
Chapter 96/97: FIGHT

Aiden and Elara met up with Lila in the early evening, determined to confront Aiden's estranged father. As they approached his house, they couldn't help but feel the tension in the air. Aiden hadn't seen his father in years, and uncertainty hung over their reunion.

When they reached the front of Aiden's father's house, Aiden hesitated before raising his hand to knock on the door. It creaked open, revealing a middle-aged man with stern eyes and a scowl etched on his face.

Aiden's Dad: "What are you doing here?" His voice was laced with anger, clearly surprised and not pleased with their unexpected visit.

Aiden: "We need to talk, Dad. It's been too long."

Aiden's Dad: "I have nothing to say to you. Leave."

Aiden clenched his fists, his determination growing. He couldn't just walk away without answers, not this time.

Aiden: "I won't leave until you tell me what happened to Mom."

Aiden's Dad's eyes flashed with anger. He stepped out onto the porch, gesturing for them to follow. They walked with him to a nearby open field. It was eerily quiet, and the soft breeze seemed to carry their apprehension.

Aiden's Dad: "You want answers, Aiden? You think you can just waltz back into my life and demand them?"

Aiden: "I've waited long enough. Tell me what happened to Mom."

Aiden's Dad's face twisted with bitterness as he glanced at Elara and Lila, his distaste for their presence evident.

Aiden's Dad: "If you want answers, you'll have to earn them."

Aiden's heart sank as his father took a defensive stance, his Neo-light abilities at the ready. It was clear that his father was challenging them, but Aiden wasn't sure in what way.

Aiden: "Fine, Dad. We'll do it your way."

With that, the stage was set for a confrontation that would reveal long-held secrets and perhaps heal old wounds. Aiden and Elara braced themselves for whatever test or challenge Aiden's father had in mind, determined to uncover the truth about Aiden's mother's disappearance.

Chapter 97: Skip This Part Kids

Lila was determined to fight for Aiden and help him with his life long goals. Though with adrenaline comes flash backs. Lila has a flash back to the night with Daniel. Lila got on her knees as smiled. With feeling everywhere a passion envoked among them. But during that time with Daniel, she wishes it was Aiden.

Elara has a flash back. Elara remembers spending time with Aiden, she wishes to continue that. So she fights hard in this battle, no holding back.

Aiden has a flash back. He sees his mom, lovely and caring. Then he sees Lila and Elara, both girls he loves as friends and maybe more.