Ariana looked at Duchess Hermine who seemed to know what she was feeling at that moment.

"I do. For you and for him too."

She felt there was no point in lying to the woman. The woman already knows too much and it's a relief for her too when she can say whatever she wants without restrictions.

Duchess Hermine smiled in satisfaction at the answer. After the day where they both talked heart to heart, Ariana became more open in talking with her which she loves it the most.

"It's not like he went to a war or anything so, why am I feeling nervous like this? It's ridiculous isn't it?"

"Because the two of you have never been apart, that's why." Old mother said after hearing everything on the side. "We only will feel as if we are losing something when we are apart. Worst, if we realize it at the last moment. That's why you need to cherish the time that you spend with each other so that there is no regret in the future "