Leaving Ariana and Zachary, Roan moved to the room where Duchess Hermine was. In fact, from the beginning he wanted to meet his mother but didn't want to disappoint Zayn, he tried to follow his instructions at the beginning.

As he himself expected, he can't bear to sit close to the girl for too long or his blood will boil. He wondered how Zayn even managed to marry the woman when Zayn was the person who witnessed the evil things that she did with his own eyes.

What Roan couldn't believe, Zayn was being gentle with the woman as if he was bewitched. Wasn't Zayn the one who hated the woman first? Is his eldest brother starting to change his mind?

Roan started clenching his teeth because he didn't want to think about the truth. Even if everyone forgets, he will never forget what that girl did. She is the one who destroyed his family. She doesn't deserve to be treated well.