
Chapter 37: Mastery Unveiled

Elara returned to Aiden, her face illuminated with excitement and newfound confidence. She couldn't wait to share her recent discovery with him. As she explained her new Neo lights technique, which she had dubbed the "Wash of Water," Aiden sat there in stunned amazement. He couldn't fathom how she had mastered such a technique on her own, and so quickly.

"Elara, this is incredible!" Aiden exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder. "I didn't realize you could advance your Neo lights powers so rapidly."

Elara shrugged modestly. "It just happened in the heat of the moment. I didn't even know I could do it until I had to."

Aiden couldn't help but be impressed by her resourcefulness and adaptability. He knew that Elara possessed immense potential, but this revelation showcased just how far she had come.

But Elara's revelations didn't stop there. She casually mentioned how she had "gotten rid of" the remaining Brothers of DAK. Aiden's surprise was palpable, and he stared at her in astonishment.

"You... you did what?" Aiden stammered, struggling to process this revelation.

Elara, unfazed, proceeded to explain the events in the dimly lit room, detailing how she had harnessed her Neo lights power to manipulate moisture, creating an overwhelming torrent of water that had subdued Dakary and Dan without taking their lives.

As he listened to her account, Aiden felt a surge of pride for his friend. She had faced danger head-on, displayed exceptional control over her abilities, and, in the end, spared the lives of those who had once threatened her. It was a testament to her strength and character.

After absorbing Elara's tale, Aiden agreed to accompany her to the Brothers of DAK's headquarters to claim the gold they had accumulated. With their newfound wealth, they decided to treat themselves to a well-deserved meal.

They dined at a fancy restaurant, savoring each exquisite bite of their meal. It was a stark contrast to the humble fare they had become accustomed to in their struggles. As they ate, they engaged in a thoughtful discussion about the morality of their actions.

"Killing the Brothers of DAK was extreme," Aiden admitted, furrowing his brow in contemplation.

Elara nodded, her expression serious. "I agree, but it was self-defense. We had no other choice. And they were stealing and causing harm in the city. In a way, they had it coming."

Aiden considered her words carefully. In a world where danger lurked at every corner, where the line between right and wrong was often blurred, he couldn't deny the logic in Elara's argument. As they continued their meal, they both understood that their journey was filled with complexities and moral dilemmas, but they were determined to face whatever challenges came their way, together.With the weight of their recent experiences hanging in the air, Aiden and Elara finished their meal in silence. It was a rare moment of respite in their unpredictable lives, a chance to reflect on their growth, choices, and the bonds that had grown even stronger between them.

As they left the restaurant and stepped back into the bustling city streets, they knew that their journey was far from over. They had faced dangers, honed their powers, and made difficult decisions, but the path ahead remained uncertain. What other challenges and secrets awaited them in this world of Neo lights and dungeons?

One thing was certain: they would face whatever came their way, armed not only with their unique abilities but also with the unbreakable friendship that had carried them through thick and thin. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, and they were determined to make their mark on this extraordinary world, one dungeon at a time.