Bugs Bug Domino

The episode starts with Jessie, Meowth, and Domino walking in the Viridian Forest. The narrator starts off the episode. "After defeating three people from a criminal organization named Team Rocket, Jessie, along with Meowth and Domino, now make their way to the Viridian Forest."

Jessie stops in her tracks, causing the Meowth and Domino to do as well, and she starts scratching her head. "Uhh… what way was it again?" Jessie says quietly to herself.

"What's the matter, Jessie? Ms. Pokémon Master doesn't know where she's going?" Domino asked, rhetorically.

Meowth groans. "Here we go again…"

Jessie turns around to face Domino to respond to her rhetoric mark. "I would focus more on getting us out of here if you shut your mouth! Why are you even following us anyway?"

"Because of my bike!" Domino responded, raising her fist angrily. "Don't think you're getting this off scot-free! I'll follow you around the world if I have to until you pay me back for my bike!"

"Oh yeah?! What if I never pay back then?!" Jessie responded with intense anger.

Domino replies with fire surrounding her in anger. "YOU BETTER PAY ME BACK, JESSIE!"

As Jessie and Domino continue arguing and yelling at each other, a larval insect with a venomous stinger on its head appears crawling next to Meowth as the talking Pokémon notices it to his left. "Oh hey! You gotta check out this cat-fight. Pun intended." Meowth chuckles to himself.

The wild larval Pokémon looks at two fighting and cries in confusion. "Weedle?"

The cry causes Jessie and Domino to stop arguing and turn where it came from and both spot the wild larval Pokémon. "Oh cool, what's that?!" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex and aims directly at it.

"Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokémon. Bug and poison type. Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head."

Domino screams out loud in fear. "A BUG!" She immediately backs away from the Weedle.

Both Jessie and Meowth look at Domino in confusion. "Huh?"

The title screen shows.

"Bugs Bug Domino"

"What's the matter this time? Why are you scared of Weedle?" Jessie asked.

"Maybe it's because of its venomous stinger?" Meowth assumed. "I would if I was a human."

Domino shakes her head. "It's not only that, it's because-"

Jessie cuts her off. "I honestly don't care right now, because I want to catch this Weedle before it crawls away. Ready, Meowth?" She looked where Meowth was standing, but he wasn't there. "What?! Meowth, where did you go?!"

"I'm not wasting my energy on a dumb bug," Meowth said, revealing to be sitting down on the ground behind Jessie and Domino. "Use a different Pokémon or whatever."

"Fine, you're such a lazy Meowth!" Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball. "Elekid, I choose you!" She sends out Elekid against Weedle.

Elekid materializes. "Ele!"

"Jessie, why would you use Elekid when you have a Pidgeotto that's super effective against a bug type like Weedle?!" Domino questioned with confusion.

"Be quiet so I can focus! Elekid, use Thunder Punch!" Jessie commanded.

Elekid starts rubbing its fists together to create an electric charge, but a white string ties up the electric baby Pokémon before it can do so from Weedle's mouth. "ELE?!" Elekid cried out in shock, trying to move but it was stuck in silk.

Weedle starts charging directly at Elekid with its pointer pointing directly at it.

Domino warns Jessie with worriedness. "Jessie, Weedle's gonna use its Poison Sting attack! Recall Elekid before it gets poisoned!"

Jessie quickly pulls out Elekid's Poké Ball. "Elekid, return!" She recalls Elekid, causing the silk to fall to the ground.

Weedle ends up striking the air from Elekid being recalled and falling to its face.

Jessie quickly pulls out a different Poké Ball. "Pidgeotto, go!" She sends out Pidgeotto this time to face Weedle.

Pidgeotto materializes. "Pidgeotto!" The bird Pokémon towers over Weedle's short height.

Weedle recovers from hitting the ground, only to look up and see Pidgeotto looking down on it. "WEEDLE!" The hairy bug Pokémon quickly tries to crawl away from it.

"Don't let Weedle get away! Use your beak to pick it up, Pidgeotto!" Jessie commanded.

Jessie's command causes Meowth and Domino to both gasp. "She's not going to do what we're both thinking about, right?" Meowth questioned.

"I hope not. Even a bug doesn't deserve this at all." Domino replied.

"Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto easily catches up to Weedle and picks up the hairy bug Pokémon off the ground with its beak.

"WEEDLE! WEEDLE! WEEDLE!" Weedle starts squirming while being grabbed by Pidgeotto's beak, trying to get out.

"Way to go, Pidgeotto! Now hold Weedle steady just like that!" Jessie slowly pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "Poké Ball, go!" Aiming at the struggling Weedle, Jessie throws her Poké Ball.

The empty Poké Ball hits Weedle and the hairy bug Pokémon goes in as the Poké Ball hits the ground. It starts shaking as Jessie, Meowth, Domino, and Pidgeotto all stare while it's doing so. After three shakes, the Poké Ball clicks, signaling a successful catch.

Upon the Poké Ball clicking, Jessie smiles in delight. "Yes, I caught Weedle! Nice job, Pidgeotto!" She recalls Pidgeotto back in its Poké Ball.

As Jessie goes over to pick up the Poké Ball containing Weedle, she turns now and then receives a slap from Domino. "OW! What did you do that for?! I used Pidgeotto just like you said!"

Domino gets up in Jessie's face. "You're just lucky Pidgeotto wasn't hungry at the moment or you would've had to find a new Weedle to catch! I bet the reason why you even managed to catch Weedle was because it was scared for its life!"

Meowth agrees with Domino's statement. "She's got a point, Jessie. It was a harsh way to catch Weedle, you could've used an actual move or something."

"Oh yeah?! If you're such a more experienced trainer then you take Weedle!" Jessie shows Domino Weedle's Poké Ball she has in her hand, extending it to her.

Domino gets scared and she starts backing away. "N-no thanks, you can keep that bug."

A green caterpillar with a yellow underside and teardrop-shaped tail crawls into Jessie and Meowth's view where Domino is backing up near it without knowing.

"Umm, Domino…" Jessie said, trying to warn her.

"It's fine, Jessie, you can keep the Weedle, trust me." Domino continues backing away until she accidentally trips on the green caterpillar and an empty Poké Ball slips out from her pocket.

The Poké Ball hits the ground, the green caterpillar looks at it in curiosity. The creature crawls towards the Poké Ball, hits it with its nose, and goes in. The Poké Ball shakes three times before clicking, signaling a successful catch.

Domino gets up and holds her head as she groans in pain. "What happened?"

"Congratulations, oblong piece, you caught yourself a brand new Pokémon!" Meowth teased with a chuckle.

"Really?!" Domino picks up the Poké Ball, holding it in her hands with excitement. "What is it?!"

The Poké Ball opens in Domino's hand, revealing the green critter to her. "Caterpie!" The insect cried out.

Domino was stunned in fear. "AH!" She screams, throwing the Pokémon in the air, and running away.

"CATERPIE?!" The Pokémon screams from being in the air and coming down.

"DOMINO!" Jessie quickly reacts and catches the green critter Pokémon with her hands before it hits the ground.

Meowth laughs and claps. "Bravo! Bravo! Would like to see that again!

"Quit it, Meowth!" Jessie focuses on the green critter in her hand. "Let's see what you are, little guy." She reaches into her purse for her Pokédex with one of her hands while holding the green critter Pokémon with her other hand.

"Caterpie, the worm Pokémon, a bug type. Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls."

"Aww, well ain't you an adorable one, Caterpie." Jessie starts petting Caterpie with a smile.

Caterpie likes the affection from Jessie. "Caterpie!" The worm Pokémon nuzzles Jessie's cheek.

Jessie reminds herself about what Domino did and looks around for her with a glare. "Domino, you better come out of hiding and explain why you did that!"

Domino slowly peeks her head out from a tree, shaking a little from being scared. "I-I had spasms sometimes, it happens."

Jessie raises an eyebrow. "You had the same scared reaction with Weedle. I get that with Weedle because of its stinger but Caterpie doesn't have any stinger at all." She shows Domino's newly caught Caterpie to her as a demonstration.

"Caterpie!" Caterpie cried out.

"Stay away from me!" Domino peeks her head back behind the tree.

Caterpie looks down in sadness. "Caterpie…"

"Domino!" Jessie shouted before petting Caterpie. "I'm sorry, Caterpie, I have no idea what's going on with Domino."

Meowth groans. "It's so obvious Jessie that you should have figured it out on your own! Domino isn't just scared of Weedle and Caterpie, but any bug Pokémon in general because she has a phobia of them!"

"Is that true, Domino?" Jessie asked, looking at the tree where Domino was hiding behind.

Domino peeks her head from the tree again, but this time her whole body slowly approaches Jessie while shaking. "Okay so maybe Meowth's statement is kinda true. I don't like bug Pokémon at all."

Jessie raises an eyebrow. "Do you really hate all bug Pokémon, Domino?"

"No. I can appreciate some bug Pokémon if they're beautiful like Butterfree." Domino's eyes start sparkling. "Those beautiful wings and that cute face, now there's a bug Pokémon I wouldn't mind having!"

"Caterpie…" Caterpie looks up in the air and starts fantasizing about evolving into a Butterfree in the future.

Meowth nods in agreement at what Caterpie said. "Maybe someday, Caterpie, someday."

"You better get over your hate with bug Pokémon then because Caterpie is your Pokémon, you did catch it after all." Jessie holds up Caterpie in front of Domino's face.

"Caterpie!" Caterpie starts happily nuzzling on Domino's face.

Domino freezes in fear for a little bit before screaming. "AH!" She quickly picks up Caterpie's Poké Ball from the ground and recalls it. "Caterpie, return forever!"

"Caterpie…" Caterpie cries sadly before getting recalled.

Domino puts the Poké Ball away as Jessie speaks up. "You're not going to leave it inside there forever?"

"As long as it's trapped in the Poké Ball, it can never roam land ever again," Domino responded with her arms crossed.

Jessie glares at Domino. "That was very mean, Domino!"

Meowth nods, also glaring at Domino. "Yeah! And that's coming from Meowth!"

"At least trade the poor critter to a trainer or train Caterpie into evolving the one bug you appreciate, which is Butterfree," Jessie suggested.

Domino rolls her eyes. "Fine. Once we're out of the forest, I'll trade Caterpie to some desperate trainer for a different Pokémon. Let's get out of here before I see and accidentally catch more disgusting bug Pokémon!" She starts walking.

"How about we just go a different path and abandon her?" Meowth suggested Jessie.

"I would, but I want to make sure Caterpie finds a new home," Jessie says as she starts following Domino with Meowth also joining.

Time passes and Domino, Jessie, and Meowth are still deep in the Viridian Forest as Domino groans. "Seriously, where is the end of this stupid forest?!" She says with a stomp on the ground.

"Are you this mad? Because if you are, that's not a way to make friends." Jessie says in annoyance.

"No! But I have a stinking bug in one of my Pokémon slots and I'm trying to immediately trade it!" Domino responded.

"You know, I don't like the way you're treating Caterpie! Just because Caterpie poked your Poké Ball doesn't mean you can just continue torturing it by having it be your Pokémon for this long." Jessie responded with sass.

"Is it torture because Caterpie likes being her Pokémon, surprisingly?" Meowth asked.

"Caterpie is my Pokémon, correct? Which means I have the right to treat it what I want and no one can tell me otherwise!" Domino responded to Jessie's sass. "Now keep walking so we can find a way out of here faster!"

Jessie looks up and sees nightfall is near. "How about we wait till morning? Because it's going to be even tougher to find the exit in the darkness of night."

Domino groans and sighs. "Fine, let's set up camp!"

The scene cuts to Jessie and Domino finishing setting up camp as the two are in their sleeping bags around a stump.

Jessie whispers to Meowth who's currently lying on top of her. "Meowth, can you check to see if Domino is asleep?"

Meowth slowly opens one eye in annoyance. "Are you serious?"

"Look, I'm just going to sneakily grab Caterpie's Poké Ball and release it, then say Caterpie must've broken out of its Poké Ball and left. Come on, you also said the way Domino treats Caterpie is messed up." Jessie explained.

Meowth slowly blinks before getting off of Jessie's stomach to go over to the other side of the stump to see Domino's eyes closed before walking back to inform his trainer. "Yes, she's asleep. Now leave me alone!" He lays down and tries to get back to sleep.

Jessie slowly gets up and starts crawling towards a sleeping Domino, trying to look for Caterpie's Poké Ball. "Where does she keep her Poké Balls?" She sees her backpack. "Maybe it's in her backpack?"

Upon hearing someone getting inside her backpack, Domino slowly wakes up and opens her eyes. "Huh?" She looks over to see Jessie looking inside her backpack.

"Come on, where is it?!" Jessie said with annoyance while continuing to look through.

"HEY!" Domino immediately wakes up to confront Jessie. "What are you doing?!"

Meowth groans extremely loudly. "Let's not start this now, not in the middle of the night, please!"

Jessie tries to think of an excuse. "I just lost something and was wondering if you picked it up and put it in your backpack?"

"No, you're not!" Domino gets out of her sleeping bag and stands up. "I bet you're trying to look for Caterpie's Poké Ball!"

"I would love to go to sleep right now!" Meowth says in annoyance.

Jessie crosses her arms and looks away. "Maybe I was. Maybe if you treated Caterpie with a little more respect I wouldn't be doing this!"

"I can't believe you were trying to steal my Pokémon! I should report you to the police for not only stealing my bike but for trying to steal my Pokémon too!" Domino replied.

"Maybe if I tell them what you're doing with Caterpie, they will let me off the hook and arrest you instead!" Jessie fired back.

All of a sudden, both Jessie and Domino received scratches across the face from Meowth. "That will shut both of you up! Now shut up and continue this dumb arguing in the morning because I can get some sleep! My scratches can hurt more if I wanted to!" The talking Pokémon goes back to sleep, leaving Jessie and Domino with scratch marks.

The scene cuts to the morning with Jessie, Domino, and Meowth still walking in the Viridian Forest and trying to find a way out. "It feels like one complete maze and we're just walking in circles…" Jessie says while falling to her knees from exhaustion.

Meowth yawns. "You girls kept me up at night with your dumb bickering!"

"It's not my fault! It's all Jessie's fault because she apparently can judge how I can treat my Pokémon." Domino pulls out Caterpie's Poké Ball to show Jessie. "This is my Pokémon that I caught with my Poké Ball!"

"If you hate bugs so much, why don't you just hand Caterpie to me then and I'll take care of it!" Jessie gets an idea as she starts smirking.

Domino raises an eyebrow. "Why are you smirking?"

"You secretly like Caterpie, don't you?" Jessie answered, now crossing her arms with a smirk.

Domino immediately defends herself by yelling. "NO, I DON'T!"

"Okay if you don't like Caterpie then just hand its Poké Ball to me and I'll happily take care of and train it!" Jessie extends her hand.

"Just do it already so this fighting can stop!" Meowth says.

Domino looks at Jessie's extended hand before looking back at her. "Fine, I'll give you Caterpie for an exchange of one of your Pokémon!"

"WHAT?!" Jessie screamed out in disbelief. "You're crazy!"

"I told you before that I would at least trade Caterpie to a desperate trainer so I can get myself a new Pokémon. If you think I'm just going to hand Caterpie for free, then you're the crazy one, Jessie!" Domino responded.

"Okay, my Weedle for your Caterpie then?" Jessie suggested with a giggle.

"YOU IDIOT!" Domino hits Jessie right on the top of her head. "Why would I trade for another bug but worse because it has a stinger?!"

"OW!" Jessie holds her head in pain and she gets in Domino's face with an angry expression. "Have you heard a damn joke before?! Besides, I will never trade one of my Pokémon to suffer from being with you!"

However, Jessie was interrupted by the sounds of the familiar laughter of a trio in the distance. "Did you miss us?" A familiar deep male voice said.

Jessie, Meowth, and Domino all look where that voice came from. "That laughter and the voice, it sounded so familiar…" Jessie says.

A familiar motto is also heard. "To infect the world with devastation!" "To blight all people in every nation!" "To denounce the goodness of truth and love!" "To extend our wrath to the stars above!" Cassidy reveals herself to the three. "Cassidy!" Then Butch follows up behind her. "Butch!" They continue their motto. "We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!" "Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!" Mondo jumps in front of two for his line. "I'm Mondo, alright!"

"What do you three want now?" Jessie asked with an annoyed tone.

"It's pretty obvious what we want and that's your Pokémon, kid!" Cassidy answered.

"So how about you give us your talking Meowth and while you're at it, your little spark plug too!" Butch added.

"How flattered I am that you three want me but you're too late as I already found a trainer!" Meowth says.

"Do you think Team Rocket cares about your consent?" Mondo rhetorically asked. "We take what we want by force and that's what we're going to do!"

"Well no thanks! So you three can carry on now!" Jessie says.

"That's not how it works kid!" Cassidy says as she and Butch pull out a Poké Ball. "Pokémon battle, go!" They both shouted out.

Rattata and Mankey both materialize. "Rattata!" "Mankey!"

"Don't worry Jessie, I'm going to help you!" Domino claimed.

"Really? Even after our constant arguing?" Jessie questioned.

Domino nods in response. "As much as I despise you, I can't let criminals steal Pokémon even if it's yours!"

Jessie nods with a smile before looking at Meowth. "Ready, Meowth?"

Meowth yawns. "I'm too tired to battle because you two kept me up last night. I'll sit this one out."

Jessie falls in disbelief before quickly getting back up. "Are you kidding me?! These three are trying to steal you!"

Cassidy starts becoming impatient. "Hello?! Are we battling or what?!"

Jessie turns her attention back to Team Rocket before pulling out a Poké Ball. "Weedle, I choose you!"

Weedle materializes. "Weedle!"

"Starmie, I choose you!" Domino throws the Poké Ball she already had in her hand.

Starmie doesn't materialize as Caterpie does instead. "Caterpie!"

This causes Domino to yell out in confusion. "What?!" She realizes her mistake as her eyes widen. "I completely forgot that I had Caterpie's Poké Ball in my hand and forgot to switch!" Domino feels something nuzzling her leg as she looks down and sees Caterpie is the one nuzzling her leg as she screams and starts running around.

Jessie sighs. "Looks like I'm going to have to battle by myself!"

"Look! They just sent out a couple of bugs and one of them is scared!" Mondo pointed out before he and his partners-in-crime started laughing.

Meowth facepalms while hiding behind Jessie's legs. "It seems like you guys don't care about me at all."

"Enough of this!" Cassidy says as she and Butch command their first moves of the battle. "Rattata, use Quick Attack!" "Mankey, follow that up with a Karate Chop!"

"Dodge them, Weedle!" Jessie countered.

Weedle tries to crawl away but Rattata disappears and reappears in front of the hairy bug Pokémon with its speed and lunges at it, hitting and dealing damage. Then Mankey karate chops Weedle from behind to deal even more damage.

Jessie starts gritting her teeth while talking inside her mind. "How am I supposed to win if my partner is running around like a maniac?!" Jessie starts focusing on Domino who's still running around and screaming from Caterpie chasing her. "Domino, I could use your help over here!"

"Try telling that to Caterpie if it will stop chasing me!" Domino responded while still running away and screaming from Caterpie.

"This is sad to watch…" Mondo said with a frown, looking at Domino running away from her Caterpie

"Let's just crush this little twerpette and take her Pokémon. Rattata, Hyper Fang!" Cassidy commanded.

Butch follows up with his move. "And you use Low Kick, Mankey!"

Jessie commands Weedle to try to dodge them again. "Come on Weedle, you got to dodge them!"

Rattata dashes at Weedle with its sharp teeth showing, but Weedle rolls out of the way on the ground just in time before Mankey appears behind the hairy bug Pokémon with one of its feet glowing white, about to kick Weedle.

"WEEDLE, BEHIND YOU!" Jessie warned.

"Weedle!" Weedle quickly looks behind it and jumps out of the way before Mankey can deliver the Low Kick.

Cassidy and Butch both growl. "How did both miss such a stupid simple bug?!" Butch said in confusion.

"You idiots better not make us look bad!" Mondo shouted.

Cassidy clutches her fist. "We're gonna crush that bug no matter what! Rattata, use-" Before she could command a move, her Rattata was attacked from the side and the mouse Pokémon flung back a little. "WHAT?!"

It's revealed to be Caterpie who used Tackle. "Caterpie!"

"Finally you did something useful instead of chasing me, you disgusting bug!" Domino said who stopped screaming and running.

"Finally you decided to help me before I get destroyed!" Jessie said in relief.

"Enough! Mankey, use Karate Chop on Caterpie!" Butch commanded.

"Mankey!" One of Mankey's hands glows white, raises it in the air, and starts running towards Caterpie.

"I don't think so! Weedle, use Poison Sting right to Mankey!" Jessie commanded.

Weedle jumps right in front of Mankey. "Weedle!" And stings the pig monkey Pokémon right in its glowing hand with its stinger.

Mankey's hand stops glowing and turns red from the Poison Sting from Weedle as the pig monkey Pokémon screams in pain and runs around the made-up battlefield while holding its stung hand. "MANKEY! MANKEY!"

Domino thanks Jessie. "Thanks for the save, Jessie!"

Jessie nods while still focusing on the battle. "Don't mention it!"

Cassidy grits her teeth. "I will not be embarrassed! Rattata, use Quick Attack and destroy that Weedle!"

"String Shot that Rattata right in the eyes, Caterpie!" Domino commanded.

"Caterpie!" Caterpie released a white string from its mouth and it landed right in the eyes of Rattata.

"RATTATA?!" Rattata cries out in confusion as it disappears and reappears right in front of Weedle but does not hit it.

"Now's your opportunity, Weedle! Use Poison Sting again but on Rattata!" Jessie commanded.

"Weedle!" Weedle jumps and stings Rattata right in the forehead with its stinger.

"RATTATA!" Rattata screams in pain from getting stung and now it also starts running around the made-up battlefield along with Mankey.

"What is going on?!" Butch yelled out in confusion.

"Those bugs keep outlasting us despite the fact how weak those critters are!" Cassidy growls. "Rattata, stop running around and walk it off!"

Butch also tries. "You too, Mankey! Knock it off and focus on the battle!"

However, Rattata and Mankey keep running around in pain from getting stung as Cassidy and Butch fall in disbelief.

"Do I have to step in here for you two buffoons?" Mondo pulls out a Poké Ball. "Cubone, take those twerps down!"

Cubone materializes. "Cubone!"

Meowth peeks from Jessie's leg. "Time to even things up!" He stops hiding and steps onto the battlefield.

"So now you want to battle, huh?!" Jessie says with annoyance.

"I took a nap behind your leg while this battle was going on," Meowth explained. "Now I'm ready!"

"Okay, while you're at it, use Scratch!" Jessie commanded.

"Here's a move that will get through your skull!" Meowth starts to pounce on Cubone, exposing his white glowing sharp claws.

"Smack it with your bone, Cubone, use Bone Club!" Mondo countered.

"Cubone!" Cubone smacks Meowth with its bone before the talking Pokémon can scratch it.

"Ow!" Meowth holds his face in pain.

"Use Bite!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth tries to bite Cubone with his sharp teeth, only his teeth to get hurt by its hard skull. "Ow, again! Jessie, I'm starting to question your judgment!"

"Now use Headbutt!" Mondo commanded.

"Cubone! Cubone! Cubone!" Cubone dashes and slams its skull right to Meowth, flinging him back to where Jessie is.

Jessie looks down at Meowth with an annoyed face. "Maybe you should continue staying out of the way…"

"Look at Mondo! He's crushing it!" Cassidy says with an impressed expression.

"The little squirt is doing it!" Butch added, also impressed.

"I'm about to change the tables! Caterpie, use String Shot!" Domino commanded.

"Weedle, you use String Shot too!" Jessie also commanded.

"Caterpie!" "Weedle!" Both Caterpie and Weedle shoot white silk right at Cubone.

"Cubone, deflect it out of there with your bone!" Mondo countered.

Cubone hits both Caterpie's and Weedle's String Shot with its bone, able to avoid it. "Cubone!"

"I'll take care of that annoying ground-type Cubone with one of my water types! Caterpie-" Domino was about to recall Caterpie.

Jessie stops her from doing so. "Wait, Domino, don't recall Caterpie!"

"Are you serious?" Domino whispers to Jessie. "Between you and me, I don't want to look at this bug anymore."

"Trust me, I got a plan that requires both Weedle and Caterpie," Jessie stated before whispering her plan to Domino.

"This better work!" Domino exclaimed.

"If both of you are not going to attack, then I will! Cubone, use Bone Club on Weedle!" Mondo commanded.

"Dodge it Weedle and get behind Cubone!" Jessie countered.

Cubone tried to hit Weedle with its bone but the hairy bug Pokémon managed to dodge it by using its String Shot to fling itself in the air and land right behind Cubone. "Weedle!"

Cubone turns around to face Weedle. "Cubone!" The Pokémon raises its bone up in the air, ready to strike.

With Cubone having its back turn against Caterpie, Domino uses this opportunity to strike. "Caterpie, use Tackle!"

"Caterpie!" Caterpie starts crawling aggressively to Cubone.

Mondo tries to warn Cubone from Caterpie. "Cubone, behind you!"

Cubone was too focused on Weedle in front of it that it got confused. "Cubone?" Then it gets flung back to Mondo after getting tackled by Caterpie from the back.

Rattata and Mankey step in front of the two bug Pokémon recovered from being stung by Weedle. "Rattata!" "Mankey!"

"About time you two decided to stop wasting time and help!" Cassidy says.

Mondo looks at his Cubone still on the ground. "Come on Cubone, you got to help too!"

Cubone hops back on its feet from the ground, shaking its skull head before joining Rattata and Mankey. "Cubone!"

Domino is annoyed. "You three don't know when to give up!"

"We're not stopping until we steal your rare and valuable Pokémon!" Cassidy responded with a grin.

"You can make this easy and just hand us your Meowth and spark plug then we will happily go away!" Butch offered, also grinning.

Jessie grits her teeth. "Like that's going to happen!"

Meowth steps in. "Yeah! You can just forget about it!"

"If you want, you can happily take Caterpie and go away, how does that sound?" Domino counter offered.

Jessie gasped. "Domino!"

"Caterpie?" Caterpie looks back at its trainer with a sad expression.

Butch scoffs. "Oh please, we don't want a weak bug Pokémon."

"We tried playing nice, but now you're going to pay the price! Cubone, use Bonemerang!" Mondo commanded.

"Bonemerang?" Both Jessie and Domino questioned.

"Cubone!" Cubone throws it bone boomerang style and hits Caterpie, Weedle, and Meowth all at once to deal damage as the bone retracts back into Cubone's hand.

Jessie's eyes widened. "Meowth, Weedle, and Caterpie!"

Meowth puts a thumbs up in the air while face-first on the ground. "We're alright, I hope!"

The Team Rocket trio commands their next move all at once. "Now Rattata, use Hyper Fang!" "Mankey, strike them down with Karate Chop!" "Cubone, use your Bone Club attack!"

"Rattata!" "Mankey!" "Cubone!" All three of Team Rocket's Pokémon go into the attack.

Jessie and Domino looked at each other before nodding as they countered with the same move they should have out loud. "String Shot!"

Caterpie and Weedle quickly stood up as both Pokémon shot out white silk from their mouths right at Team Rocket's Pokémon, stopping dead in their tracks and completely covering Rattata, Mankey, and Cubone together with white sticky silk, which now looks like one giant white ball of yarn.

Meowth looks up to see the white ball of silk and mistakes it for a ball of yarn. "Must play with… YARN!" He dashes to the white ball of silk and hits it hard, sending Team Rocket's Pokémon into the sky. Ding!

The Team Rocket trio were looking up in the sky of where their Pokémon went in disbelief. "Beaten by a couple of bugs… that's such an embarrassing way to lose," Mondo says.

Cassidy looks at Jessie and Domino, growling in defeat as she points directly at them. "You twerps might've won this time, but we will be back! It's time for Team Rocket to blast off!"

The Team Rocket trio sprints out of the area as Butch shouts something as he is running. "You better look forward to it!"

"Goodbye, losers!" Meowth shouted before turning to his trainers. "That was a close one, am I right?"

Jessie nods in agreement. "We wouldn't be able to beat them without the help from Weedle and Caterpie!" She kneels to pet her Weedle. "You did such a great job, Weedle!"

"Weedle!" Weedle cries out happily while nuzzling its trainer's hand.

Jessie looks over to see Domino just standing there. "Come on, Domino! Caterpie did a great job in battle too! Can you at least give it some appreciation?"

Domino looks at Caterpie who looks back at her, tilting its head. "I guess you're right…" She kneels to Caterpie, extending her arm slowly to pet it. Before Domino could pet Caterpie, the worm Pokémon began glowing white, causing her to scream. "AH!" She quickly backs away.

Weedle also begins glowing white causing Jessie to be even more surprised. "No way! Both Weedle and Caterpie are evolving!" She backs away too, but to let the two Pokémon evolve.

Meowth looks interested. "A double evolution?! Now that's so cool!"

Both Weedle and Caterpie started changing shape and form while under the glowing white. Once the glow starts to slowly fade away the two Pokémon are now cocoons and they both are now staying perfectly still.

"Let's see here." Jessie immediately pulls out her Pokédex and aims it at the yellow cocoon that Weedle evolved into.

"Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokémon. The evolved form of Weedle. Bug and poison type. Almost incapable of moving, this Pokémon can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators."

"What about this Pokémon?" Jessie aims the Pokédex at the green cocoon that Caterpie evolved into.

"Metapod, the Cocoon Pokémon. The evolved form of Caterpie. Bug type. This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body."

"That's so cool!" Jessie turns to Domino. "Hey, Domino, both of our Pokémon evolved at the same time!"

Domino rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Oh great, I got the one with the soft shell. Metapod, return!" She recalls Metapod back in its Poké Ball.

Jessie chuckles, also recalling Kakuna. "Don't be such a Debbie Downer. You have to admit, we were a great team back there, beating those three members from Team Rocket."

Domino turns around and smiles. "Okay, I will admit that we were a great team during that battle."

"Umm, don't forget Jessie, but they said they're gonna be back to try to steal me and Elekid." Meowth reminded her.

Jessie scoffs. "They can keep coming back as many times as they want, I can be sure that we will always beat them! Now let's find a way out of this forest." She walks off as Domino and Meowth follow her.

The scene cuts to Jessie, Meowth, and Domino still walking through the forest until Jessie stops. "Hey Domino…"

Domino stops as well, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, Jessie?"

Jessie looks at Domino. "I just want to say I'm sorry for taking your bike back there just to catch some Pokémon. As I'm now looking at it, it was a ridiculous reason."

Domino rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Sorry isn't going to cut it, Jack."

Meowth laughs. "I can see you're never going to get over that thing!"

"Of course, I'm not! It was an expensive bike after all and saying sorry isn't going to just repair it!" Domino turns around, crosses her arms, and smirks. "But since you said sorry, I won't report you to the police anymore."

Jessie gasps in delight as her eyes sparkle in happiness. "Really?!"

Domino turns back around, still smirking. "But you're still happily in debt for the cost of my bike and I expect you to pay me every single cent of it. Saying sorry isn't going to help you get out of this one!"

"WHAT?!" Jessie falls in disbelief before quickly getting back up. "NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE HERE!"

Something interrupted the conversation and it was a wild mouse Pokémon that was covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. The yellow rodent hops in front of them, causing the three to stop dead in their tracks and pay attention to it. "Pika?" The yellow rodent cried in confusion.

"No way, what's that?!" Jessie immediately pulls out her Pokédex once more.

"Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. The evolved form of a Pokémon is not registered in this Pokédex. Electric type. When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms."

"Pikachu are quite rare to find in the Viridian Forest!" Domino informed her.

"Quite rare huh? That means I have to catch it!" Jessie was about to pull out a Poké Ball until Meowth interrupted.

"Wait, Jessie! I despise Pikachu! Let me battle this yellow rodent, pretty please?" Meowth begged. "I'll tear them apart with my sharp claw they're gonna be calling for their mama!"

Pikachu looks offended by what Meowth called it as static starts forming around its two red spot cheeks. "Pika!"

Jessie shrugs. "If you insist! Alright Meowth, I choose you!"

Meowth stares down Pikachu with a grin on his face. "Alright Pikachu, it's you vs. me!" He shows off his sharp claws to Pikachu as the two Pokémon have a staredown.

Domino looks interested. "This should be entertaining."

"After another interaction with Team Rocket, Jessie comes up on top once more! Now Jessie faces another challenge, trying to catch a Pikachu. Will Meowth help Jessie succeed in that goal? Find out soon as the journey continues!"