
Chapter 57: dungeon B

Aiden and Elara have improved a lot so the thought to try out a new dungeon. They got the bird mask man to supervise, stepping in when needed.

As Aiden and Elara ventured deeper into the B-ranked dungeon, the bird mask man followed closely, ready to intervene if the situation called for it. The initial enemies were no match for their combined prowess. Elara's Neo light-infused whips and Aiden's sword cut through the foes with relative ease.

As they progressed further, they encountered tougher adversaries, but Aiden and Elara's teamwork improved with every battle. Elara's precision and ability to handle multiple opponents made her an excellent support in clearing waves of enemies, while Aiden's swordsmanship and enhanced blade, thanks to Neo lights, added a potent offensive dimension.

However, what puzzled them was the apparent ease of the dungeon so far. They expected more formidable challenges in a B-ranked dungeon, but nothing they encountered had truly pushed their limits.

Their expectations changed when they reached the boss chamber, where a colossal gorilla awaited them. It was a formidable creature with rippling muscles and a menacing glare. Elara, as usual, initiated the fight by ensnaring the massive beast with her Neo light-empowered whips.

Aiden took advantage of the moment and climbed up the ropes to strike the gorilla with his blazing sword. But to their astonishment, the gorilla effortlessly broke free from Elara's ensnarement, sending Aiden tumbling to the ground.

Aiden landed on his feet, undeterred. He ignited his sword with Neo lights, setting it ablaze with fiery power. He extended the blade and swung it backward, aiming for a powerful strike at the gorilla. The clash between sword and beast created a fiery and electric explosion that sent shockwaves through the chamber.

The gorilla, though staggered, roared in fury and retaliated with a mighty swipe, its enormous arms acting as an impenetrable shield. Aiden's attack had wounded it, but it remained a formidable adversary.

That's when the bird mask man decided to step in. With unparalleled swiftness and precision, he darted forward, closing the gap between himself and the gorilla in an instant. In one seamless motion, he plunged his blade into the back of the gorilla's neck.

The massive beast shuddered and then collapsed, lifeless, to the ground. Aiden and Elara stared in awe at the bird mask man's swift and efficient takedown of the formidable foe.

Their shock quickly turned into admiration, as they realized that there was still much they had to learn from their enigmatic mentor. The dungeons might not always follow the expected difficulty curve, but with the bird mask man guiding them, they felt more confident facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the gorilla boss defeated, the bird mask man turned to Aiden and Elara, his expression hidden behind his enigmatic mask. He nodded in approval, acknowledging their efforts with a subtle gesture.

"You both did well," he said in his deep, reassuring voice. "But remember, strength isn't solely measured by the rank of a dungeon. It's about adaptability, strategy, and mastering your own abilities."

Aiden and Elara exchanged glances, realizing the wisdom in his words. Their journey had been filled with surprises and challenges, and they were gradually grasping the intricacies of their unique powers.

As they exited the dungeon, the trio returned to Lumina, their steps filled with newfound determination. Aiden and Elara were eager to continue their training, knowing that there was still much to discover about the depths of their Neo light abilities.

Back at their penthouse, they settled down for a well-deserved rest. Aiden and Elara's trust in their mentor had grown stronger, and they couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries shrouding the man behind the bird mask.

With every challenge they faced and every victory they achieved, Aiden and Elara moved closer to their ultimate goal: mastering their Neo light powers and uncovering the truth behind Aidens moms disappearing.

As they drifted off to sleep, they carried with them the lessons learned from the dungeon and the unwavering belief that their journey was far from over.