I take a seat happily,
This lounge room is great company.
Snacks and books hog my personal space,
I must study and not take a break.
I am all alone, no one could be seen anyway,
The offices were closed and remained unawake.
I smell her, Grandma's presence lingers near,
She follows me here.
I whisper a hello and fear someone would suddenly pass,
But all I hear is a "Hi, Doll," back.
My body feels the pain within my heart,
My Grandma has suffered such a huge loss,
I hear her favorite songs,
Grandma is secure now.
She calls me and tells me that I must grieve,
It's fine feeling angry.
Her stroke made her body decline,
But her soul remembers the divine.
I choke a hello in fear that someone would suddenly pass,
But all I hear is a "Hi, Doll," back.