Chapter Thirty Seven: A Confrontation

Myrtle's heart raced at his proposal. Run away together? Though she had tried to move on from Pete these past few days she had caught herself daydreaming about running away with Pete. However, that could not happen.

"Run away?" Pete could sense the venom in her voice. He hands were shaking and it was not from the cold but at her inevitable refusal.

"I... I have a place we can go, there's a land suitable for us to..." even as he said this his voice faltered.

"I cannot believe you would suggest such a thing!" her voice was like a slap on his face.

"Myrtle, it's not that bad of an idea. We'll be..."

"You are clueless aren't you? How can you tell me to run away from home when my parents have just suffered from the lose of losing a daughter. How insensitive can you be to suggest that they lose another," Myrtle berated her mate.

"Myrtle, we have our lives..."