
Chapter 78:

Aiden and Elara received an urgent call to participate in another fight at the city's renowned fight club. While they prepared to head out for the match, Lila decided to stay behind at the penthouse, her thoughts divided between their absence and the tempting modeling offers she had received.

As her friends left for the fight club, Lila settled into the plush couch in the living room, her laptop open in front of her. She couldn't help but smile, knowing that this time, she would be the one in the spotlight.

The first interview was scheduled via video call, and Lila leaned forward to start the meeting. On the screen, a sharply dressed man with perfectly coiffed hair introduced himself as Mr. Wainwright, a prominent modeling agency director.

"Hello, Ms. Lila," he said, his voice dripping with sophistication. "We were quite impressed with your portfolio. However, I must ask, can you twirl gracefully in a dress made entirely of broccoli?"

Lila blinked in confusion, wondering if this was some kind of bizarre test. "Um, I suppose I could try...?"

Mr. Wainwright nodded as if she had just given the most profound answer. "Excellent! We'll be in touch. Remember, broccoli is the future of fashion."

Lila couldn't help but chuckle as she ended the call. Fashion could be stranger than she had ever imagined.

The second interview took place at a chic boutique. Lila arrived and was met by a flamboyantly dressed designer named Madame Monique. The designer was known for her avant-garde creations that pushed the boundaries of conventional fashion.

Madame Monique gestured dramatically toward a rack of clothing that seemed to defy the laws of physics. "Darling, I want you to wear this ensemble for our show. It's inspired by the chaos theory, you see. The dress itself is a paradox!"

Lila tried to imagine herself in the outfit, which appeared to consist of swirling fabrics and geometric shapes. "It's certainly... unique."

Madame Monique clapped her hands with glee. "Ah, you have the vision! We'll revolutionize the runway with your presence, darling. The world will never be the same!"

After leaving the boutique, Lila felt a mixture of bemusement and excitement. She had no idea that the fashion industry could be this eccentric.

Her final interview took her to a grand studio where a renowned photographer named Maximilian awaited her. Maximilian was known for his breathtaking fashion photography that transcended traditional boundaries.

He greeted Lila with a flourish, his camera dangling from his neck like a prized possession. "Ah, my muse has arrived! We shall create art today, Ms. Lila. First, I need you to pose with... a giant rubber duck."

Lila blinked as an assistant wheeled in a massive inflatable rubber duck that seemed utterly out of place in the studio. She posed next to the absurd prop as Maximilian worked his magic with the camera.

As the photoshoot continued, Maximilian directed Lila through a series of increasingly unconventional poses. She balanced on one foot while holding a slice of pizza and even attempted a gravity-defying leap while wearing a neon tutu.

At the end of the shoot, Maximilian reviewed the photos with Lila. "Ah, these are simply magnificent, my dear. The world shall marvel at your audacity in the face of a giant rubber duck. You're a star!"

Lila couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Fashion, modeling, and the world beyond the battlefield were certainly proving to be an adventure of their own.

As she wrapped up her day of bizarre interviews, Lila couldn't wait to share her experiences with Aiden and Elara when they returned. Little did she know that her friends were in for a surprise of their own in the world of underground fighting.