"First of all, I want to ask you something." Zayn doesn't want to look easy because he feels that he has the upper hand in this negotiation if the plant is the only thing that these people want. But first, he needs to satisfy his curiosity.

"You can ask, but I will choose whether I want to answer it or not." Lord Deckard replied.

"I know the plant is very important for your tribe because of your belief, but I wonder why you act like this when you can just send a letter to the Basileious Household about this matter. We can just deal with this quietly."

Deckard's brow furrowed, a clear sign of his lack of understanding of Zayn's intentions. He turned to the people behind him, speaking in their ancestral language, a move that only added to the tension.

After a few moments, he turned back to Zayn. They are probably finished discussing things.