
Chapter 33 - The Technique Unveiled

Determined to master the enigmatic technique that had led to his unconsciousness in the forest, Aiden sought guidance from the Bird Mask Man. He needed answers, an understanding of what had gone wrong when he had attempted to make the air dense with Neo Lights.

The Bird Mask Man, his expression as inscrutable as ever, listened attentively to Aiden's questions. When Aiden had finished explaining his predicament, the mentor let out a thoughtful sigh.

"Aiden," the Bird Mask Man began, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom, "what you attempted is a skill that only masters can truly wield. It requires not just control but an intimate connection with your Neo Light energy. You see, Neo Lights are not only your source of power but also your life force. Using them recklessly can lead to dangerous consequences, such as the loss of consciousness."

Aiden absorbed the mentor's words, realizing the gravity of his endeavor. It wasn't merely about controlling Neo Lights; it was about preserving the energy he needed to sustain himself.

The Bird Mask Man continued, "However, there is a technique that allows you to harness Neo Light energy more efficiently. By learning to save some of your energy, you can infuse multiple body parts with Neo Light power, but it requires an incredible level of control."

With newfound determination and the Bird Mask Man's guidance, Aiden ventured into the woods once more, this time with Elara by his side. He dedicated himself to mastering this challenging technique, tirelessly practicing day and night.

As the sun set on the second day of relentless training, Aiden experienced a breakthrough. He managed to infuse Neo Light energy into multiple body parts without exhausting his reserves. His control had reached a level that allowed him to harness the power without endangering himself.

Aiden knew that he had taken a significant step forward in his journey to master Neo Lights. With newfound skill and insight, he and Elara were prepared to face the challenges and adventures that lay ahead in the world of Lumina.With the technique finally mastered, Aiden felt a surge of confidence and purpose. The woods that had once been a place of trials and frustration had now become a symbol of his growth and determination.

He returned to their lodge, where Elara greeted him with a warm smile. She had been a constant source of support, and he couldn't have asked for a better partner on this journey.

As the days passed, Aiden and Elara continued to refine their skills and deepen their understanding of Neo Lights. The bond between them grew stronger with each challenge they faced, and they knew that their shared destiny in the world of Lumina was far from over.

With the Bird Mask Man's guidance and their unwavering determination, Aiden and Elara were ready to embrace whatever the future held. The mysteries of Neo Lights and the adventures of Lumina awaited, and they were more than prepared to face them together, united by their shared purpose and unbreakable bond.