Huff! Huff! Huff!

Ariana started feeling lightheaded after knocking down half of her enemies at the time. She could already feel the cloth that wrapped her wound getting wet, but there were still more enemies that she needed to defeat. She can't rest just yet.

"Just accept that today is your last day princess. We can make it quick and painless. Your mother must have been waiting a long time for you to accompany her." One started talking rubbish and the others started laughing mockingly.

But those words made her wake up again because her anger increased.

"How dare you talk about something that you should not said with your trash mouth." How does she wish that she had a gun now so that she could destroy them all at once.

"Die!" With her remaining strength and determination, she launched herself forward towards the enemies when before this she just waited for them to come to her.

Smack! Baam! Slash!