The Scent of a New Badge

The episode starts at nightfall in the Game Corner as it shows James who fell asleep on the slot machine.

James starts talking in his sleep. "Must… get… jackpot…"

Team Rocket is sitting on the floor, still guarding the poster. Butch's eyes start getting heavy. He closes them and begins to sleep.

Cassidy notices this and claps her hands right in Butch's ears. "Wake up!"

Butch springs back up and groans. "How long are we supposed to guard this poster!"

"Until the boss says we don't have to anymore!" Mondo answered.

"I don't see any reason to guard this dumb poster! What's the point?!" Butch stands up.

"What are you doing?!" Cassidy asked in disbelief.

Butch turns to Cassidy. "I'm going to rent a hotel and sleep on a nice bed. Bye!"

"Oh no you don't!" Cassidy quickly stands up and grabs Butch before he can leave. "You're not going anywhere. You'll get fired if you walk out on the job!"

Butch shoves Cassidy against the poster. "Cassidy, I believe we have been tricked. Give me a reason why this poster is so important!"

"Ow, my back!" Cassidy yelled out in pain.

Butch rolls his eyes and lets go of Cassidy. "Quit being a baby. I didn't shove you that hard."

Cassidy is holding her back. "Ow! I think my back hit something when you shoved me in that poster. It felt like a switch or something!"

"A switch?" Both Mondo and Butch said in confusion.

"Hmm… I wonder." Mondo removes the poster from the wall.

A hidden switch is revealed to the Team Rocket trio behind the poster. The Team Rocket trio all look at each other before Cassidy flicks the switch. A few seconds pass and the floor in the corner opens up to reveal a staircase.

Cassidy looks at Butch. "Is this reason good enough for you?"

The title screen appears.

"The Scent of a New Badge!"

It cuts to dawn as Jessie, Meowth, and Domino just left the hotel that they stayed at during the night.

Domino groans. "Don't tell me James stayed at that Game Corner all night…"

"We'll get him later, right now I need to win my fourth badge immediately!" Jessie begins walking on the streets:

Domino and Meowth start following Jessie.

"How confident are you in facing Erika?" Domino asked.

"Let's see here, I have a total of…" Jessie begins counting her fingers. "Three Pokémon in my party that have the advantage over grass-types. I definitely got this!"

"Don't get too confident, Jess. You might end up struggling to try to beat Erika." Meowth says.

Domino nods. "Yeah, just because you have the advantage in a battle, doesn't mean a guaranteed win."

Jessie looks annoyed. "Blah, blah, blah! Let's just head to the Gym already!" She starts walking ahead of them."

"She never listens," Domino says with an annoyed expression.

Meowth nods. "You can say that again."

It cuts to Jessie, Domino, and Meowth arriving at the Celadon Gym.

Jessie looks at the wall and sees that the 'No Girls Allowed' poster is not there anymore. She gladly smiles. "That dumb poster is gone! Thank goodness!"

Domino notices it too and nods. "Definitely! Good riddance to that awful trainer."

Meowth hops onto Jessie's shoulder as she opens the Gym's doors and heads inside with Domino following her from behind.

Jessie notices a pleasant scent when entering the Gym and sniffs the air. "Do you guys smell that?"

Domino and Meowth both sniff the air as well.

"Wow, it smells lovely!" Domino says with a smile.

"I wouldn't mind staying here for a while!" Meowth added.

"I wonder how the Gym smells like this?" Jessie asked.

"It's because I sprayed perfume all over the Gym!" A familiar female voice answered Jessie's question.

Erika reveals herself to Jessie, Meowth, and Domino.

"Do you like it?" Erika asked.

Jessie and Domino both nod.

"Yeah!" Domino answered. "It smells so lovely. You definitely picked the right perfume!"

Erika rubs her head in embarrassment. "Thank you so much." She turns her attention to Jessie. "Are you ready for our Gym Battle, Jessie?"

Jessie nods and raises her fist. "You better believe that I'm ready!"

"Does a four-on-four battle work for you?" Erika asked.

"Whoa, four-on-four?" Jessie questioned in confusion. "I have never been in one of those types of battles before. We both use four Pokémon?"

Erika nods to answer Jessie's question. "And the trainer with a Pokémon or more left standing wins the match!"

"Alright, you're on!" Jessie agreed.

It cuts to the Celadon Gym battlefield with Erika and Jessie on opposites of the battlefield. Domino is watching on the sidelines and Meowth is standing near Jessie.

A female with a referee shirt, blonde hair, and brown eyes, gets ready to start the battle. "This official Gym Battle against Erika, the Celadon Gym Leader, and Jessie, the challenger, will now commence. Each trainer must use four Pokémon and only the challenger can switch out Pokémon. Whoever trainer makes all of their opponent's Pokémon faint will win the battle. The battle begins now!"

Jessie pulls a Poké Ball out of her purse. "Nidoran, I choose you!" She sends Nidoran into battle.

"Ran!" The Pokémon cried out.

Erika also pulls out a Poké Ball too. "Exeggcute, let's go!" She sends Exeggcute into battle.

"Exeggcute!" The Pokémon also cried out.

"Nidoran, use Bite!" Jessie commanded.

"Ran!" Nidoran dashes at Exeggcute and bites the Pokémon with its teeth.

"Exeggcute!" The Pokémon cries out in pain.

"Exeggcute, fling Nidoran off of you in the air, and use Stun Spore!" Erika commanded.

"Exeggcute!" Exeggcute manages to shake Nidoran off of it in the air, then it opens its mouth, releasing orange powder right at Nidoran, paralyzing the Pokémon.

Nidoran was falling to the ground, but couldn't land on its feet from the paralysis. "Ram!" The Pokémon cried out before hitting the ground of the battlefield, taking damage.

"That was an actual smart move," Domino said to herself, impressed.

"Double Team, Nidoran!" Jessie commanded.

"Ran!" Nidoran makes illusion copies of itself, surrendering Exeggcute.

"Exeggcute?" The Pokémon looks around in confusion.

"Reflect, Exeggcute!" Erika commanded.

Exeggcute creates a wondrous barrier of light, surrounding the Pokémon.

"Use Fury Swipes, Nidoran!"

All the illusion copies of Nidoran disappear. "Ran!" The Pokémon dashes at Exeggcute, exposing her sharp claws, and scratches her opponent five times, however, the move barely affects Exeggcute.

Jessie was expressing confusion "What? That barely did anything."

Erika chuckles. "Don't you know the move Reflect reduces damage from Physical attacks by fifty percent for five turns? Exeggcute, Leech Seed!"

"Exeggcute!" Exeggcute shoots a seed at Nidoran.

"Dodge it, Nidoran!" Jessie commanded.

Nidoran tries to dodge the seed, but the paralysis catches up with the Pokémon as Nidoran gets wrapped up in vines from the seed. The vines glow red and start sucking the energy from Nidoran. "Ran!" The Pokémon cried out in pain.

Jessie starts to worry. She says this in her mind. "I have to switch out, Nidoran only learns damaging physical moves, is paralyzed, and leeched." Jessie pulls out Nidoran's Poké Ball. "Nidoran, return!" She recalls the Pokémon back in its Poké Ball.

Erika smiles. "Good choice. It seems like you had no other choice but to switch out after the odds were against Nidoran."

Jessie pulls out another Poké Ball from her purse. "Pidgeotto, you're up now!" She sends Pidgeotto into battle.

"Pidgeotto!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Exeggcute, Leech Seed once more!"

"Exeggcute!" Shoots a seed once more, but this time at Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto, use your Agility!" Jessie quickly commanded.

"Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto flies out of the way at extreme speeds to dodge the Leech Seed from Exeggcute.

"Stun Spore, Exeggcute!"

Exeggcute opens its mouth and shoots orange powder right at Pidgeotto, but the Pokémon manages to dodge by flying out of the way with its speed.

Erika looks shocked. "That Pokémon is so fast…"

Jessie smirks. "Mirror Move!"

"Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto copies Exeggcute's last move by shooting orange powder right at the Pokémon.

"Exeggcute!" Exeggcute cries from getting hit and is now paralyzed.

Domino expresses shock. "Whoa! I didn't know Jessie's Pidgeotto learned that!"

Jessie's still smirking. "The tables have turned huh?"

Erika nods in approval. "Your Pidgeotto is great, I do have to admit. Leech Seed!"

Exeggcute tries to shoot a seed at Pidgeotto, but the paralysis prevents it from doing so.

"Wing Attack!" Jessie commanded.

"Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto swoops down and strikes Exeggcute with its wings, but the move barely did any damage to the Pokémon.

Jessie growls. "Reflect was still in play!"

Erika chuckles. "Yep! Time for my ultimate attack. Exeggcute, Solar Beam!"

"Exeggcute!" Exeggcute starts gathering light.

"Reflect is still in play, but this is the last move and I need to keep dealing damage to it, plus with its speed, I know Pidgeotto can dodge this," Jessie said all of that in her mind. "Pidgeotto, Wing Attack once more!"

"Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto swoops down and strikes Exeggcute once more with its wing, barely doing any damage.

"Exeggcute!" The Pokémon blasts a bundled beam of energy right at Pidgeotto.

Pidgeotto tries to dodge it, but the Solar Beam strikes the Pokémon's right wing. "Pidgeotto!" The Pokémon cried out before falling and hitting the ground as dust clouds formed around it.

"Pidgeotto!" Jessie cried out from worriedness.

Dust clouds begin to clear, revealing that Pidgeotto has fainted. The wondrous barrier of light surrounding Exeggcute disappears.

"Pidgeotto is unable to battle, which means Jessie is now down to three Pokémon!" The referee declared.

Domino frowns. "Jessie is really struggling on the first Pokémon…"

Meowth looks at Jessie. "Come on Jess, you gotta win this!"

Jessie recalls Pidgeotto back to its Poké Ball. "You did great, Pidgeotto. You deserve a good rest." She pulls out another Poké Ball. "Nidoran, you're back in the game!" She sends Nidoran back into battle.

"Ran!" The Pokémon cried out.

Erika raises an eyebrow in confusion. "I don't know where you're going with this, Jessie. Solar Beam, Exeggcute!"

"Exeggcute!" Exeggcute starts gathering light once more.

"Double Kick, Nidoran!" Jessie commanded.

"Ran!" Nidoran dashes at Exeggcute and kicks the Pokémon twice as it gets flung back.

Exeggcute gets back up and was about to blast a bundle of energy, but the paralysis prevented it.

"No!" Erika cried out.

Jessie smirks. "Yes, the risk worked! Fury Swipes, let's go!"

"Ran!" Nidoran dashes at Exeggcute as her sharp claws start glowing white, then it swipes the Pokémon five times.

"Exeggcute!" The Pokémon cried out from taking damage. Exeggcute lands on the ground and faints.

"Exeggcute is unable to battle. Which means Erika only has three Pokémon left!"

"Exeggcute return!" Erika recalls Exeggcute back to its Poké Ball. "You did extremely great out there! You deserve a good rest."

Jessie smirks. "Looks like we're all tied up!"

Erika chuckles. "Yep!" She pulls out a different Poké Ball. "Tangela, I choose you!" She sends out the next Pokémon into battle.

"Tangela!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Tangela?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex.

"Tangela, the Vine Pokémon. A grass-type. The whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to seaweed. The vines sway as it walks."

"We can take it, Nidoran! Use Bite!" Jessie commanded.

"Ran!" Nidoran dashes at Tangela to bite the Pokémon, but the paralysis stops Nidoran from doing so.

Jessie growls. "Damn!"

"Alright Tangela, use Slam!" Erika commanded.

"Tangela!" Two blue vines from Tangela extend to Nidoran and grab the Pokémon. Tangela then lifts the Pokémon in the air with its blue vines and slams the Pokémon down to the ground.

"Ran!" Nidoran cries out in pain.

"Nidoran, are you alright?!" Jessie asked, worried.

Nidoran hops back on the ground, still willing to battle. "Ran!"

Jessie smiles. "Awesome! Double Team!"

"Ran!" Nidoran makes illusion clones of itself, surrounding the battlefield.

"Tangela?" Tangela looks around and is confused.

"Tangela, use Growth!" Erika commanded.

"Tangela!" Tangela's body size grows larger as its Special state rises to two stages.

"Double Kick, Nidoran!"

All the Nidoran illusions disappear. Nidoran dashes at Tangela and kicks the Pokémon two times.

"Tangela!" Tangela cried out in pain from landing on the ground. The Pokémon gets back up.

"Sleep Powder, Tangela!" Erika commanded.

Tangela starts shaking its body as the Pokémon begins scattering a big cloud of blue sleep-inducing dust around the Nidoran.

Jessie has a worried expression. "Nidoran, get out of there quick!"

Nidoran tries to escape the blue sleep-inducing dust, but couldn't. The Pokémon's eyes start getting heavy. "Ran…" Nidoran falls asleep.

"Oh no!" Jessie yelled.

Erika smiles. "That's great, Tangela. Now Absorb Nidoran's health while it's sleeping!"

"Tangela!" Tangela starts extending its blue vine towards Nidoran.

Jessie looks extremely worried. "Nidoran, you gotta wake up now!"

Nidoran doesn't wake up and continues sleeping. Tangela's blue vine reaches into Nidoran's body and the Pokémon begins absorbing its energy.

"COME NIDORAN, YOU GOTTA WAKE UP!" Jessie yelled out.

Erika smiles. "Keep using Absorb, Tangela! Suck up all of Nidoran's energy!"

Tangela continues absorbing Nidoran's energy and Nidoran doesn't wake up. Tangela ends up absorbing all of Nidoran's energy as the Pokémon faints and Tangela's health is healed back up to full health.

"Nidoran is unable to battle! Which means Jessie only has two Pokémon left!"

"Nidoran, return!" Jessie recalls Nidoran back to its Poké Ball. "You did great, Nidoran. You deserve a good rest."

Domino frowns. "Because of Tangela absorbing all of Nidoran's energy, it's back to full health and all of that damage Nidoran did earlier is gone!"

"Domino's right, Jessie. Tangela's health is fully healed. A lot of people like to look down on grass-type trainers, grass-type Pokémon in general because of the amount of weakness it has, but I take that as an advantage, because of a false sense of security." Erika chuckles.

Jessie nods. "Yeah, with the number of type advantages I had in my party, I thought I had you extremely beat for sure, but you have proven me wrong." She takes out a different Poké Ball from her purse. "Ponyta, I choose you!" Jessie sends Ponyta into battle.

"Neigh!" The Pokémon cried out.

Domino looks worried. "This is Ponyta's first-ever battle and I'm so afraid." She says to herself.

"Tangela, Sleeping Powder! Put this one to sleep too!" Erika commanded.

"Tangela!" Tangela starts shaking its body once more and it begins scattering a big cloud of blue sleep-inducing dust.

Jessie scowls. "Oh no you don't! Ponyta, dodge it!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta was able to dash out of the way before the Sleeping Powder could get to the Pokémon.

Jessie smiles. "That's it! Now use Fire Spin!"

Pontya opens its mouth. "Neeeeeiiiiiiigh!" Ponyta cried out before the Pokémon shot a powerful spiraling fire right at Tangela from its mouth.

Tangela's eyes pop out from looking worried as the Fire Spin gets closer to the Pokémon. The Fire Spin hits Tangela. "Tangela!" Tangela cried out in pain before landing on the ground.

Erika gasped in shock. "Tangela!"

Tangela gets back on its feet, still ready to battle. "Tangela!"

Erika smiles. "Thank goodness!" Then she goes to a blank expression. "Weird, that Fire Spin shouldn't have been that super effective." She said in her mind. "Tangela, Slam!"

"Tangela!" Two of Tangela's blue vines extend to Ponyta and grab the Pokémon.

"Neigh!" Ponyta cries out from being grabbed.

"Alright Tangela, slam it-"

Erika cuts her sentence off as she sees Ponyta's flames burning Tangela's blue vines.

"What?!" Erika said in shock.

"Tangela!" The Pokémon cries in pain as its blue vines are burning.

Jessie grins. "Ponyta, Take Down!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta charges at Tangela with incredible speed and bats it down, sending Tangela back.

Tangela hits the ground and dust clouds begin to form around the Pokémon. The dust clouds soon fade away to reveal Tangela has fainted. "Tangela…"

"Tangela is unable to battle. Which means Erika only has two Pokémon left!"

"Tangela, return!" Erika recalls Tangela back in its Poké Ball. "You did great, you deserve a long rest." She then turns her attention to Jessie and her Ponyta. "I have to say that Ponyta is extremely strong!"

Jessie chuckles and rubs her head. "Thanks. It's actually Ponyta's first official trainer battle."

Erika gasped. "Wow, and it did that damage to my Tangela? Wow, I'm shocked and impressed." She takes out a different Poké Ball. "Weepinbell, I choose you!" Erika sends out a Weepinbell into battle.

"Weepinbell!" The Pokémon cries out.

"Weepinbell?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex and points it at the Weepinbell.

"Weepinbell, the Flycatcher Pokémon. A grass and poison type. It spits out Poison Powder to immobilize the enemy and then finishes it with a spray of Acid."

Jessie turns her attention to Ponyta. "Ponyta, you better watch out for that Poison Powder!"

Ponyta nods in response. "Neigh!"

"Then use Fire Spin!" Jessie commanded.

"Neigh!" Ponyta shoots a spiraling fire at Weepinbell.

"Dodge it, Weepinbell, you can't let that Fire Spin hit you!" Erika warned.

"Weepinbell!" Weepinbell dodges the Fire Spin by getting out of the way.

"Now use Acid!" Erika commanded.

"Weepinbell!" Weepinbell spits out violet acid right at Ponyta.

The acid hits Ponyta and the Pokémon takes damage. "Neigh!" The Pokémon cries out in pain.

Jessie looks worried. "Agility!"

Ponyta starts running toward Weepinbell at an extremely fast and great speed.

"Poison Powder!" Erika commanded.

"Weepinbell!" Weepinbell releases a sparkling purple powder with green sparkles in it from its mouth. Ponyta dodges the Poison Powder because of its agility.

Jessie clutches her fist together. "Now Take Down!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta charges at Weepinbell with incredible speed and bats it down to the ground.

"Weepinbell!" The Pokémon cries in pain. Dust clouds form around the Pokémon.

"And that's it for Weepinbell!" Jessie smirks.

Erika smirks back. "Weepinbell, Razor Leaf!"

"What?!" Jessie yelled out in shock.

All of a sudden, multiple razor-sharp leaves come out of the dust clouds and fly at the Ponyta, catching the Pokémon off guard and it hits Ponyta.

"Neigh!" Ponyta cries out in pain.

The dust clouds begin to fade away to reveal that Weepinbell is still standing and ready to fight. "Weepinbell!"

Jessie scowls. "So it's not going down that easily. Fire Spin, Ponyta!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta opens its mouth to send spiraling fire at Weepinbell once more.

Erika scowls. "That's not going to work! Dodge it!"

"Weepinbell!" Weepinbell manages to get out of the way to dodge the Fire Spin.

"Poison Powder, let's go!" Erika commanded.

Jessie clutches her fist together. "DODGE IT BY JUMPING!"

Weepinbell releases a sparkling purple powder with green sparkles in it from its mouth, but Ponyta once again dodges the move, but this time by jumping up in the air.

"Now Stomp!" Jessie quickly commanded.

"Neigh!" Ponyta comes down and stomps right on Weepinbell.

"Weepinbell!" The Pokémon cries in pain, then falls to the ground.

Ponyta jumps back on its side of the battlefield, but Weepinbell gets back up, still able to battle.

Jessie growls. "That's one tough Weepinbell!"

Erika nods. "I trained this Weepinbell to be strong. Acid!"

Weepinbell spits out violet acid right at Ponyta.

"Quick, use Agility, Ponyta!" Jessie commanded.

"Neigh!" Ponyta manages to dodge the Acid with its speed as it starts dashing toward Weepinbell.

Erika starts getting worried. "Weepinbell keep using Acid and try to hit Ponyta!"

"Weepinbell!" Weepinbell keeps spitting out violet acid to the dashing Ponyta heading to its war, but Ponyta keeps dodging it by sliding to the left and right.

"Take Down, now!" Jessie commanded.

"Weepinbell, quick!" Erika countered.

Ponyta was about to strike Weepinbell with a speedy Take-Down, but Weepinbell spits out one more violet acid with sparkling purple powder surrounding it which hits Ponyta right in the face.

"Neigh!" Ponyta was blinded by the acid and immediately stopped, but friction caused the Pokémon to fall over on the battlefield.

"Oh no, Ponyta!" Jessie yelled in concern.

Ponyta immediately gets up and shakes the acid off, but Ponyta looks in pain as purple was shown near the snout of the Pokémon with purple static surrounding Ponyta.

"What's happening?" Jessie questioned.

"It means Ponyta is poisoned and that's bad! Ponyta will now start taking little damage every time after two turns!" Domino informed Jessie.

"I combined Acid and Poison Powder, I like to call it 'Acid Powder.'" Erika giggles.

"This can't be good…" Meowth says quietly to himself.

Jessie scowls. "I got to take down that Weepinbell before Ponyta faints from that poison." She says in her mind. "Fire Spin!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta opens its mouth and releases spherical fire toward Weepinbell.

"Dodge it now!" Erika commanded.

Weepinbell once again dodges the Fire Spin by moving out of the way.

"Razor Leaf, let's go!"

"Weepinbell!" Weepinbell sends multiple razor-sharp leaves right at Ponyta.

Jessie looks worried. "Ponyta, dodge it with your speed!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta manages to dodge the Razor Leaf with its speed by moving out of the way. "Neigh!" The Pokémon takes damage from the poison.

Jessie begins to think. "I need to hit Weepinbell with that Fire Spin…" She says in her mind. Jessie perks up after getting an idea. "Ponyta, use your Agility and run circles around Weepinbell!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta begins running around Weepinbell with incredible speed almost like the Pokémon was in two places at once.

"What is Jessie doing?" Erika questioned.

"Weepinbell?" Weepinbell keeps looking back and forth, trying to spot Ponyta, but the Pokémon was too fast as Weepinbell now has spiral eyes, completely confused.

"Oh no, the speed made Weepinbell confused!" Erika says, worried.

Jessie grins. "Fire Spin, let's go!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta stops running around Weepinbell and releases spiral fire once more right at the Pokémon.

The Fire Spin manages to hit Weepinbell. "Weepinbell!" The Pokémon cried in pain, before falling on the ground and fainting.

"Weepinbell is unable to battle, which means Erika is down to her last Pokémon!"

Jessie pumps up her fist in the air. "Way to go, Ponyta!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta happily cries out, only to cry in pain from taking damage from the poison.

Jessie's expression changes to worried. "That poison… Ponyta, do you still want to battle?"

Ponyta looks at Jessie and nods in response.

Jessie nods back and smiles. "Okay, if you say so!"

"Weepinbell, return!" Erika recalls Weepinbell back to its Poké Ball. "You did great, Weepinbell, good job!" Erika turns her attention to Jessie and pulls out her last Poké Ball. "I have to say, Jessie, you're a skilled trainer, but my last Pokémon is my toughest. Gloom, let's go!" Erika sends Gloom into battle.

"Gloom!" The Pokémon cries out.

"Alright Ponyta, Fire Spin!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta opens its mouth and sends out a spiral fire right at Gloom.

"Gloom!" The Pokémon cries out in pain after getting hit and taking major damage.

Jessie grins. "This battle is already over."

Erika grins back. "I don't think so. Gloom, Mega Drain!"

"Gloom!" Gloom aims its flower on its head right at Ponyta and then the flower shoots a green beam right at the Pokémon.

"Neigh!" Ponyta cries in pain as a lot of its energy gets sucked out.

Gloom regains stamina and is fully healed as well. "Gloom Gloom!" The Pokémon hops up and down in excitement.

Erika is still grinning. "And just like that, that made it look like Fire Spin never happened!"

"Neigh!" Ponyta cries out in more pain from the poison.

Domino frowns. "This is so hard to watch for Ponyta."

"Come on, Ponyta! Just throw in the towel already!" Meowth demanded.

"Ponyta, Agility!" Jessie commanded.

"Neigh!" Ponyta starts dashing towards Gloom, but the Pokémon was slower because of it being tired and in pain.

"Alright Gloom, let's take that Ponyta down with a Solar Beam!" Erika commanded.

"Gloom!" Gloom draws sunlight into the pistil of the flower on its head.

"Use Take Down, Ponyta!"

"Fire, Gloom!"

Ponyta was ready to charge Gloom with its speed, but because of its slowness from being tired, Gloom managed to fire a beam of energy from the pistil of its flower right at Ponyta.

"Neigh!" Ponyta cried in pain before crashing to the ground of the battlefield and fainting.

"Ponyta is unable to battle. Which means both trainers are officially down to their last Pokémon!"

"Ponyta return!" Jessie recalls Ponyta to its Poké Ball. "You did great, you deserve a long rest." She begins to think in her mind. "I can't use Squirtle or Electabuzz, grass-types have the advantage over them." Jessie then turns to Meowth. "Alright Meowth, I need you here."

Meowth smirks. "You got it!" He jumps into the battlefield. "Let's do this!"

Erika raises an eyebrow. "Ignoring that your Meowth can talk… Sleep Powder, Gloom!"

"Gloom!" Gloom releases an indigo powder from the flower on its head right at Meowth.

"Meowth, dodge it quickly!" Jessie commanded.

"You ain't putting me to sleep!" Meowth quickly gets out of the direction of the Sleep Powder before getting affected.

"Now Fury Swipes, Meowth!"

Meowth's claws start glowing white. "Taste my scratches!" The Pokémon starts scratching Gloom repeatedly with its claws.

"Gloom!" Gloom cries in pain for every scratch.

"Quick, Poison Powder!" Erika commanded.

Gloom quickly releases a sparkling purple powder with green sparkles in it from the flower on its head right at Meowth.

Meowth tries to hold its breath, but couldn't and breathes in the powder. "ACK!" Meowth is poisoned.

Jessie looks worried. "Oh no!"

Erika smirks. "I think this battle is about to be over very soon!"

Jessie scowls. "Yeah, and you will end up losing! Meowth use Slash!"

"I ain't going down that easy!" Meowth's claws start to glow white once more and then they extend. Meowth then slashes Gloom, hard.

"Gloom!" Gloom cries out in pain.

Erika looks focused. "Mega Drain quick, Gloom!"

"Gloom!" Gloom aims its flower on its head right at Meowth and then the flower shoots a green beam right at him.

"MY ENERGY!" Meowth falls to the ground from tiredness. "Jess… I'm getting tired." Meowth takes more damage from the poison. "The poison!"

Meowth's energy that Gloom drained heals up the Pokémon. "Gloom Gloom!"

Jessie is now worried. "I got to think of something!" She says in her head.

Meanwhile, in the crowd, Domino also looks worried. "Come on Jessie, you got to win."

Jessie gets an idea. "Meowth use Bite right on Gloom's flower right on its head!"

"Huh?!" Erika expresses shock at what Jessie just said.

Meowth bites right on top of Gloom's flower on its head.

"Hang on!" Jessie quickly commanded.

Gloom starts running around the battlefield in pain, trying to get Meowth off. "Gloom Gloom Gloom!"

Erika scowls. "Put that Meowth to sleep with your Sleep Powder so it would let go!"

"Gloom!" Gloom tries to release blue powder from its flower, but Meowth's bite on it and hanging on is blocking the move.

"No way!" Erika says in shock.

Jessie smirks. "The flower is blocked from Meowth hanging on with the bite!"

"I hope Jess knows what she's doing…" Meowth says in his mind, then takes damage from the poison. "Ow…"

"Fury Swipes, let's go!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth, while still holding onto Gloom's flower with its bite, extends his claws which start glowing white, and then scratches Gloom multiple times.

"Alright Gloom, Solar Beam!"

Gloom's flower begins to absorb light.

"Use Fury Swipes once more!"

Meowth's claws are still glowing white and scratch more of Gloom.

"Gloom…" Gloom starts looking tired.

"Release your Solar Beam, Gloom!"

"Meowth, Thunderbolt quick!"

Gloom was about to release its Solar Beam, but Yellow sparks surrounded Meowth's body quickly and then Meowth fired a bolt of yellow lightning from its body right while on top of Gloom.

"Gloooooooom!" The Pokémon cries in extreme pain from the Thunderbolt. Meowth hops off of Gloom and lands on the battlefield as Gloom falls to the ground and faints.

Erika gasps. "Gloom!"

"Gloom is unable to battle. Which means the victor is the challenger, Jessie!"

Jessie runs onto the battlefield to hug Meowth. "You did it Meowth! Thank you so much!"

Meowth grins. "Yeah, yeah, I am the best!" Then stops grinning after feeling pain from the poison. "Ow…"

Domino claps at Jessie winning and celebrates. "Woo, go Jessie!"

Erika smiles and recalls Gloom. "You did great Gloom, you deserve a good rest."

Time skips to Erika presenting Jessie the Rainbow Badge.

"You're a very special trainer Jessie. I had a great time battling you and you definitely deserve the Rainbow Badge!" Erika presents the Rainbow Badge to Jessie.

Jessie happily accepts the Rainbow Badge. "I got… the Rainbow Badge!" She poses in victory.

Erika smiles. "Good luck on the rest of your journey!" She waves goodbye to Jessie and Domino.

Jessie and Domino wave goodbye back as they exit the Celadon Gym. Time skips to them visiting the Pokémon Center with all of Jessie's Pokémon healed up. Then it cuts to Jessie, Domino, and Meowth dragging James out of the Game Corner.

James is trying to get out of the trio's grasp by squirming. "No, don't take me away. I still need to win that jackpot! Let me go!"

"I think you have enough gambling for one day, Jimmy! Besides, Casinos are rigged!" Meowth says.

Domino nods. "Yep, they are."

"And we're not letting you leave us for a dumb slot machine," Jessie added.

The trio successfully drags James out of the Game Corner with James still squirming.

"Jessie has earned her fourth badge. She's only halfway there to compete in the Kanto Pokémon Regional League Tournament! Will she ever catch up with her rival, Leaf, or will she always be right behind her shadow every time? Find out soon as the journey continues!"

The scene descends from the Game Corner to reveal the Team Rocket trio in a secret basement hideout.

Butch groans from tiredness. "I feel like I have been walking around this hideout for hours!"

"Yeah, my legs are getting tired!" Mondo added.

Cassidy shushes Butch and Mondo. "Be quiet, you two. We're supposed to be guarding the poster, but instead, we're down here in this secret hideout where we're not supposed to be!"

As the Team Rocket trio continues to look around, they come across a room and start hearing noises. The Team Rocket trio all look at each other with weird expressions as they slowly approach the room and peeking. They all see their boss, Giovanni, grinning evilly.

"It's the boss." The Team Rocket trio said to each other quietly.

Giovanni is seen putting armor finishing putting armor around the body of an unknown Pokémon.

"Finally, after all of these days, all of the armor is attached to you," Giovanni says, still grinning.

The unknown Pokémon starts to communicate with Giovanni, telepathically. "What is the purpose of this armor?"

"To make you even stronger than before, of course!" Giovanni answered. "We're going to show how strong you really are to these other pathetic trainers! The plan is escalating perfectly, just like I predicted. No one is going to stop us!"