Chapter Twenty Four: Prophecy

Vallus was furious yet speechless. He knew Adelaide was right but if she had been there when Artemis had told him who was meant to be his right hand man to leave the room she would understand his position. He was beginning to think that there was something, some sort of secret that Lord Creon and Artemis were hiding from him and he was going to find out one way or the other even if that did not include Adelaide.

He made his apologies to a sobbing Adelaide and left to find Artemis.

"Your Majesty," he found Artemis in his study pacing.

"Vallus, you're here... Good. I was just about to ask for you. Lord Creon propositioned you take the lead in protecting the city and I agree you know more about..."

"Is that all your discussion with Lord Creon was about?" Vallus hated that he sounded hurt but he could not help it.

"Vallus? This is a matter of national crisis and you choose to be petty at this moment?" Artemis asked his friend, disappointed.