Chapter Ninety Four: "He Is Here For You."

Velma gasped, her heart pounding against her chest, her breath catching in her throat, her wide eyes filled with a mix of shock and disbelief. It was as if time had momentarily frozen, allowing her to vividly recall every single detail of that fateful encounter with the doctor. The sterile smell of the hospital, that antiseptic scent that clung to her senses, seemed to linger in her memory, intensifying the gravity of the situation at hand.

Her mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of it all. Could it be possible that her blood was the very reason why he found her alluring? Was it her glow encapsulated within the confines of this glass box, that had captivated him? The thought sent a chill down her spine, causing her body to tremble involuntarily.

The atmosphere, clinical and devoid of any warmth, seemed to seep into her very being. The stark white walls, so sterile and impersonal, only served to amplify her unease.