Chapter One Hundred & Fifteen: You Move Ahead Of Yourself.

"Celeena?" Velma asked tentatively, her voice echoing softly in the sterile hospital room. The name hung in the air, a whisper of recognition and longing. Celeena was the only spirit that Velma believed could be reaching out to her in that moment.

Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the distant sounds of footsteps in the corridor, the murmur of doctors and nurses conversing, the plaintive cry of a newborn baby, and the faint rustle of wind outside. Velma's brow furrowed in frustration as she waited for a response that did not come.

"Have I not endured enough trials?" Velma muttered to herself, a hint of irritation creeping into her tone. "All the dormant power within me, rumored to be vast and potent, remains inaccessible and—"