Price gouging

"How are you, Sister Ruki?" Shin asked with a smile over the phone.

On the other end of the line, in Ruki's spacious room adorned with movie posters, she reclined on her neatly decorated bed. She clutched a large teddy bear close to her and held the phone to her right ear.

Ruki, a beautiful young lady with black hair, a fine nose, and a fit physique, gazed at the television connected to the KiShin SKT FamiCom. On the TV screen, Super Mario Bros. was paused mid-game.

She had called her brother to discuss this new phenomenon called the KiShin SKT FamiCom and its games, well aware of her brother's lifelong fascination with such things.

The phone was answered, and Ruki heard a voice she hadn't heard in months. "How are you, Sister Ruki?"

Ruki smiled and replied, "I'm doing fine. I should be the one asking, how are you after becoming independent?"

Shin, on the other end of the line, smiled and said, "It was tough at first, but as I've gradually gotten used to it, I'm more than fine."

Ruki smiled faintly and apologized, "I'm sorry if I wasn't able to call you earlier when you first became independent. I was finishing a novel with a tight deadline."

Shin, understanding, responded, "No, it's okay. I know you're a novelist, so I understand how busy you must be with research and all."

Grateful for his understanding, Ruki continued, "Do you know that a popular video game is slowly taking over all of Tokyo?"

Shin remained silent for a moment, so Ruki added, "I know you're fascinated with video games! You'll be really excited when you play them!"

Shin, on the other end of the phone, finally said, "Um... Really?"

Ruki nodded enthusiastically, "Really! From my research, the company that started these popular video games is called KiShin Electronics!"

"They began in arcades by placing their machines in the arcade sections of stores and malls around Tokyo."

Curious, Ruki asked, "You must have heard about this by now. Are you in Tokyo?"

Shin hesitated but then awkwardly replied, "Uh... Yes, I'm in Tokyo."

"Really? Where are you? I'll personally give you the FamiCom I just bought." Ruki offered, thinking that Shin might not be able to afford it.

"Uh... No need, sister," Shin replied.

Sensing that Shin might be declining out of pride, Ruki suggested, "You can slowly pay me back for it. It's alright."

Shin, feeling a bit helpless, admitted, "Actually, I already have one, sister."

Ruki was a bit surprised and said, "Really?" but she couldn't help but feel a hint of doubt. She wondered if Shin was just saying that to spare her feelings and avoid accepting her gift.

On the other end of the phone, Shin could sense Ruki's doubt. Despite his reassurances, Ruki ultimately decided not to push Shin to accept her gift. They continued their conversation, discussing various topics like video games, movies, and Ruki's novel.

As their conversation flowed, Ruki genuinely expressed her concern for Shin and even suggested he come back home. However, Shin reassured her once more. They continued to talk, reconnecting as siblings do.

After a while, they said their goodbyes and ended the call. Shin returned his phone to his pocket with a smile.


Meanwhile, in a building standing alone in an area without other structures, near a certain airport in Tokyo, a Yakuza family's building was bustling with activity. Inside, Wakagashira Ryuji was inspecting a large stockpile of KiShin SKT FamiCom consoles.

Shaite Saito stood respectfully beside him, with other Shaite members standing behind them, displaying a mix of fear and respect.

"You've done well, Saito Shaite-Kun. With these, we'll make a substantial profit!" Ryuji exclaimed with a wide grin, gesturing towards the unopened boxes of KiShin SKT FamiCom consoles.

Ryuji had acquired a considerable quantity of these consoles with the intention of reselling them at a premium price in other cities.

Saito nodded in agreement, adding, "Our decision was the right one, Wakagashira. Demand for this product is high in cities like Osaka, Yokohama, Kyoto, and Nagoya."

Ryuji Wakagashira grinned, revealing his yellowed teeth.


Back at his own place, Shin contemplated how to mend his strained relationship with Mira.

He was far from a dull guy. In his previous life, his busy schedule left him without any romantic relationships, rendering him both a virgin and childless.

His parents would occasionally draw unfavorable comparisons between him and his childhood friends who had already started families with beautiful wives. Each time, these comparisons inflicted emotional damage that cut deep.

However, things had changed now. With Mira, he had broken through that barrier, transforming from a virgin into a person who had experienced intimate connection. Their relationship had evolved, moving beyond mere friendship to something more profound.

After the incident, Mira no longer visited his apartment. Instead, she moved to a different one, coincidentally situated close to Shin's place. As a result, Shin decided to pay her a visit.

Shin pressed the button on her doorbell, and it chimed through the hallway.

Mira eventually opened the door, but her reaction was one of surprise when she saw Shin standing there.

Unfazed, Shin greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey, can I come in?" He wore that smile without a hint of awkwardness, having overcome the events of a few days ago.

Mira, however, seemed distracted and replied with a snort, "What do you want?"

Ignoring her dismissive tone, Shin responded with straightforward confidence, "Didn't you hear, dear? Invite me in."