First End Of The Tangled Rope

Afterward, they sat together by the fire and talked, "Okay I'll ask one thing! What is that one thing that makes you genuinely happy?" Ben asked.

"I don't know! There are too many of them!" Lisa responded as she scratched her head.

"Name a few!" He insisted.

"Dance at the beach! I haven't tried it though but I like to have it one day!" She giggled then her smile vanished.

"My dad used to dance with me on my birthdays" She had tears in her eyes.

"Look, Lisa! Your dad must be proud of you!" Ben walked to her and sat beside her, "You chose to save people, he must have been so happy with you!" He rubbed her shoulder and she nodded wiping her tears off.

They talked until they slept where they were, in the morning Lisa woke up before anyone else, she was feeling restless, and there was a funny feeling in her stomach.

She thought she should catch rabbits for Edgar and Ben before they wake up so she entered that small forest, it wasn't dangerous, it was so small and there were only rabbits and small animals in there.

She felt weak then she heard bushes shaking, she turned to them and saw a rabbit just hopped out of it in front of her eyes, she decided to catch it but before she could she smelled blood.

"I know this smell!" She thought and went in search of where the smell was coming from, she followed the scent and finally found where it was coming from and she realized it was coming from a bush.

She moved the bushes aside and saw the hourglass, it was the same hourglass only it was broken and the blood was spilled out of it, she tried to pick it up but she hurt herself with a glass shard and the shard stuck deep in her wound, she held her thumb it was bleeding.

When she focused she realized her clothes were soaked in blood, even her hands were soaked in blood, she started panicking and the next thing she felt was blood in her mouth, it was too much that she started choking on it.

She couldn't breathe anymore and that's when Edgar heard her gasps, when he opened his eyes, he looked around and found Lisa sitting where she was last night before sleeping, and somehow she stopped breathing in her sleep.

"Ben!" Edgar yelled when Ben woke up and rushed to him.

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"Bring me some water! She can't breathe." Edgar yelled.

Ben rushed to the sea and soaked his handkerchief in the water, he rushed back to her and squeezed it on her face.

She woke up gasping for air and coughing, it felt as if she was drowning before she woke up and have consumed a lot of water.

But she wasn't spitting out water though, it was blood she was spitting, her eyes, ears, even her nose was bleeding.

When she was done coughing, pouring out blood from her mouth, and finally caught her breath, they saw her thumb, the shard was still there, stuck in her wound, and the blood was oozing out of it.

She was frightened so Edgar cupped his hands around her face and looked her in her eyes "I need you to breathe okay? It will hurt but not for long!" He said and held the shard.

She closed her eyes and he pulled it out as fast as he could, a splash of blood broke through her wound,

and upon taking the shard out of her thumb, the shard scattered into thin air like ashes, but the wound didn't heal, they waited a little longer but the wound wasn't healing.

"Here, drink it!" Edgar offered her his wrist.

Ben stared at him with his eyes wide open and wanted to stop him but Lisa already started drinking the blood, he covered his mouth and took a sigh.

It didn't take her too long until she stopped drinking his blood, she backed off, eased back on the ground and fell asleep, her wound healed but there was a scar left, which is not likely when it comes to vampire healing.

She was weak, and in her sleep, she mumbled "The blood clock!"

"What?" Edgar asked but she was sleeping now, he touched her she was burning.

"Is she talking about the hourglass?" Edgar asked as he walked away from her.

Ben followed him and confronted him "How long has this been going on?" He whispered, "Are you out of your mind?" He followed Edgar as he turned his face away and walked toward the forest.

"Answer me!" Ben pulled him by his arm.

"What do you want me to say?" Edgar yelled.

"You know what this will do to you?" Ben yelled, and an argument began.

"I can't let her die, Ben!"

"Then make her feed on a human!"

"I can't!"

"Why can't you?"

"Because she doesn't want to!"

"It doesn't matter what she wants…" Before Ben could say anything further, Edgar interrupted him with a slightly louder voice.

"It matters to me!" and the quarrel stopped "It matters to me." He whispered this time.

"Yet you claim to be unaware about your feelings!" Ben yelled!

Edgar slightly looked back at Lisa who was squirming in her sleep and place his finger on his lips "Sh!" He stared at Ben.

Ben bowed down with a smile on his face and his hands on his chest "Screw you!" He turned around and walked to the sea, he gathered water in his hands and splashed it on his face, he kept doing it until he felt better.

Neither could Edgar nor could Ben sleep anymore, so they sat together by the fire and stayed quiet for a while until Edgar chose to break the silence "Look! I am sorry, I know I should have told you earlier but I knew you would have been mad at me." Edgar said.

"You think?" Ben stared at him.

"I don't know what to say!" Edgar thought for a while then he rested his back on the rock behind his back and closed his eyes.

The sky was getting slightly brighter now, but the sun hadn't risen yet.

"I don't know what is happening to me, all I know is that… that she matters to me.

I observe most of the things about her too deeply I guess, the moments when smiles wholeheartedly matter to me"

A slightest smiled appeared on his face "You have no idea how beautiful she looks when she smiles, even her eyes smile when she's happy.

Do you know she gets happy with little things? When she experiences a fresh wind in her hair it calms her, it makes her happy.

She's the kind of person who can describe the smell of water! Who can describe the smell of water?"

His smile presumed "It's not that I don't want to touch her! or kiss her, but what I want more is to hold her hand on the bumpiest tracks of her life.

The first time I saw Sunset, sunrise, or night sky was through her eyes, she showed me wonders of the worlds I never saw with my own eyes! Even when they were here! Right in front of me!

Her happiness is to dance on the beach, to see the world, even barefoot, she doesn't even want big expensive cars or mansions!

She has been on a run since I came in her life and all she talked about was how beautiful the sun is, how the wind is mesmerizing, how the grass makes her feel awesome, or how… how hearing my heartbeats soothes her.

What do I give her in return? Nothing, she never blamed me for anything.

For the first time, this heart wants something, loving someone so madly.

Whenever I wanted something my existence always got in the way, and this time it is happening to me again, I can't have what is right in front of me." He squeezed the sand under his hand as his hand rested on the ground.

Somehow Ben understood his situation "I know buddy!" He smiled.

Edgar could sense him thinking about Bianca and that's when he realized there was something going on between them.

"Yet you complain to me for keeping things from you." Edgar smiled.

Ben had a strange kind of sadness on his face, and both their hearts were broken because somehow they were going through something similar.

"Oh, I totally forgot to show you this!" Edgar bit his wrist and pressed his wrist with his thumb, as Ben saw his blood his eyes widened.

"What the…" Ben thought about something and glanced at the top of the sun peeking out of the fold of the night "I think I know why and what is happening to Lisa.

I want you to take her to Nantes as soon as she wakes up!" He stood up and walked to the seashore "It is calm, you should take her first thing in the morning!" Ben said, "I will tell you everything once you get there!"