
Chapter 89: Infiltrating the Warehouse

Lila dashed through the outskirts of town with the man she had taken from the modeling agency's secure room slung over her shoulder. Her incredible mobility, fueled by her unique power, allowed her to move swiftly and efficiently. Her jumps and sprints were executed with such grace that it seemed as if she were defying gravity itself.

With every leap, she drew closer to her destination—the old warehouse where the leader of the sinister operation was rumored to be. The man she carried had initially attempted to yell for help, but Lila had quickly silenced him by burrowing him into her chest, muffling any cries for assistance.

After reaching a remote location far from the warehouse, Lila gently set the man down. She fixed him with a stern gaze, making her intentions clear.

Lila: "Stay quiet, or you'll find yourself in a far worse situation."

With that warning hanging in the air, Lila sprinted back toward the warehouse. Her mastery over her Neo lights allowed her to move silently, like a ghost.

Peering through a cracked window, Lila observed a scene that sent chills down her spine. In the dimly lit room, a very short man stood at the head of a long table, surrounded by a group of large, muscular men—all of them impeccably dressed in suits.

Lila strained to hear their conversation, and her ears picked up snippets of their sinister plans.

Short Man: "Our operation is flourishing. Those knights we've coerced into working for us keep supplying the funds we need."

Muscular Man 1: "It's amazing how they think they're doing it voluntarily. They have no idea who they're really working for."

Muscular Man 2: "And these fashion shoots provide the perfect cover for our money laundering. The authorities won't suspect a thing."

The more Lila heard, the clearer the extent of their illegal activities became. They were exploiting knights, forcing them to hand over their hard-earned dungeon loot, and using the modeling agency as a front to launder the ill-gotten gains.

Lila knew she had to act, but she needed more information before confronting the criminals responsible. Withdrawing quietly from her vantage point, she decided to delve deeper into their operation, hoping to uncover their secrets and bring them to justice.

As she slipped away, Lila left the man she had captured earlier in a secluded area, promising herself that she would deal with him after she had dismantled the entire operation and saved those who had been ensnared by these ruthless criminals.