Ariana asked herself as she looked at Zayn's back who was moving away. She can't help but feel curious about the man.  Sometimes he will express his hatred so much that it's suffocating but some other times he seems kind. 

At this time, she began to remember one of her visions.

"That day, she looked at his back too. Before saying goodbye. But why?" Ariana didn't understand. She feels like something is missing in each of her visions.

People said the original princess was trying to commit suicide and Ariana thought that might be true as the girl did say goodbye in the vision that she saw. But, if the girl really loves this man, why on earth she's trying to die when they will get married eventually? 

Still, looking back at what the girl did and what she is trying to investigate behind the Duke's back, it doesn't make any sense for the princess to take her own life.  Ariana can feel that there is something else that has not been revealed and she needs to find it.

"Ugh, let's just stop thinking for now. It is not like I can get something by thinking so hard like this. Let's just eat."


After that, a few weeks passed quietly. No faints, no unnecessary incident, also bickering with Zayn as Ariana always makes sure she never encounters him making her life pass too perfectly right now.

Today is no exception. She is happy as this is the last day she will be inspected by her doctor. This means people will know her health is improving and there's no need to be careful and monitor her always. She'll be free!

"That's it, princess. You are healthy as ever. Your complexion also looks better and you didn't have to take medicine anymore. Just don't forget to eat and sleep well and you'll be just fine."

"Of course doctor. I'll never forget to eat especially," Ariana said smiling before looking at Lily, Robert, and Smith.

"You heard the doctor. I am just fine so don't go overboard. Let me stroll by myself after this. I'm not a prisoner here." Ariana warned. It is hard for her to walk here and there alone even in this palace area because the three of them are monitoring her too closely.

Well, it's not their fault as they only did their job after she passed out many times before. It's for her own good anyway. But now, with the certainty she got from the doctor, she was finally able to escape from all that. That's why she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"That's good. Your health improves quite fast in my opinion and it is a good sign. Please eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to stay healthy."

'Of course, I tried hard for today. I diligently do aerobics inside this cramped room in the morning as Lily won't let me go outside without her and do core exercises each night. I even practice my knife throwing without anyone knowing and I'm still good at it even with this body. Surprisingly this weak body is quite good at learning and even flexible!' Ariana praised herself inwardly.

"If there is nothing more, I excuse myself now princess." The doctor finally gets going.

"Oh, yes. Thank you for your work doctor." Ariana said politely.

"Let me send you out doctor." Smith smoothly doing his work.

"Oh my God, my lady. I'm so happy for you." Lily continued to hug Ariana at that time. It is clear that she is sincerely worried about Ariana all this time.

"Thank you, Lily... So no more nagging. My ears almost bled because of you." Ariana complained in a friendly tone. It is not like she didn't like Lily being like that as that just means there is someone worried about her but it's just too much sometimes. She needs a break!

"And sir Robert, please keep your distance from me. Better if you just do your official work now for the Duke."

Robert just looked at the princess he needed to serve with a blank look. He didn't comment anything as it's true she now has a little freedom as long as she is at the Silver Palace ground.

Head Butler Smith came back to the room after sending the doctor away.

"Princess. If you are ready let's go to the main dining room for breakfast. Duke Zayn asks you for breakfast together."

Ariana frowned after hearing the name while Lily began to glow in her eyes.

"Why did he want to have breakfast with me so suddenly?" Ariana in bold asking clearly shows that she is not comfortable with the invitation.

Smith could only smile awkwardly while sweating behind his back.

"It's been a while but before you often have breakfast and dinner with him too. So it's not a rare occasion princess." Smith tried to show the good side of the Duke that he served even though he knew better the Duke always left early before the princess finished eating. In the end, it's like they never ate together.

"The Duke probably heard the news and wanted to see you, my lady. Looks like he started to see you in the new light."

"Stop daydreaming. There must be something he wanted to say to me." Ariana seems to be able to read the man now.

Lily pouts a little as her romantic imagination is banished just like that after what Ariana said. She is one of the witnesses to how the duke treats the princess anyway so she can't say it's not true but she always hopes that the duke will see the princess as his life partner whom he will love one day.

"Ugh, my day just started getting better. Can't I refuse?" Ariana looked at Smith pleadingly.

"I'm sorry princess. But you are his fiancee. This is also a part of your obligation."

Ariana let out a long sigh knowing very well that she can't win against the law in this household.

"Fine. But you better ask the cook to prepare the food like usual for me. No need to cut down the portion just because the Duke was there. I am not trying to impress anyone here."

"Sure princess." Smith began to wipe the sweat on his head when he remembered 'the portion' in question.

Since the princess awakened from the drowning accident, her appetite is growing a lot. It is shocking to see how much she can eat making him and Lily worry. But the cooks become enthusiastic to cook every day because of that. Something about 'the pride of a cook'. At least, there's some positive side there.

With that, Ariana with a sense of compulsion started walking with the head butler towards the main dining room located in the Duke's residence.

"Princess Ariana is here," Smith announced the arrival while opening the door of the dining room to let the princess in.

Ariana walked in with enthusiasm as she couldn't wait to have her breakfast but seeing Zayn who was already there her spirit faded a little.

There was a long table with many chairs making Ariana a little confused about where she should sit. Then she settles at the far end, facing Zayn but far from him to avoid any unnecessary contact. She thought Zayn might not like it if she was too close but her action made the Duke make a face.

"Sit here beside me," Zayn ordered pointing to the chair on his right.

"Can't I just be here?" Ariana is too lazy to get up as she already feels comfortable.

"You are too far for us to talk. I don't want to waste my energy just to raise my voice so that you can hear me." Zayn sounds cold here.

'Tch, that night is clearly not him.' Ariana said in her mind referring to the night when Zayn help her and give her food.

With a flustered feeling, Ariana got up from her seat and sat in the intended chair.

As soon as she settles there, the maids began to bring food which only had water, juice, bread, and some warm soup making Ariana blink in surprise. This is clearly too little for her!

She then looked at Smith with horror making Smith unable to object. He then whispered to one of the maids who then disappeared to the back probably running to the kitchen to get more from the cook.

Not long after that, various other foods appeared that were specially placed in front of Ariana like salad, meat, rice, fruit, and even some dessert. She eats like this every time and all that will disappear without a trace!

Zayn was stunned for a moment when he saw the rare sight. The Ariana that he knows barely touches her food, especially when he is present and this is clearly different from the previous image that he remembers her.

The previous princess will never eat too much as she is afraid to gain weight and not be pretty according to the story Lily provided. Knowing this, Ariana did look at her weight to see if she will get fat if she eats like she was in another world but looks like nothing changed. She still can eat a lot and not gain anything!

At first, Lily nags Ariana because she is afraid the princess will become fat and not fit in her clothes but after seeing this, Lily just lets Ariana be as she is confident her lady will not get fat after observing her these past few weeks. Also, the doctor also said there's nothing wrong with the princess just her stomach can digest better than most people. So, better this than barely eating like before!

"Why are you not eating?" Ariana asked Zayn while munching her food as she realized he was just staring.

Zayn just took a deep breath. He didn't comment anything about this bizarre act as it's not like she is eating dirty or anything. She just looks like a child here. Also, he thinks this is better than the awkward breakfast and dinner they did before.

"You can take mine if you want." Ariana invited because in front of Zayn, there was only soup and bread.

"This is fine," Zayn said while starting to eat. This is the first time they eat without tension and looks like he didn't need to finish the food quickly or leave the dining room first.

After a while, Zayn started talking as he does have something to tell Ariana.

"I have something to say."

Ariana looked at him with a questioning look.

"Madam Petunia has agreed to teach you again, especially etiquette and duties as duchess for this household that you already don't remember. This time, bear with it even if you feel overwhelmed." Zayn didn't want to hear any complaints anymore even though he already knew how Madam Petunia treated Ariana. He is the culprit anyway!

Ariana narrowed her eyes a little, knowing very well what the man meant.

'Tch, I have my own plan for that. Rest assured, I will not go crying to you like the previous Ariana.' She is determined.

"When will she arrive?" Ariana clamorously asked.


Cough! Ariana can't help but feel choked in her throat now.
