After some time passed, Ariana helped Zayn lie on the bed, brought him warm milk, and now lay with him while staring at each other. She knew he wasn't really himself right now, but she didn't expect him to look so crushed like this.

'How can someone strong and cold-headed person like him change like this?' This crossed her mind. Seeing him like that, she did feel a little guilty. She even thinks that maybe, if she approaches things in a different way, he will not be hit with such a big blow. However, there's no use to cry over spilled milk.

"Tell me, is it lonely when people don't trust the things that you say when all you do is be honest?"

But look at this, even in this state he managed to push her anger button. Ariana can feel her blood begins to boil, but seeing her husband's face which looks like someone who has lost everything helps her to forget that. The anger that she feels also continues to be suppressed.

"Why do you ask?"