Evolution Stones and Rivals Grown

The episode starts with the gang walking on the streets of Cinnabar Island and minding their own business.

"Our heroes continue their vacation on Cinnabar Island until James realizes something, so maybe they can leave Cinnabar Island early?"

"Guys, guess what?" James asked his friends.

Jessie, Meowth, and Domino all looked at each other before looking back at James. "What?"

James pulls out a Poké Ball. "Check this out! Charizard, come on out!" James sends his Charizard out from its Poké Ball.

Charizard materializes and lets out a roar once doing so as Jessie, Meowth, and Domino all gasp seeing the Pokémon.

"No way! Your Charmeleon evolved!" Jessie exclaimed.

Domino claps. "Congratulations, James!"

"So when did your Charmeleon evolve into a Charizard?" Meowth asked.

James' eyes widened before rubbing the back of his head nervously. "That's not important, besides, we can now escape Cinnabar Island by having Charizard fly over those whirlpools surrounding the island. Shall we get out of here?"

Jessie, Domino, and Meowth all looked around with awkward expressions before Domino was the one to speak up.

"Yeah umm about that James… we would rather stay here for a little bit on Cinnabar Island for the vacation we're currently on," Domino responded.

"Yeah. Meowth needs a break from walking left and right, it's so tiring!" Meowth complained.

"Well, I know you two would suggest that we stay." James turns to Jessie. "But I know Jessie wants to leave and go earn her eighth and last required badge. Isn't that right, Jess?"

Jessie looked at Domino and Meowth, who were glaring at her before turning back to James with an awkward chuckle. "Well… I'm actually agreeing with Domino and Meowth. I could use the small vacation after all after days, weeks, and months of traveling."

James' eyes widened in shock. "Wow, okay then. Charizard, return!" He recalls Charizard back into its Poké Ball. "Let's go back to enjoy our vacation then!"

The title screen shows.

"Evolution Stones and Rivals Grown."

The gang continues walking on the streets of Cinnabar Island and they walk past two people and accidentally hear their conversation, but it sparks their interest.

"Have you heard about that new place opening in Cinnabar Island?" The person asked his friend.

"No, but there's a new place here?" The other person responded in confusion.

The gang stopped walking to look at the two people who walked by them.

"A new place opened up on Cinnabar Island?" Domino asked with a confused look.

"Maybe we should hear more about this place and check the place out!" Jessie suggested.

Meowth starts fantasizing about playing with balls of yarn and eating Pokémon food. "Maybe it's a heavenly place for all Meowth in the world."

Jessie and her friends all looked at Meowth with weirded-out expressions. "Yeah, you keep dreaming about that…" She says.

"Come on, let's go ask those guys," James suggested.

Jessie, Meowth, and Domino all nodded before running over to the two people. "Sirs! Excuse me, sirs!" The gang said.

The two people turned and looked at the gang running towards them. "Can we help you, three?" One of the people said.

Jessie decided to respond. "We accidentally heard part of your conversation and the part was about the new place opening in Cinnabar Island. Can you explain that more to us, please?"

The other person gladly smiles. "Oh! I would love to do that. You see, there's a new place that just opened up on Cinnabar Island. It's called the 'Evolution Stone Convention.' It's where many trainers with Pokémon that evolve with evolution stones all meet up."

Then the first person continues explaining more. "It used to be an Eeveevolution Convention run by two people with blonde and silver hair, but the whole convention turned out to be a scheme by some evil corporation, so the building rebranded and now it's the Evolution Stone Convention."

The gang was surprised to hear the last part of the explanation.

"Really? Were the criminals stopped?" Jessie asked.

"I heard the criminals were stopped at the end, so yeah." The second person confirmed.

"Can you at least give us the directions to this convention?" James requested. "We want to check the place out and see what's about."

It cuts to the gang standing in front of the convention and looking at it. There's also a bodyguard standing in the front of the building to guard it.

"So, this is the place? The Evolution Stone Convention?" Domino asked.

"Well, those two people lead us here, so this must be it. Let's just go." James says.

The gang started walking towards the Convention, but soon the bodyguard stopped them.

"Sorry, but I can't let anyone in unless they have a Pokémon that can only evolve by using a Fire, Water, Leaf, Thunder, or Moon Stone." The bodyguard says. "So any of you three have a Pokémon that can?"

"Oh! I do!" Domino pulls out a Poké Ball. "Come on out, Clefairy!"

Clefairy materializes. "Clefairy!"

James perks up. "Same here!" He also pulls out a Poké Ball. "Pikachu, let's go!"

Pikachu materializes. "Pikachu!"

The bodyguard looks at Domino's Clefairy and James' Pikachu and nods in approval. "Okay, that checks out for you two." Then they look at Jessie. "What about you?"

Jessie gulps before shaking his head no. "I umm… don't have one at the moment."

"Then no entry for you until you have a Pokémon that will only evolve with an evolution stone. Till then-" The bodyguard steps aside from Domino and James. "You two may enter."

James looks at Jessie with a smile on her face. "Sorry, Jessie!" He heads inside the convention building.

Domino waves goodbye. "Yep, sorry!"

"Uhh… Mr. Bodyguard, I'm with her!" Meowth hops onto Domino's shoulder.

"Meowth, what the hell?!" Jessie asked in disbelief.

"Sorry Jess, but I want to see this convention!" Meowth replied before Domino headed inside the building as well behind James.

Once James and Domino, with Meowth, go inside, Jessie takes a step forward before the bodyguard gets in front of the door, preventing Jessie from entering.

Jessie gets an idea. "I got it! I'll go and get my Nidorina!" She looks at the bodyguard. "I'll be right back!" Jessie sprints off to the Pokémon Center.

Meanwhile, in the Evolution Stone Convention, Domino, Meowth, and James all look around to see the building is packed full of trainers.

"Wow. Look at all of these trainers," Domino stated.

"Yeah. Why are there so many trainers here?" James asked.

One of the trainers was walking by and heard James' question, so they stopped to answer. "Everyone is signing up for the Stone Tournament."

"Stone Tournament?" Both Domino and James asked, confusing.

"It's your typical Pokémon Battle tournament, except at the end the winner gets to choose what evolution stone they want. Fire, Water, Leaf, Thunder, or Moon Stone, you name it." The trainer answered.

James looks so excited. "I'm definitely signing up so I can win a Thunder Stone for my Pikachu!" He looks at Pikachu. "Are you ready, Pikachu?"

Pikachu frowns for a little bit about the idea of evolving but puts on a smile for James. "Pikachu!"

Domino starts searching for his handbag. "Well, I already have a Moon Stone that Clefairy gave me-" However, she can't find it and starts to panic. "Wh-Where is my Moon Stone?!"

"You gave it to Jessie, after Nidoran evolved into Nidorina, remember?" James says.

Domino starts to think and then a quick flashback happens after the gang crosses the bridge from Jessie capturing Snorlax and Nidoran evolved.

"Hey, you're right! Geez, I hope Professor Oak won't mind taking care of my Snorlax." Jessie chuckles. "I'm so happy that my Nidoran evolved!"

Domino walks towards Jessie with her Moon Stone in her hands. "I still want you to have it just in case Nidorina wants to evolve. So please, take it, Jessie." She hands the Moon Stone to Jessie.

Jessie looks at the Moon Stone before slowly accepting it and smiles with a bow. "Thank you, Domino!"

The flashback ends and it cuts to the present day.

Domino expresses annoyance on her face. "I guess I'm joining the tournament too.."

Meowth laughs. "I can't believe you gave your Moon Stone to Jessie!"

Domino swats Meowth on the back of the head in frustration. "Do not start now!"

A familiar feminine voice is heard, especially with James. "Well, well, well. If it isn't James!"

James looked at where the voice came and his eyes widened. "O-Oakley?!"

Oakley reveals herself to Domino, Meowth, and especially to James as she smirks at him. "The one and only! Ready to kick some ass in this tournament!"

"You're entering the tournament too?" Domino asked.

Oakley crosses her arms. "I've already signed myself up, you both should as well or it's too late, especially you James." She winks at him.

James turns around to hide his blush, Meowth gags, and Domino just rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Where's your sister?" Meowth asked. "I'm warning you, Jessie isn't here if she is."

"Oh, her?" Oakley rolls her eyes. "She's back at home studying for some stupid Pokémon League Exam in the future or whatever. Nerd things, basically."

"Wh-what Pokémon are you using in the tournament?" James nervously asked while his back was still turned.

Oakley pulls out a Poké Ball. "My trustful Gloom, obviously! Gloom, come on out!" She sends Gloom out.

Gloom materializes. "Gloom! Gloom!"

"Once I and Gloom win the Evolution Stone tournament, I'm gonna pick the Leaf Stone so that I can evolve my Gloom into a beautiful Vileplume!"

Gloom jumps up and down to express happiness. "Gloom!"

"Oh yeah?!" James turns around to face her. "Well me and Pikachu are going to destroy everyone in this tournament and that includes you, Oakley!"

Oakley giggles. "I love a man that shows no remorse. I'll be watching you in the tournament." She and her Gloom walks away.

James' face is completely red from being embarrassed as Meowth just gags in disgust again.

"Let's just get signed up…" Domino starts walking to the sign-up area until she stops to notice James isn't following her and is just lost in space. "James…" Domino pokes him, no response. "JAMES!" She yelled.

James immediately snaps into reality. "Right! Right! Let's get signed up quickly!" He sprints towards the signed-up area.

Domino looks at Meowth, who just shrugs. "The dude is an idiot." The talking Pokémon says.

It cuts to Jessie sprinting towards the main area of Cinnabar Island to head to the Pokémon Center.

"Got. To. Get. Nidorina." Jessie says while breathing heavily from sprinting, but she accidentally bumps into someone on the way there and they both fall to the ground. "OW!" She yelled.

It was none other than her rival, Leaf, with her Eevee on her shoulder. "Hey pal, you might want to watch where-" She immediately cuts off her sentence once she looks at the person she bumped into and she chuckles. "What a coincidence, you bumped into me again, Jessie."

Jessie immediately recognizes that voice and looks back. "Oh, nice to see you again, Leaf."

Both Jessie and Leaf stand up and dust themselves off. Leaf notices that Jessie doesn't have her Meowth with her.

"Where's your talking Meowth at?" Leaf asked.

"He's… with Domino at the moment. I was heading to the Pokémon Center so I could ask Professor Oak to send over my Nidorina for this convention." Jessie explained.

Leaf raises an eyebrow. "Do they have a tournament going on there?"

Jessie nods in response. "Yeah, they do. Why ask?"

Leaf chuckles. "Come on, you don't need to go to some loser convention. I did not too long ago and the tournament was so easy to win."

"Eevee!" Eevee cheerfully cries out.

"Trust me, it's a waste of time since we're basically on the same level now. Why don't you hang out with me for the rest of the day while your loser friends are at the convention?" Leaf asked.

"Okay for one-" Jessie holds up a finger. "My friends are not losers! And two-" She holds up two fingers. "I guess I will accept your offer." Jessie shyly accepts.

It cuts to the Cinnabar beach where the Team Rocket trio are relaxing and just enjoying their day off.

Mondo sighs in relaxation. "You see guys? I told you that all we needed was just a day off from those twerps!"

"You're right Mondo, I'm not even thinking about you know who, and their talking, you know what!" Cassidy added with her relaxed sigh.

"Yep! Nothing can ruin our day off at all!" Butch says.

After Butch said that, Team Rocket's laptop on the sand turns on and their boss, Giovanni, appears on the screen. He sees the trio relaxing and clears his throat to get attention.

The Team Rocket trio looks and they see their boss on the screen. "BOSS!" They both yelled and immediately stopped relaxing and Cassidy picked up the laptop.

"H-hello, sir. What brings you here?" Cassidy asked with a nervous tone.

Giovanni looks away to growl before turning back towards the trio. "I have a special mission just for the three of you since I have no other options and your location is in Cinnabar Island."

The Team Rocket trio nods. "Yes, sir!"

"What's this special mission you have for us, boss?" Butch asked.

Giovanni starts explaining the trio's mission. "A few days ago, I gave Atilla and Hun a mission to host an Eeveevolution Convention on Cinnabar Island so they can steal a potentially strong Pokémon for the organization. A trainer with a very strong Eevee won the tournament and Attila and Hun unfortunately failed to steal it alongside another Pokémon. Those two let me down and now I want you three to pick up their slack and steal that trainer's Eevee for Team Rocket. Can you do that?"

The Team Rocket nods once more to their boss. "Yes, sir!"

"Good. If you three can successfully complete this mission, maybe I'll consider you three better Team Rocket agents than Atilla and Hun. Here is the Eevee trainer's description." Giovanni describes Leaf's outfit and everything to the trio. "Giovanni out." He ends the call with the trio.

Once the call ends, Team Rocket immediately starts celebrating and high-fiving each other.

Cassidy pumps her fist in the air. "This is our chance! This is the moment we have been waiting for! To prove to the boss that we are better than those stupid, no-good, wannabe agents, Atilla and Hun!"

"We can't fail this mission to the boss! This is our most important mission of all time!" Mondo says.

"Before we discuss the plan, we need to find that Eevee trainer first from the boss' description!" Butch stated.

"Right! Team Rocket, roll out!" Cassidy ordered.

As the Team Rocket trio sprints out the beach, it cuts to the Evolution Stone Convention as Domino finishes signing up for the tournament.

"And done! I'm officially in the tournament!" Domino declared with a cheerful tone. As She walked out of line, she was looking around at the trainers and didn't know where she was going so Domino accidentally bumped into someone on the way there. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologizes.

The trainer she bumped into was wearing a blue shirt with a Magikarp outline on it coming with blue shorts with Horsea outlines on both sides and the trainer had brown hair and was wearing a backpack. He looks about Domino's age. "It's fine, just make sure you watch where you're walking next time." He smiles with a chuckle at Domino.

Domino looks at the trainer's shirt, sees the Magikarp, and gasps. "Do you love water Pokémon too?!"

"Well…" The brown-haired trainer rubs his head. "I love a specific type of water Pokémon."

"A specific type?" Domino questioned. "What do you mean?"

"I like fish Pokémon." The brown-haired trainer answered. "My name's Colby by the way and it's nice to meet you."

"Oh… I see." Domino also proceeds to introduce herself as well. "My name's Domino. So you like fish Pokémon?"

Colby nods. "Yep! A huge fan. I have a Magikarp, Gyarados, Seaking, Horsea, and a Seadra currently in my party. I'm close to getting all the Kanto fish Pokémon."

Domino notices something. "Wait, neither Pokémon you mention in your party can evolve with a Water Stone. How did you get in here?"

"Oh… I kinda said to the bodyguard that this egg will hatch into a Pokémon that will need a stone." Colby reaches into his backpack and pulls out a blue egg.

Domino gasped from seeing a Pokémon Egg for the first time. "Is that a Pokémon Egg?!"

Colby nods. "Yep. I found it at the bottom of the ocean when I was scuba diving to catch a specific type of Pokémon. I'm assuming it's gonna hatch into a water Pokémon."

"What type of Pokémon were you scuba diving for?" Domino asked.

"The only Kanto fish Pokémon I have yet to own, and that's Goldeen!" Colby answered.

Domino's eyes widened. "A… Goldeen?"

"Yeah? I evolved my last Goldeen into a Seaking and I am searching for another one to complete my goal. If I ever find a trainer with one, I would do anything to have their Goldeen." Colby says.

"Well umm… that's funny because-"

The speaker comes on, interrupting Domino as the host of the convention is on stage with a microphone in his hands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the tournament starts right now! Remember, whoever wins the Evolution Stone Tournament will get the free choice of an evolution stone of their choice. Let the tournament begin!"

James and Meowth managed to find Domino in the crowd of people as they ran towards her so that James could get her.

"Come on, Domino, we got to get ready!" James exclaimed.

"Right. Sorry, Colby!" Domino waves goodbye to Colby as she goes with James to get ready.

It cuts to Jessie and Leaf walking together in the forest and getting along by chatting with each other.

Leaf chuckles. "I can't believe you actually managed to catch up with me. On the day we began our Pokémon journey, I thought I'd always be way ahead of you."

Jessie chuckles back. "I guess I'm quite full of surprises." But she then remembers something. "That reminds me, what about those other two Pallet Town trainers that also began with us, how far are they?"

"I don't know, but who cares about them? They probably gave up and went home." Leaf responded.

"Eevee!" Eevee cries out as Leaf pets her Pokémon in response.

"When did you catch Eevee, Leaf?" Jessie asked.

Leah starts explaining. "Funny story, so I didn't catch Eevee, I kinda found it abandoned. A no good trainer abandoned this Eevee."

Jessie gasped in shock. "No way?!"

"Yes, way. I found Eevee when I was in Celadon City behind a Condominium building." As Leaf continues explaining, a flashback occurs.

Leaf was behind the Celadon Condominium building and noticed an entryway. She entered the building from the back and then started going up the stairs until they reached the roof of the building.

Leaf notices a small building on the roof and questions it. "What's this?" She enters the building.

Upon entering the small room, it was empty, no one was in there except there was a Poké Ball right on the table.

Leaf looks around. "Someone left an empty Poké Ball on the counter? Oh well, a free Poké Ball is a free Poké Ball."

As she goes over to grab it, Leaf accidentally presses the button of the Poké Ball as it opens and starts sending out a Pokémon.

Leaf immediately backs up and her eyes widen. "There's a Pokémon inside?!"

Eevee slowly starts to materialize and once it fully does, the Pokémon doesn't look happy. "Eevee…"

"An Eevee?" Leaf kneels towards the Pokémon. "What's wrong little fella? Where's your trainer?"

Eevee has an even bigger frown than before. "Eevee…"

Leaf thinks and then she connects the dots. "Oh no, don't tell me they abandoned you!"

Eevee slowly looks at Leaf and slowly nods as well. "Eevee…" The Pokémon begins to cry.

Leaf immediately picks up Eevee and hugs the Pokémon. "Don't worry, I'll be your new trainer, and I won't abandon you. You can trust me, little guy."

The flashback ends and it cuts to the present times with Jessie and Leaf.

"And that's how Eevee and I became great pals." Leaf pets her Eevee which smiles in joy.

Jessie was left speechless by Leaf's story. "Wow… I'm just speechless."

It cuts to the Team Rocket trio from afar, spying on the duo with binoculars as they're zooming towards Leaf's Eevee.

"That trainer fits Giovanni's description and she has an Eevee. I think this is our trainer, boys." Cassidy stated.

"Of course, she's with the annoying twerpette with the talking Meowth, except I don't see Meowth with her at all." Butch pointed out.

"It doesn't matter, we came to steal that trainer's Eevee for the boss and that's what we're going to do! Now that we found the trainer, let's get ready to steal it!" Mondo order.

"Right!" Both Cassidy and Butch replied.

Once Team Rocket starts getting ready for their plan to steal Leaf's Eevee, it cuts back to the Evolution Stone Tournament, where James is destroying the competition with his Pikachu, so is Domino with her Clefairy, and Oakley with her Gloom as well. It shows Domino facing off with her semi-final opponent.

"Clefairy, Metronome!" Domino commanded.

Clefairy starts waving its hands and shouting its cry while doing so. "Clefairy! Clefairy! Clefairy!" Clefairy sends floods of water at the trainer's Vulpix.

"Vulpix!" Domino's semi-opponent's Pokémon gets buried in the water and immediately faints from the battle.

"Vulpix, no!" The trainer called out.

The announcer announces the decision. "And with a tense battle, Domino's luck manages to score her into the finals! What great luck with a girl just using Metronome in the tournament!"

The crowd explodes into cheers and applause as Colby is also watching and nods in approval from seeing Domino win and advance to the finals.

Domino jumps up and down as she hugs Clefairy. "I'm so happy Clefairy! You and I are definitely getting that Moon Stone!"

"Clefairy!" Clefairy happily cheers.

"And our next match will be trainer James with his Pikachu versus trainer Oakley with her Gloom! The winner will go on and face Domino in the finals!"

After the announcer announces the next matchup, it cuts to James with Meowth and Pikachu at the left wing of the stage.

James is worried about facing Oakley. "M-maybe I should let her win. What if Oakley hates me for preventing her from getting a Leaf Stone for her Gloom?"

Meowth groans. "Stop thinking stupid thoughts, Jimmy! I bet Oakley wants you to put up a fight! It's a tournament and she will understand!"

James takes deep breaths and understands what Meowth is trying to say. "You're right."

"Yeah! Now go beat her so you can be one step closer to winning that Thunder Stone for Pikachu!" Meowth cheers on.

Pikachu looks at Meowth and then its trainer with an unsatisfied look. "Pika-"

James cuts off his own Pokémon with a yell. "YEAH! Let's go, Pikachu!"

Pikachu sighs to itself, something is bugging the electric mouse Pokémon. "Pikachu…"

James and Oakley are now standing against each other on stage with their Pokémon, Pikachu, and Gloom, already out.

Oakley decides to start this battle with the first move. "Gloom, use Petal Dance!"

"Gloom!" Gloom jumps up in the air and fires a barrage of glowing green petals at Pikachu.

"Pikachu, use your Agility to dodge, quick!" James countered.

Pikachu starts moving as fast as light, such as disappearing and reappearing as it dodges every pedal that Gloom throws at it. "Pika!"

Oakley chuckles. "Wow, smart move James."

James embarrassingly rubs the back of his head. "Thanks!"

As the battle continues, it cuts to Jessie and Leaf still walking in the forest and bonding by chatting with each other. Leaf's Eevee is on its trainer's shoulder.

"We came a long way from where we met in school," Leaf says with a chuckle.

Jessie chuckles back. "Yeah, those were crazy times I won't lie."

All of a sudden, the spot that Jessie and Leaf walked in gave in and the two fell into the huge pitfall trap and screamed while doing so. Meanwhile, Eevee manages to save itself by quickly jumping on the surface while it is on Leaf's shoulder.

"Eevee?!" The Pokémon cries in confusion.

An unfamiliar feminine voice to Eevee is heard. "Oh little Eevee, come here!"

The Team Rocket trio reveals themselves to the Eevee with evil grins across their faces.

Eevee looks scared and backs away. "Eevee…"

"You're not going anywhere!" Butch pulls out a vacuum and turns it on as it starts to suck in Eevee.

"EEVEE!" Eevee tries to run to escape from Team Rocket, but the vacuum was too strong for it so Eevee gets sucked in.

"That was way too 'Eevee.'" Mondo laughs at his pun joke.

Meanwhile in the pitfall trap where Jessie and Leaf are. They're groaning in pain as the two slowly get up

"What happened?" Leaf notices Eevee is gone and begins to look around in a panic. "EEVEE, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Jessie has a question of her own. "Who dug this pitfall trap?"

Laughter can be heard from above as Jessie and Leaf look up and see the Team Rocket trio with their vacuum as Eevee is trapped inside.

"Nice for you two to drop in!" Cassidy jokes.

"Now Listen up as our motto begins!" Butch follows up.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people within every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now you will surely lose the fight!"

Mondo finishes it off at the end. "I'm Mondo, alright!"

Jessie growls seeing the trio once more. "Team Rocket!"

Leaf has an annoyed expression. "These clowns again?"

Jessie looks at Leaf with a surprised expression. "You faced off with these three before?"

Leaf nods. "Yeah, but the ones I faced were different members."

"We loved to stay and chit chat but we got an Eevee turn in!" Cassidy says.

"So bye-bye, twerps!" Butch also says.

The Team Rocket trio quickly started running away to make their escape as Eevee shouted their cry while in the vacuum.


"We have to get out of here and fast before Team Rocket escapes!" Jessie stated.

Leaf pulls out a Poké Ball. "I got this! Venusaur, I need you!" Leaf manages to throw her Poké Ball to the surface below the hole.

Venusaur materializes. "Venusaur!" The Pokémon extend their vines from their flower down the hole for the two to climb out of the trap.

"Awesome thinking, Leaf!" Jessie grabs onto Venusaur's vines and starts climbing out of the trap.

Leaf followed pursuit with Jessie and the two made it back to the surface. "Let's go after Team Rocket now!"

Jessie nods in agreement as she and Leaf proceed to chase after where Team Rocket went with Venusaur following along. It cuts to back the tournament where James and Oakley are still battling.

"Gloom, use Sleep Powder!" Oakley commanded.

"Pikachu, dodge it with a Quick Attack!"

Gloom was about to release an indigo powder from the flower on its head, but Pikachu was quick enough to damage Gloom with a Quick Attack before the weed Pokémon could use its move.

Oakley starts sweating. "That Pikachu is too fast… but this will confuse it. Gloom, use Double Team!"

"Gloom!" Gloom makes illusion copy versions of itself surrounding the stage of the battlefield.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu cried in confusion.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt to get rid of every illusion!" James commanded next.

"Pikaaachuuuuuu!" Pikachu releases multiple bolts of electricity from its red cheeks and takes out every single Gloom illusion on the battlefield stage, including hitting the real Gloom, but barely does any damage.

Oakley smirks. "Now's my chance. Gloom, now use Sleep Powder!"

"Gloom!" Gloom managed to use the move this time and released an indigo powder right at Pikachu, putting the electric mouse Pokémon to sleep.

"Oh no! Pikachu you got to wake up!" James stated.

"And now Gloom… use Absorb!" Oakley commanded next.

A green orb comes out of Gloom's flower and hits Pikachu, restoring some of its health from the Pokémon's energy.

Oakley snaps her fingers. "And just like that, this battle is now completely turned around. Now use Petal Dance, Gloom!"

"Gloom!" Gloom jumps up in the air and fires a barrage of glowing green petals at Pikachu once more.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu screams in pain, waking up after taking damage from the Petal Dance, and getting knocked down to the ground, but gets back up and is breathing heavily.

James decides to boost Pikachu's speed once more. "Alright Pikachu, boost up your Agility once more!"

Pikachu starts appearing and reappearing from the stage battle from moving so fast with its very intense speed.

"Double Team, Gloom!" Oakley quickly counters.

Gloom quickly creates illusions of itself surrounding the stage battlefield.

"Use Swift, Pikachu!" James commanded next.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu releases yellow stars from its body and immediately hits every single Gloom on the battlefield, illusions, and the real Gloom.

"Gloom!" Gloom cries in pain, before hitting the ground of the stage and fainting from the battlefield.

"Oh no! Gloom!" Oakley called out.

The announcer announces the winner of the match. "And the winner of this battle and facing Domino in the finals, James with his Pikachu!"

"We did it, Pikachu! We advanced!" James starts celebrating with his electric mouse Pokémon.

Domino watched the whole battle from the left wing of the stage and chuckled. "Looks like I'm facing James."

"A tournament rematch from the Golden Nugget tournament! Jimmy is gonna seek revenge!" Meowth stated.

Domino continued staring at James but still replied to Meowth's statement. "We will see…"

"Clefairy!" Clefairy cried out.

Oakley recalls Gloom, walks to James, and whispers to his mouth. "Congratulations, I hope you win."

James blushes red and rubs the back of his head. "Th-thanks."

It cuts to Jessie and Leaf, with Venusaur, chasing Team Rocket's balloon up in the air while they're still on the ground.

"We need to pop that balloon!" Leaf stated.

Jessie pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "I got this! Blastoise, pop that balloon with your Hydro Pump!" She sends out Blastoise.

Blastoise materializes. "Blastoise!" The shellfish Pokémon blasts loads of water from its jets right at the hot air balloon.

It cuts to Team Rocket, celebrating stealing Eevee from its trainer, Leaf.

"We're definitely going to make the boss proud!" Cassidy says with a cheer.

"And we're definitely gonna be on the boss' good side, unlike that dumb Attila and Hun!" Butch added.

However, Mondo looks down and notices the flow of water heading their way. "Uhh… guys!"

"What?" Both Cassidy and Butch replied.

The water pops the hot air balloon from above as it starts descending fast with Team Rocket screaming from their lungs as it crashes into a tree. Jessie and Leaf soon arrive at where the hot air balloons crashed with their Pokémon.

"Alright Team Rocket, give us Eevee back now!" Jessie demanded.

"Or we will make you do it with a Pokémon battle!" Leaf added.

The Team Rocket trio all jumped out of the basket and landed back on the ground with Poké Balls in their hands.

"Yeah right! We're not handing over anything!" Cassidy replied.

Team Rocket sends out their Pokémon to battle. "Raticate, go!" "Primeape, take care of them!" "Marowak, eliminate them!"

Team Rocket's Pokémon all materializes. "Raticate!" "Primeape!" "Marowak!"

Jessie turns to her rival. "It's two against three, but we can still take care of them, right?" She smiles.

Leaf looks and smiles back at her with a nod. "Right!"

It cuts back to the convention tournament with Domino and James in the finals and ready to start it with the crowd watching, including Oakley and Colby, but Oakley pays more attention to James, and Colby pays more attention to Domino.

James decides to start the battle with the first move. "Alright Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Clefairy, use Minimize!" Domino quickly countered.

As Pikachu sends electricity out of its red cheeks and right at Clefairy, the Fairy Pokémon quickly shrinks down to mini size, completely avoids the Thunderbolt, and then grows back to its original size.

James chuckles. "I see you're not using Metronome every single time, unlike our last battle."

Domino smirks. "What can I say? I changed over time."

"Then try to dodge this one! Pikachu, Swift!" James commanded.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu sends out yellow stars from its body and then it hits Clefairy.

"Clefairy!" Clefairy cries out in pain from taking damage.

"Hang in there Clefairy and use Metronome!" Domino commanded.

Clefairy starts moving its fingers back and forth while saying its cry. "Clefairy! Clefairy! Clefairy!" Clefairy releases blue sound waves at Pikachu from its mouth and confuses the electric mouse Pokémon.

"Pika…chu…" Pikachu starts stumbling around from being confused.

"Oh no! That was Supersonic!" James exclaimed.

Domino crosses her arms and laughs. "That Moon Stone is as good as mine, James!"

"Pikachu, snap out of it and use Thunderbolt!" James commanded.

"Pikaaaachuuuuu!" Pikachu sends out yellow electricity from its red cheeks but completely misses Clefairy as the yellow electricity bolts bounce back and hit Pikachu instead. "Chu!" It cries in pain.

Domino looks at the battlefield with a confident smirk. "Clefairy, Metronome once more!"

Clefairy starts moving its fingers back and forth while saying its cry again. "Clefairy! Clefairy! Clefairy!" Then Clefairy proceeds to fall asleep.

Domino's eyes widened. "Wh-what just happened. Why did Clefairy fall asleep?"

"It looks like Clefairy used Rest," James answered.

"OH NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT TO HAPPEN!" Domino yelled out.

"Alright Pikachu, let's get back on track with Swift!" James commanded.

"Chu!" Still confused, Pikachu sends out yellow stars from its body but manages to hit the sleeping Clefairy.

Domino starts getting worried. "Come on Clefairy, wake up!"

James starts getting confident as he commands the next move. "Now use Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu manages to snap out of confusion. "Pikaaachuuuu!" The electric mouse Pokémon sends out Electricity from its red cheeks and hits the sleeping Clefairy.

Clefairy opens its eyes and wakes up from rest. "Clefairy!"

"Quick Clefairy, Metronome!" Domino commanded.

"Don't let that Clefairy go for it, Pikachu. Use Quick Attack to prevent that Metronome!" James quickly countered.

Pikachu starts rushing at Clefairy with extreme speed. Clefairy raises its index fingers and is about to move them from side to side, but Pikachu manages to tackle the fairy Pokémon just in time and then Clefairy falls to the ground from being tackled and faints.

"Clefairy, no!" Domino yelled out in disbelief.

"And the winner of the Evolution Stone Tournament is James with his strong Pikachu!"

James and Pikachu all bow as the crowd explodes in cheers, especially Oakley, who is clapping and cheering a lot. It cuts to the battle between Jessie and Leaf versus Team Rocket, which is still happening.

Team Rocket commands their Pokémon. "Raticate, Hyper Fang!" "Primeape, use Low Kick!" "Marowak hit them with a Bone Club!"

Jessie and Leaf quickly both countered back. "Blastoise, withdraw into your shell!" "Venusaur, Vine Whip!"

Blastoise quickly withdraws into its shell as Raticates bites the shell and breaks its teeth, then Primeape kicks it and hurts its foot as both Pokémon start crying in pain.

"Primeape, are you okay?!" Butch called out from being worried.

Cassidy turns to Butch with an annoyed expression. "Why are you worried? My Raticate's teeth are broken!"

Marowak tries to hit Venusaur with its bone but is caught by the seed Pokémon's Vine Whip and Marowak is sent flying back toward Mondo and faints.

"Now use Skull Bash, Blastoise!" Jessie commanded next.

Blastoise withdraws out of its shell and sends Raticate and Primeape flying back to their trainers by bashing its skull as both Pokémon faint with Marowak.

"Well, this sucks…" Butch says.

Mondo nods. "Big time…"

"You guys lost, now hand over my Eevee now!" Leaf demanded.

Team Rocket all looked at each other and recalled their fainted Pokémon. After a few seconds of silence, the trio shouted. "RUN FOR IT!" But the trio took only one step and they fell into a pitfall trap of their own, screaming.

The vacuum was quickly saved by Leaf before the gadget was dropped in the hole with the trio.

"YOU DUG TWO PITFALL TRAPS?!" Cassidy asked her partners-in-crime in disbelief.

"Well yeah, just in case the first one didn't work. Looks like we forgot where the trap was…" Mondo says with an embarrassed expression.

"It was a smart idea but with unfortunate results," Butch added.

Cassidy groans and facepalms out of stupidity. "Give me a break!"

Leaf breaks open the vacuum with Venusaur's Razor Leaf and Eevee pops up from it with a smile on its face.

"Eevee, you're okay!" Leaf quickly hugs her Eevee.

"Eevee!" Eevee cries in joy from being rescued.

Jessie looks down at the Team Rocket trio in the pitfall trap. "I think it's time to give Officer Jenny a call."

Leaf nods and pulls out her phone. "On it!"

Cassidy's eyes widened. "Oh no, those twerps are going to call the police on us!"

"Oh hell no! I can't go back to jail!" Butch says.

"Don't worry guys, I got an idea! Ditto, transform into an Electrode and use Explosion to blast us off!" Mondo commanded.

Ditto breaks out of its Poké Ball and quickly transforms into Electrode, glows white, and explodes, sending Team Rocket blasting off.

The Team Rocket trio have smiles on their faces from being blasted. "LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Ding!

Jessie and Leaf looked up in the sky where the trio blasted off with annoyed looks on their faces as Leaf slowly put her phone away. It cuts back to the convention where James is standing behind the evolution stones, getting ready to pick.

"Alright James, for winning the tournament, which stone do you want? A Fire Stone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, Thunder Stone, or a Moon Stone?" The host asked.

"Well, it should be obvious. A Thunder Stone, so Pikachu can evolve, right buddy?" James looks at his Pikachu and notices it's frowning and not happy.

"Pikachu…" Pikachu replied in a non-happy way.

"Wait… are you saying you don't want me to evolve you?" James replied with a frown.

Pikachu slowly looks at its trainer and slowly nods. "Pikachu…"

"Oh…" James looks around and notices Domino at the left wing, petting Clefairy with Meowth.

"It's okay Clefairy, you did great out there. We will both find a Moon Stone so you can evolve." Domino says with a smile.

Clefairy was still frowning from losing an important battle. "Clefairy…"

Meowth shrugs. "Maybe you can ask Jessie for that Moon Stone back."

James takes a big sigh and goes to grab the Moon Stone instead of the Thunder Stone. "Moon Stone, I choose the Moon Stone."

This leaves the crowd gasping and also confused by James' decision.

"Well, you have it! James has selected the Moon Stone!" The host announced.

Domino was also looking on and shocked as well. "Why would he do that?"

It cuts to outside where James, Meowth, and Domino are walking on the streets with Pikachu on its trainer's shoulder and Clefairy walking with Domino.

"James, why did you choose the Moon Stone and not the Thunder Stone?" Domino questioned.

"Because Pikachu didn't want to evolve and I know how much your Clefairy wants to evolve so…" James gives Domino the Moon Stone. "Here you go!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu cries out in joy.

Meowth translates what Pikachu said to James. "Pikachu said thanks for not making me evolve."

Domino looks at the Moon Stone with sparkles in her eyes and accepts the Moon Stone. "Th-thank you so much, James!" She turns to her Clefairy. "Ready to evolve, Clefairy?"

Clefairy starts jumping up and down in excitement. "Clefairy!"

Domino kneels and touches Clefairy with the Moon Stone. Then Clefairy begins to glow white, starts growing bigger, and then develops wings. The white slowly fades away, revealing that Clefairy has evolved.

"Clefable!" Domino's newly evolved Pokémon cried out.

Domino hugs her now Clefable as Meowth and James clap in the background with James also petting his Pikachu on his shoulder with a smile on both of their faces. It cuts to Jessie and Leaf, looking at each other with their Pokémon behind them.

"We should go find Jessie now." James chuckles.

"Oh right! She never came to the convention at all. I wonder what happened?" Domino questions.

Meowth shrugs. "Who knows."

"Looks like this is the end of our hangout, Jessie. Thank you so much for helping me save my Eevee!" Leaf thanks with a smile.

"Of course, it's no problem. It's also nice how well you raised your Bulbasaur to a Venusaur when you pushed me out of the way from me taking it…" Jessie chuckles in embarrassment.

Leaf rubs the back of her head, then questions her Blastoise. "Right, sorry about that. But I thought you started your journey with Meowth?"

"Oh, I did. I caught Blastoise in the Cerulean Cave when it was a tiny Squirtle." Jessie answered.

"Ahh, I see. Well, I see you also raised it well too." Leaf turns around and waves goodbye and begins walking away. "Smell ya later, Jessie!"

Jessie waves goodbye back. "Yeah, see ya later, Leaf!" She also turns around in the opposite direction and begins walking away.

"And just like that, another exciting chapter is written for our heroes and their exciting adventures in the world of Pokémon. With them still being on vacation in Cinnabar Island. What will happen next for our heroes? Find out very soon as the journey continues!"