
Chapter 63: Clash with Jamal

Aiden and Elara exchanged determined glances, their decision made. They couldn't simply allow themselves to be captured by Dezmen, not when there was so much at stake. Jamal's demand had pushed them into a confrontation, and now they were poised to face the enigmatic leader head-on.

Jamal nodded in acknowledgment of their choice but said nothing more. With a swift, fluid motion, he shifted his stance into a battle-ready position. The tension in the air was palpable as Aiden and Elara prepared themselves for the impending clash.

Aiden, his resolve burning bright, channeled his Neo light into his sword, imbuing it with a fiery intensity. His unique power allowed him to manipulate friction and body temperature, which he harnessed to ignite his weapon in flames. The blade crackled with fire, casting an eerie glow across the field.

Elara acted swiftly, spitting on her hand to activate her healing ability, a preemptive measure to ensure they would be ready for whatever came next. The tension in the air thickened as the moment of confrontation drew closer.

With a sudden burst of energy, Aiden charged forward, his flaming sword held high. Jamal was ready for him, his body morphing into a formidable, brick-like form that made him massive and imposing. Aiden's sword struck Jamal with a resounding impact, and the leader of Dezmen was sent hurtling back, crashing through the night air for a distance of fifteen feet.

However, Jamal was not deterred. He rose from the ground with an unyielding determination, his gaze fixed on Aiden and Elara. In a swift and powerful charge, he closed the gap between them, his brick-like form granting him incredible strength and resilience.

Elara, quick to react, deployed her whips in an attempt to slow Jamal's advance. The ethereal tendrils of her Neo light tangled around him, but Jamal demonstrated astonishing strength, effortlessly breaking free from their grip. He was a relentless force, and he had Aiden and Elara in his sights.

With blinding speed, Jamal seized Aiden, his immense strength evident as he slammed Aiden onto the ground three times with bone-shattering force. Aiden's body ached, and he knew he needed healing urgently. But there was no respite, for Jamal now turned his attention to Elara.

Elara, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, screamed out in desperation. Her Neo lights surged, transforming the ground beneath them into a turbulent ocean of rough water. Jamal, caught off guard, found himself bewildered as he was drawn into the whirlpool that had suddenly formed around Elara.

Elara's whips, now resembling tentacles of a kraken, lashed out with formidable power. She lifted Jamal off the ground, his brick-like form offering no protection against the might of her Neo light. With a resounding crash, she hurled him around, delivering punishing blows until, at last, he shattered into countless pieces.

The field was left in silence, save for the sounds of ragged breathing and the distant rush of water. Aiden and Elara stood victorious but shaken, their confrontation with Jamal having tested the limits of their abilities. As they looked upon the shattered remnants of Dezmen's leader, they knew that their journey was far from over, and more challenges awaited them on the horizon.