Chapter One Hundred & Eighty Five: Opportunity Comes But Once

Lord Creon had devised a strategy he hoped would work. He had noticed that as the blue walls had begun to thin out the rebel cult had started to bring more soldiers to the temple. He wanted his men to be at the frontline of the temple but if he did that the rebel army would kill them off so he needed his men to blend among the rebel cult. For that he needed their uniforms and to do that he needed either to kill as many men of them as possible or raid their tent.

He had been observing them for over a month now and he knew that they kept their supplies in the surrounding homes of some of the residents. He believed there were uniforms among the supplies they kept there and he was going to raid the homes.

He discussed his plans with his lieutenant who said, "that's crazy sir, absolutely nuts!"

"How else can we surround the temple without being suspicious? You tell me, I'm listening," returned Lord Creon but his lieutenant kept quiet. He had no ideas himself.