A Few Moments

Since it was all the time they had left it started to fly.

Edgar glanced at his watch as he kept walking and staring at the door of the house.

A moment later Lisa walked out of the door, once Edgar looked at her, he couldn't look away, his heart was pounding, and he wished everything could stay the way it was that day.

"Why did you tell me to get ready Edgar?" She came out wearing a floral yellow frock which was given by Alicia, she had two thin French braids going back to her head making a circle, and the rest of her hair was left open with a few hair strands falling on her face, very thin eyeliner and a light pink lipstick.

Edgar kept smiling at her, she looked so pretty, "Follow me!" started running as he took her to the park where she played with those kids, there was an archway underneath that park, and that archway was covered with flowers and vines.

He extended his hand toward her "Are you ready?" He asked as she held his hand.

It was a dark tunnel inside and after they walked further they saw a light, when they got out of that tunnel they saw a beautiful place, a place full of lights, fun rides, and a pond filled with colorful fishes.

There were many flowers, people, and especially happy kids, Edgar was successful in bringing a smile to her face.

Meanwhile, Ben and Alicia decorated the place, "This is so hard!" Alicia grunted.

"What? Hanging decorations?" Ben hung the ribbons by the window.

"Pretending to act normal around Lisa!" Alicia dropped the decorations and dropped on the couch.

"Hey!" Ben climbed down the stool and sat beside Alicia "Do you wanna talk about it?" He patted her on her shoulder.

"I don't know… I mean I killed someone for the first time… and that was my own brother!" She took a sigh.

"Not that I regret it, I… I just don't know how to feel about this, I feel relieved but on the other hand when I think about Lisa… I know I don't know her that well but this doesn't seem right!"

She turned her head toward Ben, "I think she has suffered so much without doing anything, and no one deserves to go through all of that!"

"You are right, It's been more than a month since I know her but it feels like… as if I knew her for a long time, when she hugged me for the first time it felt as if God finally granted me the sister I've been wanting since I was little." He bit his lower lip.

"I don't think it will be easy for me to move on from this loss!" He rested his head on the headrest of the couch.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Edgar were enjoying a fun ride, and just for the sake of her, he smiled more, she was happy, not because he brought her but because he chose to spend his time with her.

Edgar realized she needed water, her throat was drying up, and she was coughing, he tried to find it everywhere but he couldn't, there was a glass of red wine on a counter.

"Should I try this?" She turned to Edgar "I will throw out but at least my throat will be at peace." She insisted.

She picked up the glass and took a few sips "Oh, it…" She glanced at the glass "It tasted like red wine!" she smiled at Edgar.

"Really?" He was staring at her with surprise, he was happy that she found something that comforted her.

After Lisa was done enjoying all those rides and games, he covered her eyes with his hands "One last thing!" He whispered in her ear.

"Just don't forget it is also on my wish list to prepare dinner for you!" She giggled as he took her away from the crowd, he slowly removed his hands from her eyes and she saw a big board with a beautiful wallpaper of a beach on it.

He snapped and the musicians around started playing a beautiful melody.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as they danced to slow music, "Thank you!" She whispered as she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

"Edgar?" She whispered her voice was shaking "I don't want to die!" She whispered very low but he still heard her.

Edgar stared into her eyes for a couple of minutes and brought his face close to her, just right before when he was about to kiss her she placed her fingers on his lips and cried.

"I want to kiss you so bad, you know I do! But if I let you kiss me, it will be harder for me to say goodbye!" She closed her eyes and sighed.

He wiped her tears "I know, I know!" He placed his forehead on hers, the rain of tears still pouring down his cheeks "I wish I could give my life for yours!" He was shaking.

"It's okay." She smiled and wiped her tears, after a few minutes she held her head "Edgar, I don't feel fine!" She was falling but Edgar held her.

He carried her back to the house and helped her lay on the couch, Ben and Alicia were already there.

"Oh no, no! I needed to roast that turkey I had marinated!" Lisa was trying not to cry.

"It's okay, I knew something like this would happen so I had already prepared it for us!" Alicia wiped her sweat.

Lisa was weaker than before, she was burning and the sweat could be seen all over her body.

"I have got red wine for her! We just discovered she can drink it without any problem! Turns out it's her new favorite wine" Edgar tried to cheer her up and she smiled.

She sat back with Ben's help "I can't watch you like this!" Ben closed his eyes shut.

"Ben! Please stay, I have just lost my father, I made Edgar remove me from my mother's memory, I have no one, but just 3 of you, please be with me in my last moment!" She insisted.

"I promise, I won't leave your side!" Ben promised even though his heart was breaking for her.

They talked and laughed to keep her distracted until her eyes closed and she fell asleep, one by one they left the room to let her rest.

When Alicia got out she found Ben standing alone on the porch, "Where did he go?" She looked around but there was no sign of Edgar.

"He said he can't watch her die!" Ben walked to Alicia and hugged her.

"I think we should let her rest for a while" They held hands and walked away.

Meanwhile, Lisa woke up as her throat started to get dry again, and her heartbeats were rising, she knew she had no time left so she pushed herself off the couch and reached out to a pen paper on the table she wrote something on the paper.

She had no idea how fast she could write, after writing on the paper she folded it in her hand.

She coughed and blood came out of her mouth, she collapsed on the table, this is where Edgar left the red wine bottle with the glass, her vision was blurred.

All she knew was that she poured the wine into the glass, she started drinking it without taking a breath too much wine spilled out and while she was about to drink the end of the wine something got inside her mouth.

She took it out, it was a paper she unfolded it "I am sorry!" it said.

Everything in front of her eyes started fading into black her heartbeat raised until they started to slow down into nothing, she gently laid down on the carpet and a deep gasp was the last of her action.

Ben walked in to check up on Lisa and found her dead on the ground, she was nothing like the Lisa they'd been with, it was a corpse, a bloodless corpse with its bones visible, her eyes open.

"Lisa!" He called out to her, but it was too late.

Alicia also rushed in when she heard Ben yell, they both cried as they sat together beside each other, and then Alicia's eyes fell on a paper in her hand "For Edgar!" It said.

Alicia decided they wouldn't arrange a funeral because the news of being cursed by Lunarian would raise another battle among all the supernatural beings, whether they were good or bad and she also knew Edgar wouldn't be coming back.

So she chose to bury her in the backyard, Ben helped her dig a grave, she bathed Lisa and she made her lay on a soft slim fabric, they buried her in the ground and covered her grave with the dirt.

That night was the hardest night for them both, they sat together and talked to each other, "Let's have a toast of her favorite wine in her name!"

Alicia raised her glass with the red wine in it, "To another of Lunarian's victims, to an innocent girl who died for nothing!" She was upset.

"She was brave, she knew she was dying, but she wasn't afraid, she always saw the best in every situation." Ben was lost in thought "To Lisa Clark" He raised his glass, and as soon as Alicia took a sip she covered her mouth and rushed to the sink, she spat it out rinsing her mouth clean with the water.

"This is the worst red wine I've ever tasted!" She squinted.

"Why?" Ben asked and as soon as he took a sip his eyes widened "There's human blood in it!"

Alicia put her finger on her lips and then they heard the strange noise as if something was scratching the ground but very fast.

To be continued...

  1. If you want to read the volume 2 vote for my story ^_^ Thank you for sticking till the end!