"Do you know someone else with the same name?" Vivian took this too seriously.

However, Ariana can't sit still. Not because she's afraid or anything but she's really excited to see the face of her father's enemy who has been living like a ghost all this time. She can't believe the opportunity comes like this. But she knows she can't make a mistake or Vivian will be the one to pay the price.

"Why did he suddenly want to show his face?" Zayn started to feel suspicious.

"I didn't know about that too. Usually, it was Duke Raven who would come to the mansion. That too happened quietly and only my father and head butler knew. Even Marquis Oliver and the other 'little fish' never came to visiting. But recently Duke Raven gave word that Richard Edouard agreed to meet my father face to face. To reduce the risk, the meeting will take place at Valentine Mansion where I also do not know the time and day. "