Chapter 6: The Mighty Octostomp

After taking his transportation vehicle back to the surface, Roenaldo noticed a peculiar event happening. Looking at the wires surrounding each kettle, he could see that they were each starting to crackle with leftover electricity. The combined energy emanating from each of the kettles travelled along their respective lines, resulting in all of the energy pooling in a circle surrounding the large kettle. This action simulated the magnetic properties if the kettle's lid, causing the heavy cover to lift up and fall to the side, creating an opening for Roenaldo to dive into. "Leaping lungfish," exclaimed the Captain, "Looks like collecting all those Zapfish did more than neutralize those Octarian bases. Now you can head into that important-looking kettle! Well, what are you waiting for? It's time to charge!" Roenaldo walked over to the exposed kettle and looked down, wondering what could possibly be waiting for him down there. Shaking his head once to clear away any doubt, he prepared his mind and dived into the porous opening, steeling his resolve for what was to come.

Roenaldo landed in a dark room that contained nothing but a sea of purple ink and the eerie, quiet sound of machinery in the distance. Roenaldo looked forward to see that there was a yellow launch pad waiting for him, so he walked over with determination and jumped over to a lone, metal island in the purple sea. Once he landed, he walked forward in the unsettling landscape to find a giant, imposing block of metal that was still as a rock. Roenaldo looked at the massive object with anticipation, wondering what something like this was doing here. He looked further up still to see a poor Zapfish descending from the ceiling. As the fish approached, Roenaldo could see a big, red, slimy tentacle emerging from a hole in the top of the cube, and the Zapfish looked down and whimpered with fear. Suddenly, the tentacle lashed upwards, grabbing the Zapfish in its cruel embrace as the piscine cried out in terror. With a withdrawal of itself, the tentacle pulled the Zapfish into the cubic object, and everything grew silent for a while. Suddenly, the crackling sound of electricity could be heard, and the floor started to glow a faint purple. At that moment, the large object started to hum as it came to life, and tiny but powerful legs sprouted out of one side. Lifting itself with the mighty force of said legs, the cube stood on its feet and turned towards Roenaldo, revealing a menacing face with purple ink dripping all over it and squares for eyes and a mouth. It started shaking violently before letting out a powerful roar, shaking the very ground with its voice. Roenaldo had to grit his teeth to withstand the sheer volume of the robot's voice. "Suffering sea snails," exclaimed Cuttlefish, "This is unbelievable! Agent 3, you're face to face with the mighty Octostomp! I could've sworn that we had decommissioned this thing ages ago!" As Cuttlefish was saying this, the Octostomp ran its heavy body straight towards Roenaldo, who was on the verge of cracking in the face of this behemoth. Once the cubic monster got close enough, it leaped at a height unbefitting of its size and started crashing down. Too intimidated to react in time, Roenaldo found himself absolutely crushed by the weight of the superweapon, and his body was immediately destroyed. The Octostomp lifted its body to reveal only a puddle of yellow ink and some clothes. From the squashed remains arose Roenaldo's ghost, who floated back towards the launch pad with no voluntary input from Roenaldo's conscience.

After a brief period of time, Roenaldo's body was revived by the handy respawn base behind the launch pad. "Careful, bucko," said the Captain, "That Octostomp is a very formidable foe. I would make it my best interest to dodge away from its body slams; you only have two respawns left!" Although Roenaldo was somewhat reluctant to take on this giant, he knew that the fate of Inkopolis relied on him. With this fact in mind, Roenaldo once again focused his mind on victory, taking a deep breath to quell his fears before jumping back into battle.

Hearing Roenaldo's reentrance, the Octostomp was surprised to see that its prey was still alive. Disdained by this fact, it once again ran towards Roenaldo and initiated another body slam attack. This time, however, Roenaldo was prepared, and he quickly inked a path to the left and swam in it to dodge the attack. With the Octostomp's inky face stuck firmly in the ground, Roenaldo noticed that it's sides were relatively dry. "Oho," said the captain, "I used to love doing this part. Quickly, Agent 3, ink a path up the sides so you can climb this thing." Heeding to these instructions, Roenaldo applied shots of ink to the metallic parts of the Octostomp and swam vertically, ending up standing in front of the hole where the tentacle had emerged. Curious to see what had caused this sudden disturbance, said tentacle emerged from the crevice, sensing Roenaldo's presence. Knowing that now was the time to strike, Roenaldo blasted the tentacle directly with his Hero Shot, causing it to curl up in pain.

Thinking that he had bested this creature, Roenaldo jumped off of the cube to the ground below. However, the tentacle only rose back up and dived into the Octostomp, controlling it to get back up on its feet. Knowing what had happened last time, it extended its face and retracted it quickly, with the recoil force causing parts of its sides to be removed, revealing dangerous electrical wiring. With this modification complete, the Octostomp once again attempted to squash Roenaldo, who executed the same method of evasion. The Octostomp was smarter this time around, and it kicked one of its legs to the ground to flip over to where Roenaldo was busy inking one of its sides. Luckily, Roenaldo was wary enough to sense the moving of the Octostomp's leg, and he managed to dodge the follow-up attack. Unfortunately, Roenaldo was now unable to climb up the side that he had inked, as it was now fixed to the ground. As a result, he had no choice but to wait as the Octostomp regained strength in its legs so that it could get back up. With no other game plan, the Octostomp launched yet another slam attack. Knowing that he had previously inked one side of the cube, Roenaldo dodged in the direction of said side. By doing this, Roenaldo was able to quickly climb up the machine before it could launch another secondary strike. When the tentacle emerged, it attempted to throw purple globs of ink at Roenaldo that it had stored in its cockpit. Since Roenaldo was experienced in dealing with Octotroopers who used similar attacks, Roenaldo was able to evade the ink and shoot the tentacle, causing it to retreat back into its machine again.

Once it did this, the Octostomp started shaking violently, forcing Roenaldo off. Once Roenaldo landed, the Octostomp turned angrily towards him, stomping its foot in rage. It again extended and contracted its face to break away more inkable panels from its sides. Filled with malice, the Octostomp let out another deafening roar. It then dashed towards Roenaldo, appearing to be initiating another body slam. In response, Roenaldo preemptively inked an escape route and swam along it. However, this attack was a fake -out, and the Octostomp executed his actual attack right on the spot where Roenaldo was standing. Completely caught off guard by this trick, Roenaldo was again stomped by the behemoth.

Once more, Roenaldo was forced back to the respawn base. "Aye," said Cuttlefish, "That was a dirty trick. Don't slip up, Agent 3, if you get splatted again, you'll head straight to Davy Jone's locker!" Roenaldo's heart skipped a beat. His life was truly in danger now. With this dire fact stimulating hi senses, his adrenal gland went into overdrive, and his fight-or-flight response activated. At this moment, more than ever, it was now or never. Now extremely desperate, Roenaldo rushed back to the arena with a head full of steam, filled with pure determination for making it out of this alive. This was not going to be where his story ended.

Noticing Roenaldo's final arrival, the Octostomp launched yet another slam, intending to trick Roenaldo again. Roenaldo, however, was not a fool, and he perfectly anticipated the Octostomp's act by inking two separate paths to bait out the brute's actual attack. With the machine's face stuck in the ground, Roenaldo blasted the now-shifting inkable panels with yellow, and his sheer amount of adrenaline provided him with the speed boost needed to quickly swim up the moving panels before the Octostomp could flip over. Now facing the livid tentacle, Roenaldo's face gained a hyper-fixated expression. Both battlers were in an intense moment of tension. The outcome of this bout would determine the course of actions going forward. The tentacle broke the moment of tension by whipping itself toward Roenaldo, hoping to knock him senseless. Roenaldo, with his power greatly heightened, stomped on the tentacle with his strong leg, stunning it long enough to one final, energy-fueled barrage of yellow ink from the Hero Shot to assault the tentacle. Roenaldo yelled with sheer intensity as he lit up the tentacle, causing its skin to turn more yellow and more swollen. Eventually, after enough punishment, the tentacle burst in a large display of yellow, and the leftover ink dripped down into the inner workings of the Octostomp. Afterwards, the machine once again started to shake violently, and Roenaldo quickly jumped off, sensing the danger. Once he landed, the Octostomp started to glow brightly, making glitchy, malfunctioning sounds as it's legs spun around and around. Finally, after that display, it exploded in a massive burst of yellow, causing the entire area to be painted.

Roenaldo was caught at the forefront of this blast, but the protective, black covering around his eyes prevented any ink from getting in his eyes. In the shower of ink, Roenaldo could see a Zapfish standing in the rubble of the destroyed Octostomp, scared for its life. Roenaldo walked over calmly to it, hoping to calm the fish down. This approach worked out well for him, as the Zapfish showed no intent to shock him. At that moment, the gravity of what Roenaldo had done became apparent to him, and he was immediately filled with a major sense of power and accomplishment. He had managed to survive in the face of a powerful weapon used in a war of old, when it had likely ended the lives of many. Roenaldo simply could not suppress these intense emotions, and he jumped for joy with the Zapfish in his hand. This caused the tense Zapfish to administer a painful shock to Roenaldo, who was greatly inconvenienced. "I can't believe my eyes," said the captain, "You've really done it. You've stomped the Octostomp! I tell you, boy, you're going to make it BIG as an agent. Now get into the drone, we've still got to find that Great Zapfish!" Satisfied with a job well done, Roenaldo took his prize and returned to the surface.