Ariana could swear that Zayn's mood is worse than her when she's in her that time of the month. 

Early morning next day,

Ariana's room became hectic from early morning with maids coming and going. This is the first time after a long time that Princess Ariana will come out together with the Duke meeting the royals. So, all the maids feel the need for them to show each other's skills to make this princess stand out.

"What about the dress, princess? What color do you want to wear?"

"Are you liking this hairstyle princess?"

"What about the face? You like it looks natural do you?"

"How about we use these accessories princess?"

Ariana's head has been dizzy since the early morning with the calls princess this, princess that.

It's already late for her to sleep, and now after being forced to wake up, she needs to get ready pretty quickly. This really makes her feel tired instantly.

"Ugh... Must we do this Lily? " Ariana finally asked Lily, who was smiling next to her.

"Of course. It's not like you can meet the King all the time, so you need to be pretty. " Let's do this so that he regrets abandoning you, Lily has another hidden meaning.

"Tch, it's not like I am important or anything."

"Don't say that, my lady. After all, you go around today with the Duke as a couple. There are a lot of eyes out there that will look. So you must do this to preserve this house name. You understand right."

Ariana can only sigh. She can't understand even if she tries anyway.

After hours of torture, Ariana is finally ready.

She then walked out of her room and met Zayn in the middle of the street. She was a little surprised as Zayn wore clothes with the same color and design as him. It's a set!

Closer to each other, face to face, Ariana trying to be the first to break the silence.

"Let's go."

But Zayn just looked at him without moving. Ariana started to feel awkward at that moment.

"The dress looks good on you."

He suddenly said out of nowhere, making Ariana frown.

"What the heck?"

Ariana can't help but say this out loud as the Duke doesn't look like himself at the time.

What's going on with the sudden friendly talk about 'the dress looks good on you'? This clearly freaks Ariana out as she knows very well how deep the hatred this guy has for her. Even the last night, he showed it again!

But even with the bizarre word that Ariana blurted out, it didn't faze Zayn at all. He just has the same poker face as he always is making Ariana, even more, not understand a thing until she saw the 'X' hand sign from Lily who was far behind the Duke. She then looked around and other maids now look at her as if anticipating something.

At this time he could see Head Butler Smith behind him wiping his sweat with his handkerchief. Only then did Ariana realize that this Head Butler was the culprit? He probably forced this on the Duke to create some unnecessary 'drama'. The problem is why the Duke is following the idea.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late right? " Didn't follow the sign, Ariana continued to say and stepped past Zayn who was standing in front of her.

Zayn, who knows what he just does is embarrassed, staring sharply at Smith as if protesting.

Smith, however, feigned ignoring and talking about other things smoothly.

"Let me send you to the carriage your grace."

After a few seconds, Ariana, who was already far ahead walking away from the Duke now arrived in front of the carriage. Seeing the carriage door that was already wide open, she immediately jumped into it without even waiting for the Duke.

It wasn't long before Zayn finally arrived and got into the carriage, sitting opposite Ariana.

Ariana decided to just ignore him even though usually she is always nervous being around him, but right now he is the least of her concern.

She actually felt quite scared to face her family who lives in this world. Various questions began to hit her mind.

What should she do? Are all those rumors about her family detesting and despising her true? Can she be herself?

When the carriage moved, then Zayn spoke.

"Smith asked me to be friendly to you as we are about to get married. You should learn to get used to it. Only then we can avoid unnecessary news about Duke and Duchess not getting along. At least, in front of people, keep your opinion about me inside your heart and just act accordingly. I will do the same."

Ariana didn't answer even though she actually listened well to what Zayn said. She seems to be still in her daydreaming and this ticks Zayn a little bit.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Zayn raised his voice a little.

Ariana flinched a little before answering.

"Sorry? I-I mean I heard you."

Zayn sighed deeply seeing her like this.

"But why? Didn't you say it's annoying to lie? Can't we just do whatever we like even though we're married?"

"I do hate to lie. But these issues are different. Even if we both hate each other, We still have to fulfill our obligation as husband and wife, also as Duke and Duchess of this empire even though I'm sure you won't understand this. What you should know is just behave yourself. You can do whatever you wanted without me interfering if you behave."

Ariana's eyes lit a little.

"Does that mean I can reduce the knights who follow me after marriage?"

"That's... A different story."

Listening to that, Ariana continues to be weak. She knows this Duke is difficult to trap by that kind of petty trick.

Then only silence accompanied them until the journey ended after they entered the gate of the royal palace.

After the carriage stopped, the coachman opened the carriage door and Zayn was the one who got off first followed by Ariana.

When she took her head out of the carriage, she was a little stunned when she saw Zayn standing by the side extending his hand towards her as if trying to help her get down but she didn't want to raise her hopes.

She then lifted her long dress and continued to dive to the ground so that Zayn was a little stunned by what happened.


Ariana blinked innocently waiting for Zayn to finish his words while lowering her dress and acting as if nothing has happened before.

"Never mind." Zayn decided to just let it pass and now he was standing next to her.

He knows now that if he wanted to do something with her he needs to say it straight and not do it in silence, hoping she understands or she won't get the ideas at all. She is losing her freaking mind anyway!

"Put your hand around me." He said after learning his lesson.

Seeing Zayn's serious face, Ariana knows is part of the culture so she links her hands around his before moving into the palace.

At the entrance, the four princes with poker faces greeted them with the palace butler.

"Thank you for inviting us, the four princes," Zayn said the greeting while bowing to him a little and Ariana followed awkwardly while putting her other hand into her chest just like what Madam Petunia taught her at the last minute. At least she knows one or two things.

The four princes just nodded their heads while looking at Ariana.

They didn't meet for so long now, actually since Ariana was at the Duke's palace. They've lost contact as Ariana seems to be avoiding them. It's not new as Ariana even avoids them while she lives here anyway. But they can feel a new vibe coming from their one and only little sister there. Suddenly...

"Welcome Duke Basileous and Princess. The King awaits at the meeting room to talk about the wedding before we have lunch. " The first prince, Prince Aiden said on behalf of all the princes before all of them escorted the Duke and the future Duchess to the said place.

Ariana felt a little overwhelmed after hearing the voice and her hand started holding the Duke a little harder. Zayn is aware of that, but he just keeps silent about that. It's not like he is hurting by that kind of pressure.

He knows why she feels at that time anyway. Usually, Ariana turns pale every time she faces the royal family, even though they are her own family, but this time she is still standing composed. Maybe it is not all bad for her to lose her memories after all.



"We bow to the King of this empire," Zayn said while bowing down with his hand on his heart and this time Ariana bowed down while slightly lifting her dress with both hands as a sign of respect.

While bowing down Ariana can't help but feel a little pain in her eyes as she finally stands face-to-face with her father.

She really misses that face, but she knows she needs to control her emotion as this person is not her father who is the head of a mafia organization, this person is way much higher than that. He is the King!

"Sit down," Alexander said with a serious face. He is nothing like the father that Ariana remembers at all.

Listening to the order, all four princes, Zayn and Ariana finally sat in the chairs provided when they heard the order.

"I believe we all know the reason why we are all gathered here. Duke Basileous, finally sent his word regarding his marriage with Princess Ariana, after postponing it for so long. This time, I'm glad that it is, not the case. " Alexander started.

"I believe this is the right time for it, Your Highness," Zayn replied. He didn't even fear facing the King who didn't even smile at that time.

"After four years and only now do you think it's the right time?" The fourth prince, Prince Ariel finally spoke as if mocking the situation.

"What about the expenses? This is the first royal wedding that will take place here.  I believe the Duke refuse the royal to provide dowry to the princess as he said he can provide her before. " Prince Aiden started making calculation.

"We also need a lot of warriors to control at that time. Who knows if someone tries to rebel " The second prince, Prince Ashton also talking now.

Ariana smiled a little at this moment as she felt like a deja vu and this did not escape the gaze of the four princes. They were clearly shocked seeing this. The Ariana they know is Ariana who is always timid and trembling because of fear, she even stutters each time they try to talk to her, now smiling so peacefully.

"What about you?" The third prince, Prince Asher suddenly asked Ariana.

Ariana must have been a little surprised by the attention as she didn't know where to see anymore and just keep staring here and there, not yet answering.

"Why are you being quiet?"