Shock Till You Dock

The episode starts with a view of an unknown island as it appears to cut inside the mountain as we see what looks like a hideout. A guy with yellow hair shaped like a thunderbolt wearing a black leather jacket with black leather jeans, looking at the big screen in his hideout, he's tapping his finger impatiently.

"Nothing… just nothing yet." The yellow-haired person turns around and starts walking towards a door that automatically opens.

Inside the room is a bunch of cages with sad Pokémon inside, specifically electric-type Pokémon. The yellow-haired person starts slowly walking and looking at each cage.

"My dream is to collect every single electric Pokémon for myself." The yellow-haired person arrives in a cage containing a robotic Pokémon with a spherical metal body. He kneels to the cages' height. "Isn't that right, Magnemite?"

Magnemite doesn't say anything, the Pokémon just lays there with a sad expression and silence.

The yellow-haired person stands back up and continues walking until he reaches two empty cages with a picture of Pikachu and Electabuzz on it.

"But at last, I'm still missing two Pokémon. I don't have a Pikachu and Electabuzz in my collection, but no trainers have sailed by with at least one of my wanted Pokémon at the party. Once I do collect them… I will finally have the strength to go after the electric Pokémon I want the most…" It cuts to the yellow-haired person walking up to a photo of a large yellow bird Pokémon. "Zapdos!" He grins.

The lights in the base begin blinking on and off as the yellow-haired person begins growling. "Oh no they don't!"

It cuts to a different room that looks like the generator of the base. Two Pokémon taking deep breaths from exhaustion. A yellow spiky Pokémon and an orange roden-like Pokémon were both tired, but the orange roden Pokémon was next to a big wheel.

The door opens to the room and it is the yellow-haired person with a whip and appears to be angry as the two Pokémon look frightened. "I didn't say both of your time was up! Jolteon, continue powering the base and Raichu, get back on that damn wheel!" He nearly cracks his whip at the two Pokémon to show how serious he is.

Jolteon immediately continues powering the generator by using its Thunder on it and Raichu goes back on the wheel and continues running on it.

The yellow-haired person's alarm system begins going off. "Trainers arriving! Trainers arriving! Trainers arriving!" The alarm system keeps repeating.

The yellow-haired person rushes to his big T.V. screen and it projects the boat with the gang and Martin on it, sailing, then rushes to his computer and immediately starts typing. "Computer, identify each trainer's party!"

After a few seconds of the computer downloading each of the gang and Martin's data. The entire team of the gang pops up on the computer. The yellow-haired person's attention immediately gasped in shock after seeing Jessie's Electabuzz and James' Pikachu on his computer screen.

"What luck I have! Computer… send in the Tentacool and Tentacruel!" The yellow-haired person commanded.

It cuts to under the water where a hatch attached to the mountain opens and then Tentacool and Tentacruel are seen swimming out and heading towards the boat with the gang and Martin on it.

The title screen shows.

"Shock Till You Dock."

"Our heroes are on a boat with Martin as they are getting closer and closer to Cinnabar Island so that Jessie can challenge the Gym Leader and have the chance to win her seventh badge!"

Jessie is shown to be on her phone with someone. "Yep, we're getting closer to Cinnabar Island and I can't wait! Alright, see ya!" She hangs up.

"Who was that you're talking to on your phone, Jessie?" Domino asked.

"That was Professor Oak! He wanted to ask me how close I am to Cinnabar Island." Jessie responded.

"Wait, you could've let Martin talk to him for an apology." James pointed out.

"I'm driving the boat okay? Besides, I said I will apologize when we reach Cinnabar Island in the first place." Martin says.

Meowth was at the edge of the boat looking at the water with determination in his eyes. "Come on! Come on!"

Jessie notices her Pokémon and raises an eyebrow. "Watcha doing, Meowth?"

"I'm waiting for a fish Pokémon to jump out of the water and grab and eat it," Meowth replied.

Jessie frowns. "Come on Meowth, can't you just eat some Pokémon food instead of actual Pokémon?"

Meowth looks back at its trainer. "Well excuse me, when you eat Pokémon almost every single day, you get sick and tired of it. I want something different and fishy!"

As Meowth looks back to the water, right in front of the Pokémon is a Tentacool looking straight at him. "Tentacool!"

"AH!" Meowth quickly backs up.

Martin immediately stops the boat once he notices the Tentacool in front of it. "That was a close one…"

Domino immediately notices the Tentacool and gasps. "A Tentacool!" She runs towards the edge of the boat as Jessie and James follow behind.

"I-I totally didn't say anything about eating fish. Nope!" Meowth nervously chuckles.

Domino pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "I'm gonna catch it!"

However, James stops her. "Hold on." He spots bubbles appearing on the surface.

Then a Tentacruel appears right next to the Tentacruel. "Tentacruel!"

Domini gasped even more and louder. "Even better, a Tentacruel!"

Jessie pulls out her Pokédex and points at the Tentacruel.

"Tentacruel, the Jellyfish Pokémon, water type and the evolved form of Tentacool. The tentacles are normally kept short. On hunts, they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey."

"Then I'll just catch this Tentacruel!" Domino said with an empty Poké Ball still in her hand.

Before Domino could have the chance to catch it, another Tentacool pops up to the surface right next to the Tentacruel, then another Tentacruel pops up to the surface, then another Tentacool and the pattern keeps going until all the Tentacool and Tentacruel surround the entire boat.

"Tentacool!" "Tentacruel!" All of the Tentacool and Tentacruel are glaring at the gang and Martin.

James slowly backs away before making direct eye contact with Martin. "You're gonna need a bigger boat…"

Meowth looks worried as he starts shivering. "Th-they look angry."

All of the Tentacool and Tentacruel blast a powerful jet of water underneath its blue stinger at the boat, sending it in the air. The gang and Martin all scream as they hang on for dear life before the boat lands back in the water, outside of the circle now.

Martin spots an island nearby. "I'm heading to that island!"

"Quick!" The gang shouted, ordering Martin to drive there.

Martin starts the engine and starts heading towards the island, but one of the Tentacruel spits out purple acid from under its blue stinger and it lands on the boat's sides, creating a hole.

"Aww, come on!" Martin said in disbelief after seeing the Tentacruel creating a hole in the boat with acid but continued trying to reach the island.

It cuts to underwater with a Magikarp submarine, the Team Rocket trio watching what happened from afar with a periscope.

"Those Tentacool and Tentacruel sure look angry at the twerps." Cassidy pointed out.

"Yeah, thank the lucky stars that ain't us," Butch said with a chuckle.

Team Rocket lowers the periscope attachment to the Magikarp submarine until once they reach underwater, they see that Tentacool and Tentacruel have already surrounded the submarine, which causes Team Rocket to shriek.

"Yeah, you spoke too soon, Butchy," Mondo said with an annoyed expression to Butch.

"Tentacool!" "Tentacruel!" All of the Tentacool and Tentacruel blast a powerful jet of water under its blue stinger at the Magikarp submarine, blasting it off with the Team Rocket trio inside.


It cuts to Martin's boat finally making it to the shore of the island as Jessie, her friends, and Martin both immediately hopped off and landed on the sand of the beach.

Martin looks at the big hole on the side of the Acid and sighs in annoyance. "This sucks! Stupid Tentacool and Tentacruel! What was their problem?"

"Martin, can you fix the boat or are we trapped here?" Jessie asked.

Meowth groans in annoyance. "Trapped on an island again?! This better not be the case!"

"Yeah, I can fix the boat alright, although it's going to take a while to do so," Martin replied.

The gang all immediately sighed in relief after Martin's response.

"Thank goodness, I don't want to experience another phase of surviving on an island," Domino said.

"You guys were trapped on an island before?" Martin asked.

"Long story, don't ask," Jessie replied to Martin.

Martin starts thinking while looking at the hole. "Well, I do need some material first to patch up this hole, this will take a while to do so."

"I'm going to explore the island for a little bit to see what our surroundings are," Jessie suggested.

"Oh!" James spoke up. "I'll do that as well by going the other direction, that way, we will clear more area on this island faster."

"I'll stay here with Martin, just in case he needs me to get something to fix the boat," Domino says.

Meowth nods. "I'll stay here with Domino and the nerd!"

Martin looks at the talking Pokémon with an annoyed expression. "I have a name you know…"

"If we don't come back for like thirty minutes, just assume something happened to us," Jessie says, to which James nods in agreement.

Both Jessie and James enter the forest of the island and then head to a different direction as Domino and Meowth both say with Martin. It cuts to the yellow-haired person spying on both Jessie and James on the screen with hidden cameras.

"Good… good." He begins talking in the third person perspective. "Soon, Zapper will have your Pikachu and Electabuzz. Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff, front and center!" Zapper blows his whistle.

Two balloon-like Pokémon, one with a bean-shaped body and one with a spherical body, appear in front of Zapper. "Wigglytuff!" "Jigglypuff!"

"Pay attention to the screen," Zapper commanded as the balloon-like Pokémon does so. "You see those two trainers on screen? They have the two electric Pokémon to complete my collection and I need you both to retrieve them for me and that's an order."

Both balloon-like Pokémon nod as they leave out of view to leave Zapper's base. It cuts to where Jessie is, walking and looking around.

"I wonder if there are some Pokémon that I can catch here," Jessie says, continuing to look around.

The bushes start rattling which sparks Jessie's attention as she looks directly at them and she pulls out a Poké Ball.

Jessie chuckles. "Whatever Pokémon you are, you're mine!"

Jigglypuff pops out from the bushes. "Jigglypuff!"

"A Jigglypuff, huh? Well if that's the case-" While Jessie was about to finish her sentence and throw a Pokémon, Jigglypuff cuts her off by singing.

"Jiiiiiiiiiigglypuff! Jigglyyyyyyy, yy-puff!"

"Huh? Why do I… feel so sleepy…" Before Jessie could send out a Pokémon, she fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Jigglypuff frowns seeing Jessie sleeping. "Jigglypuff…" The balloon-like starts going through Jessie's purse and then pulls out Electabuzz's Poké Ball, and then Jigglypuff leaves.

It now cuts to the location where James is, just like Jessie, he is also walking and looking around.

"This island is bigger than the last island we were stranded on. It even has a cool mountain." James says while looking at the mountain from afar.

A Wigglytuff appears right in front of James. "Wigglytuff!"

"Oh sweet, a Wigglytuff! I'll catch it!" James pulls out a Poké Ball and this time he sends out a Pokémon. "Slowbro, I choose you!"

Slowbro materializes. "Slow…bro."

"Alright Slowbro, use-"

Before James could command a move, Wigglytuff started singing.

"Wiiiiiiiiiigglypuff! Wigglyyyyyyy, yy-puff!"

James' eyelids start getting heavy. "Must… stay… awake…" he fell on the ground and went to sleep like Jessie did earlier.

"Wigglytuff!" Wigglytuff starts going through James' pockets while he is asleep, pulls out Pikachu's Poké Ball, and then proceeds to leave.

Slowbro was still wide awake and experienced the whole thing. "Slow…bro?" Then the Pokémon proceeds to fall asleep from a late reaction.

It cuts to where Domino, Meowth, and Martin are with Domino growing concerned about Jessie and James.

Domino starts showing her concern. "They're sure taking quite a while to explore the island."

"I'm sure they will meet us back here eventually," Meowth replied while collecting seashells.

"Why are you collecting seashells?" Martin asked while in the middle of repairing the hole in his boat.

"It's a hobby I mostly do when I'm bored. Also, maybe I'll make a little money if I find a good one!" Meowth then picks up a purple seashell, not realizing that it was a Shellder in the sand.

Domino's eyes widened. "Uhh… Meowth?"

"What?" Meowth looks at his hand and then he realizes it's a Shellder. "YIKES!"

"Shellder!" The Shellder jumps out of Meowth's hand and then bites his tail.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Meowth starts running around in circles while screaming in pain. "Let go of my tail, you stupid Pokémon!"

Domino starts laughing while watching this occur. "Maybe you will evolve into a 'Meowbro!'"

"NOT FUNNY!" Meowth continues running around in circles with a Shellder on its tail.

It cuts to where Jessie is in the forest, slowly opening her eyes and waking up.

Jessie yawns and stretches. "That was a nice nap, I guess I owe that Jigglypuff earlier. I wonder how much time I was out for? I should head back just in case." She starts heading back to the shore where Domino, Meowth, and Martin, are oblivious that her Electabuzz's Poké Ball is missing from her purse.

Then it cuts to the location where James is and then he proceeds to open his eyes and wake up too as well. He also yawns and stretches.

"That Wigglytuff came out of nowhere." James then sees his Slowbro sleeping and then pokes his Pokémon. "Come on, Slowbro, wake up. We should head back to where Domino, Meowth, and Martin are at."

A few seconds pass and then Slowbro opens its eyes, waking up as well. "Slow…bro."

James starts walking back to the shore where Domino, Meowth, and Martin are at. It cuts to inside the island's mountain where Zapper's secret base is and he is waiting patiently.

Zapper is tapping his foot from being impatient. "Come on! I'm not getting any younger here!"

Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff soon arrive back inside the base and approach Zapper with Jigglypuff having Jessie's Electabuzz's Poké Ball and Wigglytuff having James' Pikachu's Poké Ball. "Jigglypuff!" "Wigglytuff!"

Zapper has an evil grin on his face. "Good!" He takes the two Poké Balls and heads to the cage room.

Jigglypuff was watching Zapper leave, then the Pokémon proceeded to frown and then looked at Wigglytuff. "Jigglypuff…?"

("Should we really be doing this…?")

Wigglytuff nods. "Wigglytuff!"

("Always got to listen to master!")

It cuts to Zapper arriving at the cage room. It shows that Jolteon and Raichu are now in their cages with Magnemite and Voltorb out and somewhere else.

Zapper opens the two cages with Electabuzz's face and Pikachu's face as he sends both Pokémon out. Electabuzz and Pikachu both materialize inside their proper cages then Zapper closes them.

"Elebububu?!" "Pikachu?!" Both Pokémon look around in confusion seeing that they're behind bars and then they see Zapper both Pokémon realize that they've been kidnapped.

Zapper grins at the Pokémon. "Welcome to your new home, Electabuzz and Pikachu. You both are now owned by me and you both will do what I say or…" He pulls out a whip and cracks it in a threatening way. "You both will get it. Understand?"

Pikachu and Electabuzz both send out a bolt of electricity to try an escape attempt from the cage, but it doesn't do anything.

Zapper laughs. "Silly Pokémon, I built these cages and I made them indestructible! There's no way of escaping, you're both trapped here forever! Now, Magnemite and Voltorb's time of powering my base is almost up and it will be both of your turns next, and don't worry, I will tell you when you're slacking off and I prefer that you don't do that…" Zapper slowly turns around and leaves the room.

Pikachu and Electabuzz both look at each other with worried expressions on their faces. It cuts to the shore with Jessie and James, with his Slowbro, arriving back to where Domino, Meowth, and Martin are.

Domino is seen trying to pull Shellder off of Meowth's tail. "Come on, get off!"

Meowth is holding back from screaming in pain and shedding tears. "Come on, Domino, hurry up!"

"I'm trying!" Domino replied.

"Did I arrive back at a bad time?" Jessie said with a confused look on her face.

"I'll have to ask that question too," James added, also confused.

After struggling to get the Shellder off of Meowth's tail, Domino finally gets the Pokémon off. Shellder goes flying and lands on the sand.

"Alright! Time to catch it!" Domino said while pulling out an empty Poké Ball. "Poké Ball, go!" She throws the Poké Ball right towards the Shellder.

However, unfortunately for Domino, Shellder quickly digs into the sand and avoids being potentially captured. The Poké Ball hits the sand.

Domino sighs. "I am just having a bad time capturing water Pokémon…"

Both Jessie and James clear their throats as Domino and Meowth notice the two while Martin is still focusing on repairing his boat.

"Oh, hey Jessie and James, you're back!" Domino says with an awkward wave.

"Did you two explore the island?" Meowth asked.

Jessie starts answering. "Well when I was in the forest, exploring, some Jigglypuff came out of nowhere and put me to sleep, so I decided to head back just in case I was out for too long."

"Wait what?" James looks at Jessie. "The same thing kinda happened to me except it was a Wigglytuff instead and Wigglytuff is the evolved form of Jigglypuff."

James' Slowbro speaks up. "Slow…bro."

("Took… Pokémon.")

Meowth looks at Slowbro with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"What's up Meowth, what did Slowbro say?" James asked.

"Slowbro just said 'took Pokémon' and that's strange," Meowth replied.

James thinks for a little bit before realizing what Slowbro meant. He immediately reaches into his pockets and only feels four Poké Balls. "O-one of my Pokémon is missing!"

"WHAT?!" Both Jessie, Meowth, Domino, and Martin all said in disbelief.

Soon Jessie realizes that she is in the same predicament as James earlier and checks her purse. "Let's see, there's Meowth's Poké Ball, Haunter, Rapidash, Wartortle, and Scyther…" Her eyes widened. "ELECTABUZZ'S POKÉ BALL IS MISSING!"

James takes out all of his Poké Balls from his pockets to see which Pokémon's Poké Ball is missing. "My Pikachu is missing. That Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff must've taken them when we were knocked out! Thanks, Slowbro!" James recalls Slowbro.

"We have to call the police!" Domino immediately suggested.

Jessie raises an eyebrow at Domino. "On Pokémon? I don't know if the police will arrest Pokémon."

"No! Look, there has to be a reason why Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff stole Electabuzz and Pikachu. Perhaps someone commanded them to do so." Domino suggested.

Meowth nods. "She could be up to something here."

Jessie, Domino, and James all pull out their phones to call the police, but unfortunately, the island they're on doesn't have any service.

Jessie groans in annoyance. "We should've known that this island doesn't have any service!"

Martin decides to speak up. "I'll call the police. I programmed my phone so that it could dial any number even without service. I suggest you guys go find your Pokémon and I'll stay here and work on fixing the hole in my boat."

"Thanks, Martin!" Jessie takes out a Safari Ball and a Poké Ball from her purse. "Scyther and Haunter, I need you both!" She sends out both Scyther and Haunter.

Scyther and Haunter both materialize. "Scyther!" "Ha! Ha!"

James also pulls out a Poké Ball. "Haunter, I need you too!" He sends his own Haunter out as well.

James' Haunter materializes. "What do you want now?"

"We need you three to search the skies for a Wigglytuff and a Jigglypuff," James ordered the Pokémon.

"We will follow you three along the way," Jessie added.

"Fine. Come on you two, let's go!" James' Haunter starts floating out.

Scyther follows, but Jessie's Haunter looks annoyed but proceeds to follow too by floating. Jessie and her friends soon start running to follow the three Pokémon while Martin stays to fix his boat. Meanwhile, in the air, James' Haunter spots the mountain from afar.

James' Haunter looks at Jessie's Haunter with a grin. "I bet I can reach that mountain faster than you, second place Haunter!"

Jessie's Haunter glares at the Pokémon. "Haunter!"

Scyther sighs. "Scyther…"

Both Haunter starts floating towards the mountain fast as Scyther starts flying faster to keep up, while on the ground, the gang starts sprinting faster to keep up with the three Pokémon. Soon, both Haunter flies through the mountain as Scyther stops itself from crashing into it.

"Scyther!" The Pokémon cries out.

Both Haunter float inside the entrance of the secret base inside the mountain.

"What is this place?" James' Haunter looks around in confusion.

Jessie's Haunter shrugs in response and notices a red button. "Haunter?" The Pokémon floats over to the red button and presses it.

It cuts to outside where the gang catches up with Scyther near the bottom of the mountain.

"You say both Haunter went through the mountain?" Jessie asked her Scyther.

Scyther starts nodding fast. "Scyther!"

Soon, the gang and Scyther start hearing rumbling coming from where they are on the mountain.

Domino starts shaking in fear. "Wh-what's happening?!"

"AH!" Meowth immediately hops onto Jessie's shoulder and then goes under Jessie's pink hat to hide.

Jessie and James are also scared but also remain calm. Scyther readies itself to battle. The bottom of the mountain where the gang starts slowly opens and reveals a small entrance to the secret base as the rumbling stops.

"What?" Jessie says confused.

James walks up to the part where the mountain opened and knocks on it with his fist. The sound of metal is heard. "This is… metal!"

Meowth peeks under Jessie's hat. "Well, that's not normal!"

Both Haunter appeared with the gang.

"Check out what I discovered!" James' Haunter says with a confident smug look.

Jessie's Haunter glares in response. "Haunter!"

James' Haunter rolls its eyes in response. "Fine, check out what WE found."

It cuts to the room in the base where Zapper is at. He appeared to be sleeping until.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The alarm goes off, causing Zapper to immediately wake up.

"What the hell?!" Zapper looks at his camera system in his base and then soon ends up switching to the entrance room where he spots the gang inside. "How did they find out about the base?! Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff, front and center!"

Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff soon arrive and face Zapper. "Wigglytuff!" Jigglypuff!"

"Intruders have entered the base, put them to sleep so we can take care of them," Zapper said with the most serious expression.

"Wigglytuff!" Wigglytuff happily leaves the surveillance camera room to take care of the gang.

Jigglypuff, however, had a sad expression and just stood there. "Jigglypuff…"

"Jigglypuff, take care of them, now!" Zapper cracks his whip close to Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff jumps from being frightened. "Jigglypuff!" The Pokémon immediately catches up with Wigglytuff. As soon as the Pokémon does, it still has that sad expression on its face. "Jigglypuff…?"

("Hey Wigglytuff… do you think this is right at all?")


("I'm just following orders and you should too!")

"Jigglypuff! Jigglypuff, Jigglypuff, Jigglypuff!"

("I just don't think this is right at all! He's forcing Pokémon to power his base, he made us steal Pokémon, and now telling us to put innocent people to sleep!")

Wigglytuff looks at Jigglypuff, now having a sad expression on its face before shaking its head and continuing walking towards the gang with Jigglypuff following and frowning. It cuts to the gang, with their Pokémon, walking and looking around the base.

"So this secret base was inside the mountain this entire time?" Jessie asked.

"I guess so." Domino starts thinking. "But why would they build a hidden base on a stranded island?"

"Something must be up," Meowth says.

James nods to agree with Meowth. "We will just keep looking."

Wigglytuff appears in front of the gang, meanwhile, Jigglypuff is hiding nearby and watching.

"Wigglytuff!" The Pokémon cried out.

The gang immediately stopped in their tracks as they gasped.

"It's that Wigglytuff!" Jessie exclaimed.

Wigglytuff opens its mouth, about to sing, and puts the gang to sleep.

Domino starts to panic. "It's about to sing!"

"Haunter, use Hypnosis quickly!" Both Jessie and James ordered.

Jessie and James' Haunter's eyes glow red as Wigglytuff looks at both Haunter, it immediately fell asleep before it could sing.

"Night, night!" James' Haunter says with a laugh.

After Wigglytuff was put to sleep, Jigglypuff appeared behind the Pokémon, revealing itself to the gang.

"Now it's that Jigglypuff, alright Haunter-"

Jessie was about to command Haunter to use Hypnosis again until Jigglypuff interrupted her with its cry. "Jigglypuff! Jigglypuff!"

"Wait, Jess! Jigglypuff said they will take us to where your Pokémon are!" Meowth translated.

"Can we even trust Jigglypuff? What if it's tricking us?" Domino suggested.

Jigglypuff frowns. "Jigglypuff…"

Meowth translates what Jigglypuff said once more. "Jigglypuff said that they feel very bad about stealing your Pokémon and want to make things right and offer you guys to trust them."

James looks at his friends. "Well, this is the best we got if we're gonna find Electabuzz and Pikachu."

It cuts to the surveillance camera room where Zapper sees Jigglypuff leading the gang to the room with all the electric Pokémon in cages.

"Jigglypuff… you damn traitor." Zapper immediately leaves.

It cuts to the cage room door opening as the gang looks inside and gasps in shock once they see the electric Pokémon all in cages and expressing sadness. They stepped into the room with Jigglypuff and started looking at them.

"No way… what is this horrible place?" Jessie asked.

Domino starts naming every Pokémon trapped in the cages. "Raichu, Jolteon, Voltorb, Electrode, Magnemite, Magneton-"

Soon the gang reached the cages where Electabuzz and Pikachu were trapped. "Electabuzz and Pikachu!" They all said, before running towards the cages.

Electabuzz and Pikachu both perk up once they hear the gang's voices. "Elebububu!" "Pikachu!"

Jessie turns to Meowth. "Meowth, use Fury Swipes on the cages!"

"On it!" Meowth's claws glow white and become sharper and swipe the bars of the cages, but they don't break. "Huh?"

"What?" Jessie then turns to her Scyther. "Scyther, use Slash on them!"

"Scyther!" Scyther starts slashing at the bars of the cages with its scythes, but the cages still won't break.

"Why won't they break?!" James exclaimed.

Zapper's voice was heard by the gang. "Because I made these cages to be indestructible."

Jessie and her friends immediately turn around to see Zapper close to the entrance or exit door of the room.

James grits his teeth. "You're the person behind all of this! You controlled Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff to steal our Pokémon!"

"Release all of these Pokémon now!" Jessie demanded.

Zapper starts laughing like crazy. "And ruin my electric Pokémon collection? Now why would I do a silly thing like that?"

"Electric Pokémon collection…" Domino soon realized and gasped. "The missing electric Pokémon from the missing posters in that Pokémon Center! This is them!" She points at all of the electric Pokémon in the cages. "Y-you're the one who stole them!"

Zapper slowly claps, being sarcastic. "Congratulations, Ms. Sherlock Holmes. I guess it's time to take care of all of you." Zapper pulls out two Poké Balls. "Dragonair, Machamp, take care of them." He sends out his Dragonair and Machamp.

Both Dragonair and Machamp materialize as they cry out. "Drag!" "Machamp!"

Jessie and James both command their Pokémon to attack them. "Scyther and Haunter, go!" "Haunter, attack that Dragonair!"

Scyther and Jessie's Haunter go after Zapper's Machamp, as James' Haunter goes after Dragonair.

Zapper grins. "Dragonair and Machamp, knock their Pokémon out!"

Dragonair swats James' Haunter back with its tail, knocking it out and Machamp punches both Scyther and Haunter as they both get knocked out as well. The gang both shrieks as Jessie and James recall their Pokémon.

"Those Pokémon are too strong!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Jigglypuff!" Jigglypuff hides behind Domino in fear.

Electabuzz and Pikachu are both looking on from their cages and start shocking and then hitting the cages, doing anything to break free.

"Time to take care of you three once and for all. No. Witnesses! Dragonair and Machamp, take care of them once and for all!" Zappers snaps his fingers.

As the gang, Meowth and Jigglypuff, hug each other in fear, an orange beam of light starts forming in Dragonair's horn and Machamp opens its mouth as an orange light starts glowing in Machamp's mouth, however, the entire room starts flashing red as a warning, cutting off Zapper's Pokémon's move. Everyone looks around in confusion.

"What is this?!" Zapper exclaimed.

One after one, all the cages with the trapped electric Pokémon inside, including Electabuzz and Pikachu, all started opening one by one and all of the electric Pokémon hopped out of their cages.

All electric Pokémon cry at the same time once they hop out of each cage. "Raichu!" "Jolteon!" "Voltorb!" "Electrode!" "Magnemite!" "Magneton!" "ELEBUBU!" "Pikachu!"

Zapper screams out in anger seeing "WHAT THE HELL?! WHO RELEASED ALL OF MY ELECTRIC POKÉMON?!"

It cuts to the main control room as it's revealed that Wigglytuff woke up minutes ago and was the one who pressed the button to open the cages. "Wigglytuff!"

It cuts back to the cage room of the secret base.

Jessie takes a step forward towards Zapper with a serious expression. "You're wrong… these are not your Pokémon. You stole them, you absolute criminal maniac! Everyone… THUNDER!" She points at Zapper and his Pokémon.

All of the electric Pokémon, including Electabuzz and Pikachu, cried out before sending a bolt of electricity right at Zapper and his Pokémon.

Zapper starts screaming in tons of pain as Dragonair and Machamp both cry in pain from all three getting major electrocuted. "YOU RUINED MY DREAM, I HATE YOU, YOU PINK HAT IDIOT!" Zapper also screamed out at Jessie before getting knocked out and his Pokémon.

It cuts back to the shore as it appears the police have arrived on boats and have Zapper in handcuffs and back conscious. Where the gang and Martin are looking on.

"I will have Zapdos one day, I will!" Zapper declared.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Tell it to the judge, crazy." The police lead the handcuffed Zapper to the police boat and it drives off.

Officer Jenny salutes the gang. "Thank you three for helping and saving the missing electric Pokémon. We will have them returned to their trainers once we get back to Fuschia City!"

It shows all the kidnapped electric Pokémon, including Wigglytuff, on the other police boat with a happy expression towards the gang as they cry out in happiness and Jessie and her friends express happiness back at them as the police boat drives off.

"It was no problem, officer!" Jessie replied to Officer Jenny with a nod.

"We're just happy all the electric Pokémon will be going back to their trainers!" Domino added.

"And we've kinda been dealing with tons of criminals lately, it's normal." James also added but with a chuckle,

"It seems that you people need some help getting to Cinnabar Island. Perhaps you want me to give you all a ride there?" Officer Jenny offered to the gang and Martin.

Martin immediately jumps in. "Nope, that won't be necessary because I fixed my boat! Ta-da!" He reveals that he boarded up the hole with wood.

The gang all smile once they see the boat fixed.

"That's awesome, Martin!" Jessie exclaimed.

"About time!" Meowth added.

Domino holds both of her hands together in delight. "Now I can go back to looking at all the beautiful water Pokémon while we're on the boat!"

"Well let's get off this island and continue our trail to Cinnabar Island!" James says.

It cuts to the gang and Officer Jenny waving goodbye at each other before the gang and Martin go back sailing on the sea and heading to Cinnabar Island.

"Our heroes managed to stop another criminal from their plans and save a bunch of Pokémon as they are back on track to Cinnabar Island! However, it seems like they have someone tagging along and they don't know!"

Oblivious to the gang and Martin, it shows Jigglypuff secretly following them by hanging onto the metal railing of the back of the boat. "Jigglypuff!"