Eastwood Witches

The vampires and ghouls were standing at the edge of the other side of the bridge, they knew there was no way they were crossing that bridge any time soon, so they walked back to report it to their leaders.

As for Edgar and his friends, when they faced the broken bridge on their right were woods, they walked in there and found a small cave.

They knew they couldn't be seen with Lisa like this in the Griffinburg so they chose to hide in a cave until she found a way to heal her.

"This can't be happening" Ben started a fire in the cave because it was getting cold in there.

Alicia was standing outside of the cave she could feel Edgar's and Ben's gaze stuck on there.

"I know you have questions, yes I am an Eastwood Hybrid Witch!" She turned back and walked back to the cave, she sat beside Ben and cuddled her knees.

"You never told me!" Ben complained but gently.

"What would I tell you?" She smiled with tears in her eyes "That I am an outcast? Exiled witch? Because I chose to protect an 8-year-old vampire girl who was about to be sat on fire by my ancestors?" She sniffed.

"It was about 8 years ago, I was 12, known to be the strongest Eastwood witches, I was always told that whenever we catch a vampire drinking blood of an innocent human being we punish them and wasn't it fair?" She rested her back on the wall beside her.

"One day I was told to prepare for the ritual that was being held in the evening, so I did what I was told to do, but as soon as I reached, I saw an eight-year-old little girl tied to a pole with a pile of wood logs circled around her.

Her name was Luna, her little golden braids, her rosy cheeks, and her big round eyes were telling she was clueless about what was happening around her.

She was pretty and innocent, she wasn't even panicking about what was about to happen to her because she didn't know, she was led there by one of us, over some promise of candies!" She broke down into tears.

"There was a tribe against one poor little girl, but what I saw was a girl the same age as my brother, as soon as they set fire to the logs it was only a matter of time before my conscience woke, I had stopped the flame on my own and helped that girl escape.

I had to cast a spell to make everyone faint except for my brother, I didn't want to leave him alone, who knows if they had punished him behind my back? He didn't have any powers to protect himself so we escaped before the village woke up,

Taking Mathias with me was my biggest mistake, Matt always had this complex of not having any specialty no matter how many times I told him that powerful or not he is special.

Anyway, I took them away and raised them both on my own, 2 years ago Mathias and Luna fell in love and I was okay with it until Mathias got into bad influence.

He was somehow counseled by a vampire from the Maw of Havoc, later Mathias found that the vampire he's hanging out with is the father of Luna.

I told him many times to stay away from him, even though I had no idea who that guy was but I still had this strange feeling that was telling me that something was wrong with that guy.

One day while I was out getting some groceries he took Luna up the Devil's Gate, and there he pushed her on their table like food as an offering.

She was already dead inside as they ripped her clothes apart in front of him and he turned his face away from her, she must have screamed and cried for help but no one was there to help even her own father was involved in that sinful act, and in return, they turned Matt into a vampire.

His complex of being powerless finally ended, I loved my brother, but what he did to my daughter is unforgivable.

After days of searching, I found her soaked up in the blood in this cave where we are right now, she's been in a coma since then, and I don't know what else they had done to her.

I was only able to read this much out of her mind and to cure her coma, I need a fang of the Griever!" She was breathlessly crying.

Edgar hugged her and let her have a good cry until her heart lightened, Ben was also rubbing her back.

Now they knew the reason for her crying while she was helping Lisa.

"You said you are a Hybrid witch what does it mean?" Edgar asked.

"I am the only witch who can channel all four of the elements!" She smiled.

After a while, Ben and Edgar were sitting quietly in the cave when they heard Alicia coming in with a rock in her hand and some paste on it, she applied that paste on Lisa's wounds, and she moaned.

"I will make a gateway to her mind Edgar, you are the only one who can reach her, we don't have enough time you have to get her out of her nightmare!" She suggested.

"Edgar, please do not let her down no matter what!" Her eyes flooded again.

"I promise I won't" He smiled back.

She sliced open cuts in both Lisa's and Edgar's palms "Hold her hands!" She said, "And close your eyes!"

He did as he was told to and as soon as he opened his eyes he found himself in the same cave but alone "Lisa?" He called out to her but there was no one, he walked out of the cave and found himself coming out of the container.

He recognized that place, it was the place where her father died, he got close to the road, it was empty, then he turned around and saw Lisa coming out of the container.

Everything that happened before happened again, she saw him dying in front of him, and she rushed to her body the same way she did before.

But then the same bus came at the same speed again and before Edgar could act it ran over Lisa.

"This isn't how it happened!" He mumbled.

Then he heard "Dad!" again as he turned his head to his left he saw Lisa being held by Lunarian's men.

The same thing repeated and the bus ran over her again, it kept happening over and over again, this is what's been repeating inside her brain since she fell down after being released.

"I need to find a way to make it stop!" He stepped inside the container and found Lisa tied to the chair.

"Edgar!" She called out to him and he rushed to her.

"Hey!" He quickly got to her and sat in front of her on his knees, he started untying the knots around her hands.

When he was done he realized she was crying, she brought her hands in front of her and her palms were covered in blood "I killed my dad Edgar! Stay away or I will end up killing you too." She closed her eyes, her tears wouldn't stop.

"No! You didn't" He was saying more but she interrupted him.

"Can't you see my hands? They are soaked up in his blood!" She cried.

"Listen to me! Look at me!" He held her face "You saved 10 people Lisa! And other than that, you saved your mother and sister, sometimes to save others you have to sacrifice just one person"

She cried and tilted her head to her left when he held her face again "Lisa, Lisa! If you want to make him pay for what he did to your dad, you have to wake up!"

He looked her in her eyes for a moment and she stopped crying "Do it for your sister, do it for your mom, do it… for me?" He looked into her eyes and she looked into his.

In a minute he felt himself being pulled away, he was slipping away from her, and as he slipped far away Lisa disappeared into the darkness.

Edgar woke up with a gasp "What happened?" He looked around and found Alicia and Ben sitting together and looking at him.

Alicia got close to Lisa and moved her head to her side, she started healing, even slowly but it was a good sign.

"She's gonna be fine, she's just weak and she needs rest!" Alicia smiled.

Lisa still had a fever and she was pale he hoped it would get better by time, so he decided to take care of her.

Now it was safe for them to take her to the Griffinburg, she needed a proper place to stay.