"W-what should I do? Y-You are bleeding too much." Stella said as her trembling hand pressed the wound on the crown prince's stomach to stop the blood from flowing.

Before, when she strolled in the garden to clear her mind about something, how shocked she was when Aiden, the crown prince of this empire suddenly came out of the nearby bush and lay on the ground.

This is the first time Stella meets the crown prince face to face, but she knows who is he because everyone needs to know who the royal family is. Even is the main learning for every person who lives in the empire. After all, he is the older brother of someone that she serves.

But why is he lying on the ground like this?

Stella froze where she stood while her eyes fixed on the man who was also looking at her. Because she was too surprised, she forgot that the man was not someone she could stare at like that as people like her needed to lower their gaze.