"You look so pretty, Lady Stella."

Emma, Stella's maids, excitedly said after seeing her who had finished getting ready in one of the buildings in the royal palace itself. To prevent bad things from happening, Stella has already stayed at the royal palace for a week in a separate building from the main ones.

Today, on her wedding day, she is preparing everything here. Everyone who helped her to become a bride that day was also busy going in and out of the building. She will get married at 'Eternal Hall' located inside the royal palace ground where every king and future king gets married there.

The Eternal Hall that was only opened for that purpose has already been blessed by Horatio, The Elder from Great Heavenly Hall, and he is also the one who will unite the bride and groom. This is the second time the Elder did this without coercion after the wedding between Zayn and Ariana.