Chapter Thirty Five: A Game Of Fate

"It is just one of the many," the voice whispered. The branch still caressed her shoulders gently. A form of comfort was offered as the voice continues. "There is so much more for you."

"Like?" Velma asked. She wished she could use her hands to hold the branches that gave her comfort.

"It is not in my place to say," the voice replied. "Only your goddess can."

"So I cannot decide what I want to do with my life then? Because I am what? The blue wolf?" Velma asked with irritation. "Why did I even have to be? I never asked for such a life."

"Neither did others," the voice said solemnly. "You just have to remember that this life of yours and of others is a playground for the gods."

"What do you mean?" Velma frowned, trying to sit up well.

"Fate is a game to the gods, they take pleasure in it."

"To it's believers detriment?"

"No," the voice countered. "It's never to the detriment of anyone. There is always good in the bad."