Zayn looked at the ring in question. The design looked so simple that it made him skeptical about this situation. He can't believe that this is happening right now and he has every reason to be like this.

First, Ariana usually never chooses any jewelry or anything without forcing him to choose it for her as she wanted to know what he taste are in everything. Because of that, heartlessly he always chooses everything opposite from what he actually like, and she will stupidly wear everything . Seeing this really make him enjoy himself as he mocking her silently.

Second, if she ever chooses, she always chooses something old-fashioned, out-of-date things. Like, if it's jewelry, for her the bigger is better. For clothes, the more embroidery will be the prettier. Since she is not very social and is often inside the palace, her taste seems childish and strange but Zayn never tries to correct her all this time.