
Chapter 85: An Evening by the Sea

Aiden and Elara strolled along the moonlit beach, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore providing a soothing backdrop to their evening. They had decided to have a quiet dinner together while Lila was occupied with her modeling job.

As they walked, Elara cast a playful glance in Aiden's direction, a mischievous smile on her lips. "You know," she began in a soft, teasing tone, "it's rather nice to have some alone time like this."

Aiden chuckled, his gaze fixed on the shimmering expanse of the ocean. "It is," he agreed, "and without Lila's playful distractions."

Elara laughed, a melodious sound that danced in the evening breeze. "Speaking of distractions," she said, "I couldn't help but notice how focused you were during training today."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Oh? And what did you notice, exactly?"

She shrugged casually, her shoulder brushing against his. "Well, you seemed particularly determined, even more so than usual. It's as if you're on a mission to become the strongest Neo Lights user."

Aiden smirked, unable to resist her gentle teasing. "Maybe I am," he admitted. "But I have to keep up with you and Lila, don't I?"

Elara laughed again, a warm and genuine sound that made Aiden's heart skip a beat. "You don't have to try too hard," she replied softly, "we already think you're amazing just the way you are."

Aiden felt a rush of warmth at her words, his gaze meeting hers. The moonlight reflected in her eyes, giving them an enchanting glow. "I could say the same about you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Their steps slowed as they continued along the shore, toes sinking into the cool, wet sand. Aiden's hand brushed against Elara's, their fingers intertwining naturally.

Elara's cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked away for a moment before meeting his gaze again. "You know," she said with a soft smile, "I'm glad we met. It's been quite an adventure."

Aiden couldn't agree more. Their journey had been filled with challenges, but it had also brought them closer together. "I'm glad too," he replied, his tone sincere. "I wouldn't trade this for anything."

They walked in comfortable silence for a while, the gentle sound of the waves serenading them. As they reached a secluded spot on the beach, Aiden spread out his jacket for them to sit on.

Sitting side by side, their shoulders touching, they continued to talk, sharing stories and dreams. The evening air was filled with laughter and a palpable sense of connection.

As the hours passed, they gazed at the stars overhead, lost in the tranquility of the moment. Elara's hand found its way to Aiden's again, their fingers entwined like an unbreakable bond.

Under the moonlit sky, Aiden and Elara flirted subtly, their words and glances filled with an unspoken affection. The night was young, and the possibilities were endless, but for now, they were content to share this serene moment by the sea, their hearts open to whatever the future held.