightest scientist for you. All you need to do is prepare and focus."

Eric then walks by Daniel and patted his shoulder. He chuckles and said "I'm counting on you, Daniel. It's time for our hard work to be finally put into use." Eric then exist the room.

As Eric's departing footsteps faded away, Daniel found himself alone in the dimly lit office. The weight of the envelope in his hands felt both burdensome and filled with an unspoken promise. He couldn't escape the swirling thoughts that echoed Eric's impassioned plea.

"Eric—a man who'll do anything to get what he wants," Daniel reflected. "Whether for expansion or additional funds, he's always been that way. Ever since the rivalry with the Tech Department started 5 years ago, Eric's been eager to outpace them."

Standing up, Daniel left the room with the envelope. The scene transitioned to Eric confidently navigating the facility's hallways, a slow zoom capturing the satisfaction etched on his smiling face.

Continuing his inner monologue, Daniel reflected, "Now, with the introduction of the Droids, Eric is more determined than ever to surpass all hurdles. If it's the attention of AURORA's executives that you crave so desperately, then I'll bring it to you, Eric Frost."

End of Chapter ------- New Frontier