The episode starts with Jessie and the gang along with Kris walking to New Bark Town. "The gang has arrived back in New Bark Town after managing to save Cyndaquil from a strange person named Silver."
"How's Cyndaquil doing under your hat, Jessie?" James asked.
Jessie lifts her pink hat a little bit to reveal a sleeping Cyndaquil. "How are you holding up, Cyndaquil?" Jessie also asked.
No response from Cyndaquil as Jessie puts her pink hat fully back on. "I guess Cyndaquil must be resting from receiving that harsh Thunderbolt from Meowth. You put a nail on it with that move." Kris stated.
Meowth awkwardly chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "I guess I might've done too much damage to the little fella."
"We're close to Professor Elm's lab, so he should be able to fix Cyndaquil up in no time. The more we keep walking to New Bark Town, the more Professor Elm can get Cyndaquil back on its feet." Jessie said.
"It would be nice to visit New Bark Town for more than a minute." Domino looks down at Azurill. "Right, Azurill?"
Azurill nods and cries out happily in delight. "Azurill!"
The scene cuts to a helicopter flying through the air with the red letter R on the door, immediately hinting that it's Team Rocket's. "We should be in Johto right now!" Matori stated, in control of the helicopter.
"Do we have any idea where the twerps even are!?" Butch asked.
"Think logically!" Matori starts explaining. "According to you three, these 'twerps' with the talking Meowth left Kanto from Pallet Town, right!? So right now they should be in the one town in Johto that's nearest to Kanto, New Bark Town!"
Upon view, Cassidy sees a town in the distance and points it out. "Is that New Bark Town?"
"Yep! We should discuss our plan right now before I land this thing!" Matori begins descending the helicopter down.
Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo all looked at each other in excitement. "Meowth, you're finally going to be ours!" The trio all yelled out happily.
The title screen shows.
"Make it Quadruple!"
The scene cuts to Jessie and her friends walking down the streets of New Bark Town, but Azurill starts looking around the town in amazement and then cheerfully crying with joy repeatedly in Domino's arms. "Azurill! Azurill! Azurill!"
Domino looks down at Azurill. "What is it, Azurill?"
"It seems like Azurill wants to look around the town since they never got the chance when we arrived here." Meowth translated.
Domini thinks a little bit. "Hmm… Well, you can't be alone, so how about I come with you, we can take a look around New Bark Town together!"
Azurill nods with excitement. "Azurill!"
Domino looks at her friends. "Do you mind if I explore the town for a little bit?"
The rest shake their heads. "Oh no! Cyndaquil is safe, go ahead and explore!" Jessie said.
"Yeah! I hope you enjoy my hometown!" Kris added.
Domino separates from the group with Azurill as they continue walking in the direction of Professor Elm's lab. "I'm surprised you guys knew where Professor Elm's lab is," Kris said.
"We stumbled upon the lab when we arrived in New Bark Town. That's how we learned about one of the starter Pokémon being stolen." James informed her.
The scene cuts back to the Team Rocket quartet inside their helicopter, hovering over New Bark Town. "This is your guys' stop! Make sure you grab those three parachutes next to you."
"Wait, you're making us skydive?!" Cassidy questioned.
"Skydiving?! Awesome! Can we jump now?!" Butch asked.
Mondo starts shaking from the fear. "I-I don't like skydiving, I-I think I have a fear of it after so many blasts off. C-Can I just have Ditto transform into a bird Pokémon and fly me down there?"
"If you want to make your presence known and alert those people with the talking Meowth that Team Rocket is here, then go ahead!" Matori sarcastically responded.
"Stop being a baby Mondo and be a man!" Butch tosses Mondo a parachute as he grabs his own.
Cassidy also grabs her parachute. "So we have to wait for you to meet us at the location where we're at, and then we move forward with the plan?"
Matori nods. "Of course. This plan isn't proceedable until I'm there. Now jump, you three!"
Cassidy jumps out of the helicopter first, Butch jumps out second, and Mondo hesitates for a little bit before finally jumping out. Each Team Rocket member pulls the string that fully opens their parachute.
"Wow! Look at this view of the town. I can get used to skydiving!" Butch stated.
Cassidy growls at her partner-in-crime. "Focus Butch! We're supposed to spot the twerps before we land on the ground!"
The trio looks around to find the gang while they're slowly descending in the air. Mondo lands his eyes on Professor Elm's Lab and sees them, minus Domino, at the entrance as he points it out. "There! I see them! They're at that building over there!"
The scene cuts to Jessie, Meowth, James, and Kris at the door of Professor Elm's Lab. Jessie knocks on the door. "Professor, we're here!"
A few seconds later Professor Elm answers the door as he smiles in delight upon seeing Jessie and Kris. "Jessie! Kris! Please tell me you got Cyndaquil back?"
"We have sir, but we have a problem," Kris said.
Jessie lifts her pink hat and holds the knocked-out Cyndaquil in her arms to show Professor Elm. "The thief was using this poor little guy in a battle and I had to have Meowth knock Cyndaquil out before he could take off with it."
"We believe that taking Cyndaquil here is the nearest place to get the poor fire Pokémon some help," James said.
"Oh my." Professor Elm accepts the fainted Cyndaquil from Jessie. "It's a good thing you took Cyndaquil here. There's no Pokémon Center in New Bark Town and I'm assuming Cherrygrove City was far from where you guys were. I can heal Cyndaquil back to full health, follow me into my lab." The professor heads inside the lab.
Jessie, Meowth, James, and Kris all smiled at each other in delight. "Thank goodness!" They all said together before heading inside the lab as well.
The camera pans up to the roof of Professor Elm's Lab as Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo land on from skydiving as the three unstrap their parachutes and toss them aside.
Mondo was still shaking from skydiving. "Never again."
Cassidy shushes Mondo and calls Matori on her wristwatch communicator. Matori's projection shows up. "We're on the roof of the building where the twerps are," Cassidy informed her. "We're just waiting for you, Matori."
Matori nods. "Good. What roof are you guys on?"
"We have no idea, but we saw the twerps with some doofus nerd with a lab coat and glasses as they invited them in," Butch answered.
Matori thinks for a few seconds before putting the pieces together. "You three must be on the roof of Professor Elm's Lab. Stay still, I'm heading there right now." She ends communication with the trio.
The scene cuts to the inside of the lab as Professor Elm places the knocked-out Cyndaquil down on the table. "So it was an electric attack that knocked Cyndaquil out if I'm hearing that correctly?"
Jessie nods in response. "Yes, Professor. I'm sorry if Meowth struck it too hard."
Meowth grumbles and crosses his arms while he looks away. "I said that I felt bad." He whispered.
"Don't take all the blame, Jessie," Kris spoke out. "My Chikorita was battling Cyndaqui as well, despite Chikorita already battling before and also even though I was forced into a battle."
"No one is here to blame." Professor Elm grabs a yellow spray bottle off his shelf. "Once I apply some Paralyze Heal to Cyndaquil and the fire starter rests for a little bit, Cyndaquil should be back on its feet in no time."
Jessie, James, and Kris all smile in delight at what Professor Elm said. "Oh thank goodness!" James said in relief.
Professor Elm sprays some Paralyze Heal on the knocked-out Cyndaquil before putting it back up on the shelf. He then starts massaging the fainted fire starter's back for a little bit. "Massages should help Cyndaquil recover."
Cyndaquil finally lets out a weak cry, signaling the treatment is working. "Cynda…"
"Cyndaquil!" Jessie rushes closer to Cyndaquil's face and leans forward a little. "We got you to safety, Cyndaquil. I'm so relieved you're okay."
Cyndaquil looks at Jessie and lets out a weak smile before letting out another weak cry. "Cynda…"
Professor Elm chuckles and smiles. "Cyndaquil is gonna be alright, uhh… Jessie is it? From what I heard from Kris earlier?"
Jessie nods. "Yes, Professor, my name is Jessie."
"Jessie… That name… Wait a minute!" Professor Elm realizes something. "Are you the Jessie that Professor Oak informed me about?!"
"You know who Professor Oak is?" James asked.
"Of course I do!" Professor Elm starts confidently moving his glasses. "I'm one of Professor Oak's greatest students he ever taught! I was always the top student in his classes."
Meowth rolls his eyes and quietly talks to himself. "Oh great, nerd talk."
Jessie nods. "Yes, I'm Jessie that Professor Oak was talking about."
"This Professor Oak guy sounds like he's a very great Pokémon professor, Professor Elm!" Kris said.
Professor Elm continues talking about Professor Oak. "Not just very great, I think he's the greatest Pokémon professor of all time! I am very honored to be one of his great students in his class!"
"Yes, he's a great professor, but how long till Cyndaquil is fully recovered?" James asked.
"Oh, Cyndaquil should be fully recovered in no time once he gets a good rest." Professor Elm answered.
The water-type starter Totodile enters the room from the lab with cheerful cries. "Toto! Totodile!"
Jessie looks at the water starter in amazement. "What Pokémon is that?!" She pulls out her Pokédex to aim it at the Totodile, only to get this message.
"This Pokédex cannot identify this Pokémon."
Jessie sighs in disappointment. "I forgot, this Pokédex can only identify Pokémon discovered in the Kanto region."
"Don't worry about it, Jessie, I got you covered!" Kris pulls out her own Pokédex and aims it at Totodile.
This Pokédex gives out information on Totodile unlike Jessie's. "Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon. A water type. Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful."
Jessie gasps in shock upon seeing Kris' Pokédex giving information on Totodile. "No way! Your Pokédex can identify Johto Pokémon?! Where can I get one?"
"Well…" Kris chuckles and points at Professor Elm. "Professor Elm gave me this Pokédex when I picked Chikorita as my starter."
"Speaking of Chikorita, Kris, how is it doing so far?" Professor Elm asked.
"Chikorita is doing great, Professor!" Kris pulls out Chikorita's Poké Ball and sends it out.
Chikorita materializes. "Chiko!"
Professor Elm examines Chikorita for a little bit before nodding. "I can tell. Your Chikorita is very happy to be with you, Kris."
Kris picks up Chikorita and hugs the grass starter. "I knew I picked the right choice!"
The scene cuts to the roof of Professor Elm's lab as Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo are still waiting patiently for Matori.
Butch crossed his arms. "Okay, I'm growing very impatient now. Where is the nerd girl?"
"She must've got something to get her up here and to get us down from the roof. We are trapped up here unless you want to jump down and potentially suffer a leg fracture." Mondo answered.
"It's not too bad, we got a little break by waiting for her," Cassidy said, relaxing on the roof.
The three hear the sound of a ladder as they see Matori climbing it and making it towards the roof. "I made it," Matori said, wearing regular clothes.
"What took you so long?!" Butch asked, annoyed.
"And why are you not wearing your uniform?" Cassidy also asked.
Matori answers the two questions. "I had to land the helicopter, get some regular clothes, and get a ladder to get up here. As for why I'm wearing this, I need to not wear my uniform for this plan to work, I don't want anyone immediately suspecting me of Team Rocket."
"Are we ready to go forward with the plan?" Mondo asked.
"That depends, do you three have the smoke bombs sent over by the boss?" Matori asked back.
Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo all pull out smoke bombs from their pockets. "Check."
Matori nods. "Good. Then let's proceed with the plan."
The scene cuts back towards inside Professor Elm's Lab."Professor, do you think you can give me a Johto Pokédex?" Jessie asked.
"Professor Oak asked me to give you a Johto Pokédex, Jessie. I'll just head to the back and-"
Professor Elm was interrupted by the sound of the door being opened, getting everyone's attention in the building. Three silhouettes were seen at the entrance.
Cassidy steps into the building to reveal herself. "Prepare for trouble!"
Then Butch follows through next to Cassidy. "And you can make it double!"
Matori was hiding next to the entrance, hearing their motto, and being confused. "What are those idiots doing?"
Cassidy and Butch start doing their motto. "To infect the world with devastation!" "To blight all people within every nation!" "To denounce the goodness of truth and love!" "To extend our wrath to the stars above!" "Cassidy!" "Butch!" "We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!" "Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"
Matori steps in front of the two to finish the motto. "I'm Mondo, alright!"
"TEAM ROCKET!" Jessie, Meowth, and James all yelled out.
"Team what?" Kris and Professor Elm both questioned in confusion.
James grits his teeth and clutches his fist. "I thought you guys finally gave up and stayed in Kanto!"
Cassidy scoffs. "And I thought you had a bigger brain, sunglasses twerp. Team Rocket isn't going anywhere until we get what we want!"
"Which is a bunch of money and rare Pokémon to sell!" Butch added.
"So how about you give us all the three starters and the talking Meowth to us and we will walk away peacefully!" Mondo demanded.
Professor Elm spoke up with an angry expression. "No way! These starters are only for trainers who are beginning their journey, not for a criminal organization like you!"
Jessie also adds in with an angry expression. "And I'm never going to give Meowth to you three!"
Kris looks confused and looks at Jessie. "Jessie, can you tell me what's going on and who are those three?"
Jessie answers Kris' question and explains everything to her. "That's Team Rocket, Kris. They're an evil criminal organization that tries to steal and sell Pokémon. Those specific three members have been following me and my friends since the near beginning of my journey, trying to steal Meowth!"
Kris gasps after Jessie's response. "That's terrible."
Meowth nods. "Yeah, they're pretty obsessed with me trying to steal me over and over."
"And we're going to do it again!" Cassidy said as she, Butch, and Mondo quickly threw all the smoke bombs, igniting them and completely covering the area in smoke.
The sounds of coughing from the group, minus Team Rocket, are heard as Jessie gets into a tug of war with someone by holding Meowth and trying to prevent them from stealing him. "Let go!" She says while coughing.
Jessie hears a feminine voice respond to her. "Back off, nuisance!" She gets kicked to the ground by her and the force of the kick makes Jessie let go of Meowth.
The smoke clears the whole room as Team Rocket is gone, and so are the three Johto starter Pokémon, and Meowth.
Jessie immediately gets up from the floor. "Meowth?! He must've been taken by Team Rocket!"
Kris realizes her Chikorita was stolen. "Oh no! They got my Chikorita!"
Professor Elm sees that Cyndaquil and Totodile are also gone. "They also got Totodile and Cyndaquil too! And I just got Cyndaquil back and now it got stolen again along with the other starter Pokémon." The professor sighs and looks down. "I'm starting to question my job as a Pokémon professor."
"Don't worry, Professor, those smoke bombs just caught us off guard, we're going to get the Pokémon back!" James said.
Kris is nearly in tears. "Th-they stole my Chikorita!"
Jessie comforts Kris. "Don't worry, they couldn't get as far. Let's chase after them."
"Hold on." James starts explaining his idea. "I'm getting a feeling that Team Rocket would most likely split up during this situation so that they have a bigger chance of at least one of them succeeding by stealing a starter and Meowth. So we should split up too and look for them."
"I heard a female voice kicking me to the ground when I was holding onto Meowth with dear life. So I'm going after Cassidy." Jessie declared. "Although, that female voice didn't sound similar to Cassidy's at all."
James nods and also declares. "Then I'm going after Butch. He and I have a ton of history before."
"Then I guess I'm going after the last one available." Kris also declared. His Mondo right if I heard that correctly?"
"Good luck to you three. Please bring the Cyndaquil and Totodile back to the lab. My job is on the line." Professor Elm begged.
Jessie gives Professor Elm a thumbs up in response. "We're going to, Professor." She, Kris, and James all sprint out of the building.
As Jessie and Kris separate, James pulls out a Poké Ball from his pocket. "Charizard, I need your assistance quickly!" He sends Charizard out.
Charizard materializes from the Poké Ball and roars upon doing so.
James hops onto Charizard's back. "Alright Charizard, we're going to do a little sky patrolling over the town." He points at the sky. "Let's go!"
Charizard roars, spreading its wings, and begins flying in the air with James on its back.
Upon in the air, James scouts the whole town until he sees Butch running with Totodile in his arms. "There, Charizard!" He points.
"All part of the plan, just gotta keep running and you will be part of Team Rocket, right little guy?." Butch says to Totodile he's holding with a grin.
"Totodile!" Totodile bites Butch's hand.
"OW! GET YOUR TEETH OFF MY HAND!" Butch starts running around in circles, screaming in pain, and with Totodile clutching its jaws on his hand.
James' Charizard lands right in front of the action. "Butch! Hand over Totodile back right now!"
Seeing James, Totodile lets go of Butch's hand. "Totodile!" The Pokémon rushes to James and jumps into his arms.
Butch holds his hand in pain, looking at James with a frustrated look. "Whatever, you got me, sunglasses twerp! Keep that hand-biting demon, I'm out of here!" He runs away.
James looks on with a confused look. "That was easy. No battle or trying to fight back?" He shrugs it off. "Oh well, the important thing is that we got you back, Totodile."
"Totodile!" Totodile cheers happily.
James recalls Charizard back in its Poké Ball. "Thank you so much for your assistance, Charizard. Let's get you back to Professor Elm's Lab." He starts heading back to Professor Elm's Laboratory.
The scene cuts to Kris looking around for her Chikorita in the streets of New Bark Town. "Chikorita! Please respond to me!" Then she hears a sneeze behind a planted bush and looks at it. "Who's there?!"
Mondo pops up from the bush, holding Chikorita's mouth so it can't cry out for its trainer. "Aw dang it! And this was a great hiding spot too."
"Give me back my Chikorita, kid!" Kris demanded. "I mean I don't have any other Pokémon on me right now, but I will fight if I have to!"
"Calm down, there's no need for fighting. You already got me." Mondo puts Chikorita down.
"Chiko!" Chikorita rushes to its trainer and jumps into Kris' arms.
Kris catches Chikorita in her arms and hugs her Pokémon. "Chikorita! I'm so glad you're okay!"
Mondo crosses her arms, scoffing. "Don't tell me you're planning on becoming a twerp yourself by hanging out with those, said twerps."
"Hanging out with them? You mean joining those three guys on their journey?" Kris starts thinking about that option. "That could be interesting, it would be nice to have some friends by my side."
Mondo smirks and chuckles. "Well now twerp, I hope you get used to us because this will not be the last time we see each other. See ya!" The Team Rocket member leaves the area.
Kris is confused. "Are these Team Rocket guys this nice? Whatever, I need to get back to Professor Elm's Lab. Ready, Chikorita?"
Chikorita nods and cries happily. "Chiko!"
The scene cuts to Jessie trying to look for Cassidy through a different part of New Bark Town. "Where is she?!"
She hears the sound of Cassidy behind her. "Hey twerpette, looking for me?"
Jessie looks behind her to see Cyndaquil in Cassidy's arms and grits her teeth. "Cassidy! You're not going to get away this time!" She pulls out a Poké Ball, about to send it out. "I choose you-"
Cassidy interrupts Jessie. "There's no need for a battle because I realized that Cyndaquil looks weak and pathetic. It's not valuable for Team Rocket." She throws Cyndaquil to Jessie.
"Cynda!" Cyndaquil screams out in pain from getting thrown.
"Cyndaquil!" Jessie catches Cyndaquil with her free arm. "Got you!" She glares at Cassidy. "What was that for?! You could've just handed Cyndaquil back to me!"
Cassidy rolls her eyes. "Just be glad I even considered bringing the weak thing back to you, twerpette."
Jessie growls in anger at the sound of Cyndaquil being called weak again. "Cyndaquil is not weak!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm going to go now." Cassidy turns around and starts walking away.
Jessie realizes Meowth is not also present "Wait, where's Meowth?! You took Meowth too!"
Cassidy shrugs while continuing to walk away. "How should I know? I didn't take 'em. I guess you just went after the wrong Team Rocket grunt."
"She didn't take Meowth? But that voice…" Jessie has a quick flashback from earlier by getting kicked to the ground during the smoke. "Maybe they switched on who has Meowth in the middle of them running away and James and Kris got Meowth back? I should head back to the lab."
Back to Professor Elm's lab. Jessie enters the building while holding Cyndaquil as he sees James and Kris holding the two other Johto starters as well. "Good, you two also got Totodile and Chikorita as well."
"Thank you all so much for rescuing the starters!" Professor Elm gladly takes Totodile and Cyndaquil off their hands.
"No problem, Professor, but something was weird. Butch kinda handed me Totodile without putting up much of a battle." James informed them.
"Wait, they were supposed to battle? Because that Mondo kid also handed me Chikorita easily too." Kris also informed them.
"Cassidy also handed Cyndaqui too, but that's because she discovered that Cyndaquil is in weak conditions. This is suspicious…" Jessie realizes that Kris and James neither have Meowth with them. "Wait a damn moment! Do you both not have Meowth with you?!"
Both James and Kris shake their hand. "No, we don't! Didn't you say that you thought Cassidy had Meowth?" James questioned.
Jessie shakes her head. "No! Cassidy didn't have Meowth! I assumed Team Rocket switched on us when they were running away! Then who the hell has Meowth?!"
The scene cuts to Matori, with a regular outfit, walking down the streets of New Bark Town with Meowth whose claws are tied up with rope, eyes are blindfolded, and mouth duct taped shut.
"I knew this plan would work from the start!" Matori holds up Meowth to look at him. "Your friends are never going to save you, talking one."
Meowth muffles into the duct tape as the sight of worriedness can be observable from the muffling.
Matori chuckles. "They should've hired me months ago." As Matori looks back up, she accidentally bumps into someone.
"AH!" They both screamed, falling to the ground.
Matori immediately gets back up to yell at the person she bumped into. "What's the big idea bumping into me?!" But as Matori looks at the person she bumped into, she starts staring at her while blushing.
The girl who she bumped into was Domino. She immediately got up, apologizing with her eyes closed. "I'm so sorry miss, please forgive me!" However as she opens her eyes to meet with Matori, she stares at her back, blushing too.
Azurill sees Meowth is in Matori's grasp, tied up, blindfolded, and duct taped shut. The Pokémon tries to inform Domino. "Azurill! Azurill! Azurill!"
Meowth also starts muffling as loud as he can to get Domino's attention.
But Domino was too distracted and focused more on Matori than to realize Azurill was trying to communicate with her and Meowth's muffling. "S-So you visit New Bark often?" She stuttered while shyly rubbing her arm.
Matori shakes her head. "Not really. I wanted to take an interest in the place by visiting."
Domino gasps. "No way! Me too!"
"I guess we have a couple of interests that benefit both of us." Matori chuckles, staring into Domino's eyes while smiling. "I have never seen such an appealing girl ever."
"Yeah, I guess so." Domino chuckles too, also looking into Matori's eyes. "I have never seen such a beautiful girl ever."
Matori's wristwatch goes and this causes them to realize her mission as her eyes widen. "Oh! I have to depart now. It was fun having an acquaintance with you!" She turns around and runs away with Meowth.
Domino sighs in love. "That girl was so cool."
Azurill was still trying to get Domino's attention. The Pokémon opens its mouth and shoots out a stream of water as a final suggestion "AZUUUURILL!"
"AH!" Domino screams from getting blasted with water in the face as she immediately looks down at Azurill. "Azurill, why did you do that?!"
Azurill tries to inform Domino again about Meowth by moving its head in the direction where Matori went. "Azurill! Azurill! Azurill!"
"Are you trying to tell me about that girl I just met?" Domino assumed.
Azurill immediately nods up and down. "Azurill!"
"Hmm…" Domino thinks about the conversation she just had with Matori as she finally realizes that Meowth being tied up, blindfolded, and duct taped shut was in the girl's grasp. "SHE HAD JESSIE'S MEOWTH!" Domino sprints in the direction where Matori ran.
It cuts to Matori accepting the call from her partners-in-crime with her communicator watch on her wrist while running and carrying Meowth. "Yes?"
"Where are you?!" Cassidy questioned. "We're already at the site where you landed the helicopter and we're all waiting for you to get here!"
"Don't worry, I'm heading there right now! I just thought I got caught carrying this talking Meowth and hid for a little bit, it was a false alarm." Matori lied to keep her conversation with Domino a secret from her group.
Butch enters the screen, frustrated. "You better get here before the twerps realize that neither of us had Meowth!"
Mondo also enters the screen from behind. "Yeah! Please don't keep up waiting any longer."
"I'm making the turn now, I'm getting near the site. See you three at the helicopter!" Matori ends the communication and makes a turn into the forest.
It cuts back to Domino still chasing Matori from behind and sees her make a turn to go into the forest. "She's heading into the forest!" She then makes a turn too and now she's running in the forest. "I can't believe I got so distracted I should've noticed Meowth sooner."
Azurill sighs. "Azurill…"
Domino rushes into an area of the forest with fewer trees to hear the sound of a helicopter's blades moving as she looks up to see the helicopter ascending more into the air. "Oh no, I'm too late! Azurill, you can use the move Water Gun now, right? Do you think you can shoot a Water Gun so high that it can alert Jessie, James, and Kris?"
Azurill nods. "Azurill!" The baby blue Pokémon takes a deep breath before shooting a stream of water up in the air.
It cuts to Jessie, Kris, and James riding on Charizard in the air with Chikorita who is being held by its trainer. The group spotted the water gun from a distance. "Charizard, follow where that water is coming from!" James commanded, pointing directly at it.
Charizard roars and starts flying directly to where the water is being shot up as the Flame Pokémon lands near Domino and Azurill.
"DOMINO!" The group shouted.
"No time for talking!" Domino hops onto Charizard's back with the rest. "I saw a girl with Meowth! She got into that helicopter up in the sky!" She points at it in the air, as the helicopter is continuously flying away.
"Charizard after that helicopter!" James commanded.
Charizard roars and begins flying after the helicopter.
It cuts inside the said helicopter, where Team Rocket is seeing the gang flying towards them on their Charizard. "Those twerps are still able to catch up with us!" Cassidy informed Matori.
From the cockpit, Matori growls and pulls out a Poké Ball. "Delibird, deal with those annoying pests!"
Delibird materializes from the Poké Ball. "Deli!" The delivery Pokémon flies out of the helicopter and starts heading to the gang.
The group sees Delibird fly out of the helicopter and three of them express confused looks. "What Pokémon just came out of the helicopter?" Jessie questioned.
"I believe that's a Delibird," Kris answered.
Delibird flies towards Charizard. "Deli!" The delivery Pokémon reaches its hand into its tail and pulls out a gift, handing it to Charizard.
Charizard accepts the gift, roaring in confusion upon receiving the gift.
"Deli!" Then Delibird flies back into the helicopter.
Charizard opened the gift and inside was a black round bomb with its fuse was already lit and the flame Pokémon roars in panic.
"CHARIZARD, GET RID OF THAT BOMB!" The gang screamed out.
Charizard quickly throws the bomb out of its hand and near the helicopter. The bomb explodes off the blades of the helicopter, destroying them and the helicopter starts descending, with screams being heard, until it stops descending by being caught in a tree.
James was stunned and impressed at the same time. "Wow… nice job Charizard."
Charizard roars confidently, hinting that it unintentionally did that. The flame Pokémon flies to the ground where the helicopter is in the tree.
The door of the helicopter breaks open, and Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo come out and land on the ground. "And there goes our helicopter." Cassidy grits her teeth.
Mondo tries to lighten her up. "At least we still have our hot air balloon, right?"
"But a helicopter is way cooler!" Butch kicks the dirt in frustration.
"TEAM ROCKET!" Jessie screamed out as she and her friends rushed towards them. "Where and who has Meowth!"
"And don't even think about lying because Domino saw a girl going into that helicopter you three were in with Meowth all tied up, blindfolded, and duct tape!" James added.
Domino's eyes open wide upon realization. "Wait… does this mean- oh no! Please don't let it be true!"
Cassidy chuckles before crossing her arms, about to start the motto again. "Prepare for-"
Matori drops in from below with Meowth, landing on top of Cassidy and interrupting her. "You already did that!"
Delibird flies from behind. "Deli!"
Jessie sees Meowth tied up, blindfolded, and duct-taped shut. "MEOWTH! Can you hear me?!"
The sounds of Meowth muffling into the duct tape can be heard, giving Jessie the answer that Meowth can hear her.
Jessie eyes Matori and immediately grits her teeth. "Who are you?! And why are you with Team Rocket?!"
"I guess the Meowth is out of the bag." Matori grins. "I'm known as Matori and I'm-" She rips out her regular outfit and under it is her Team Rocket uniform. "Working with these three buffoons to steal your talking Meowth!"
Domino's jaw dropped upon the reveal before frowning. "I… didn't want to believe it. She is part of Team Rocket?"
Azurill looks up to see its trainer frowning. "Azurill?"
"That voice…" Jessie recognizes the 'Back off, nuisance!' voice from the lab after getting kicked down. "It was you! You stole and had Meowth with you this entire time!"
"Congratulations, Sherlock Holmes, you solved the case! Yes, I had Meowth the entire time since you all weren't aware of my appearance until now." Matori looks to see Domino is a part of the group and her eyes widen. "That girl is part of their little group too?! This can't be!"
"Even with a perfect plan like that, we still screwed it up!" Cassidy pulls out a Poké Ball. "Raticate and Muk, I choose you!" She sends Raticate into battle.
Raticate and Muk both materialize. "Raticate!" "Muk!"
"Alright Primeape, you're up!" Butch then sends Primeape into battle.
Primeape materializes. "Primeape!"
"Alright Ditto and Marowak, let's go!" Mondo then sends his own Pokémon out to battle.
Ditto and Marowak both materialize. "Ditto!" "Marowak!"
Matori looks at Delibird. "Alright Delibird, take care of these pests!"
Delibird nods. "Deli!" The delivery Pokémon flies into battle.
"If it's an all-out battle you want, it's an all-out battle you're gonna get! Charizard, get ready to battle! Pikachu, I choose you!" James sends out Pikachu into battle.
Pikachu materializes. "Pikachu!"
Domino pulls out two Poké Balls. "Ivysaur and Clefable, teach Team Rocket a lesson!"
Kris looks at Chikorita. "Alright Chikorita, ready to teach them a lesson from trying to steal you?"
Chikorita nods. "Chiko!"
Jessie secretly pulls out the S.O.S Ball that Professor Oak gave her for emergencies. "Should I use this S.O.S Ball already? Meowth is restrained and can't do anything… no, I only can use whatever Pokémon in this once and it's those three plus the girl." She quickly puts the S.O.S Ball back in the backpack.
"POKÉMON, ATTACK!" The group, minus Jessie, and Team Rocket all pointed.
The group and Team Rocket's Pokémon run after each other and get into a scuffle, a dust cloud forming over them. After a few seconds, Team Rocket's Pokémon get sent flying back and collide with their trainers.
As Matori gets hit by Delibird who got sent back towards her, the impact causes Matori to fling Meowth in the air as the muffling screams of the talking Pokémon are heard.
"MEOWTH!" Jessie rushes to where Meowth is falling, dives to the ground, and catches Meowth in the nick of time. "Got you!" She immediately removes the blindfold and duct tape and unties Meowth.
"I've had enough of this!" Meowth jumps up in the air and uses a powerful Thunderbolt right at Team Rocket and their Pokémon.
Team Rocket and their Pokémon all scream in pain before they explode from the electricity and get blasted off.
"We had the perfect plan and blew it!" Cassidy frustratedly said.
Butch looks at Matori. "We would've gotten away with the twerpette's Meowth if the nerd girl hadn't taken her precious time and gotten to the helicopter sooner!"
"I told you before, lack-a-brain, that I thought I got caught and hid so this plan wouldn't have failed sooner!" Matori lied again.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Butch screamed out in anger.
Mondo tries to be the peacemaker again. "Chill out guys because tomorrow is another day!"
"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo screamed out. "Wait what?" Matori questioned. Ding!
It cuts to Professor Elm's Laboratory where the group is. "It seems like you guys got Meowth back." Professor Elm said.
"Yep. It was a close one though." Jessie chuckles, rubbing the back of her head.
"Before I forget." Meowth jumps and claws Domino right in the face before landing back on the ground and blows on his claws.
Domino screams in pain, holding her face. "WHY DID YOU SCRATCH ME?!"
"For not realizing sooner that Matori girl had me in her grasp." Meowth confidently answered.
Kris starts giggling to herself. "This group is quite interesting, I'd say for myself."
"So Professor, how's Cyndaquil?" James questioned.
The sound of Cyndaquil's cry is heard. "Cynda!" Cyndaquil rushes to the gang and cries out cheerfully. "Cynda! Cyndaquil!"
"I guess that answers your question." Professor Elm chuckles. "Cyndaquil has made a full recovery and this couldn't have happened if it wasn't for you all."
Jessie looks at Cyndaquil and remembers the weak comments from Silver and Cassidy as she steps forward. "Professor Elm, I know you only give these starter Pokémon to beginner trainers but… can I take Cyndaquil with me?"
"How come, Jessie?" Professor Elm questioned.
"Because I heard this Pokémon has been called weak by different people and I want to prove them wrong by training Cyndaquil myself!" Jessie answered.
"Jessie, this Cyndaquil here is only for starter trainers. You can catch one in the wild." Domino informed her.
"I don't want a Cyndaquil in the wild." Jessie looks at Cyndaquil. "I want this specific Cyndaquil here. Professor Elm, can I please have Cyndaquil?"
"Let's see…" Professor Elm thinks for a little bit then smiles. "If Cyndaquil wants to come with you then I see no problem coming with you." The professor looks at Cyndaquil. "So Cyndaquil?"
"Cynda…" Cyndaquil looked at Jessie who was smiling at the fire starter. Cyndaquil smiles back and rushes at Jessie, jumping into her arms. "Cyndaquil!"
Jessie pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "Thank you so much, Cyndaquil. Welcome to the team!"
"Hold on, Jessie!" Professor Elm takes Jessie's Poké Ball. "I'll capture Cyndaquil and give them to you."
"How come, Professor?" Jessie questioned.
"You're not signed up for the Johto region, right Jessie? It's illegal for trainers not born in Johto to capture Pokémon here. They have to get signed up for the Johto region first. That includes you too, James and Domino." Professor Elm explained.
"Where can we register for the Johto region, Professor?" James asked.
Professor Elm explains more. "At a Pokémon Center. Unfortunately, there is no Pokémon Center in New Bark Town, so you have to make your way to Cherrygrove City which is just down Route 29."
"Then I guess that's our next destination!" Domino said.
Professor Elm taps Cyndaquil with Jessie's Poké Ball as the fire starter goes in. Three wiggles and then it clicks. "Here's Cyndaquil, Jessie!"
Jessie accepts the Poké Ball containing her new Pokémon. "Thank you so much, Professor!"
"That's not all I have for you! Professor Oak informed me to give these to you when you arrive!" Professor Elm heads to the back and comes back with three Pokégears and a Pokédex. "For Domino and James, here are your Pokégears. After what happened recently with Team Rocket, I think these will come in pretty handy."
Domino and James are sparkle-eyed from amazement as the two accept the Pokégears. "Thank you, Professor!"
"And for Jessie, here's a Pokégear and a Johto Pokédex for you!" Professor Elm hands Jessie her own Pokégear and a Johto Pokédex. "With this Johto Pokédex, you can record Pokémon data not only just from the Kanto region but now from the Johto region too!"
Jessie's eyes were also sparkling from amazement, accepting the Pokégear and Pokédex. "Thank you so much, Professor!" She pulls out her old Pokédex from her purse. "I guess I don't need the Pokédex Oak gave me anymore."
"I'll send your old Pokédex back to Professor Oak for a new trainer in Kanto to have it." Professor Elm takes Jessie's old Pokédex. "Good luck to you four on your journey in Johto!"
The group all nods as it cuts to the entrance to Route 29. "I guess this is where we split up, right Kris?" Jessie asked.
"Oh…" Kris nervously rubs her arm. "Right, I guess so."
Meowth gives Kris a thumbs up. "Thanks for joining and saving me back there by the way. You seem cool, I hope we cross paths again."
"Yeah…" Kris continues nervously rubbing her harm.
"What's the matter, Kris?" James asked.
Kris gains confidence as she stops rubbing her arm and takes a deep breath. "You guys are not getting rid of me that easily because I'm gonna be officially joining your group on your journey!"
"A new friend traveling with us?!" Domino looks down at Azurill. "What do you think, Azurill?"
Azurill flaps its arms around in excitement. "Azurill! Azurill!"
"If that's the case then…" Jessie extends her arm for a handshake. "Welcome to the group, Kris!"
Kris gladly accepts the handshake and nods. "Thank you all for letting me in!"
The narrator begins wrapping up the episode. "Our heroes have a brand new friend joining them on their journey in Johto. What kind of fun adventures will happen to our heroes with Kris beside them now? Find out as the journey continues!"