KiShin's new video games released

[KiShin Headquarters, KiShin™ Department]

Shin gazed at his company's group of video game developers, wearing a smile.

On the whiteboard, the images of the new video games were displayed via a projector...

The first image featured a 2D pixelated character in a space suit, wielding a vibrant gun.

The title read "Metroid," and the themes portrayed a dark, starry sky, evoking a space-themed video game.

"Tora and Suzuki might have underestimated us... But with this first wave of video games we're about to release, let's see if they can keep up!" proclaimed Koga Ryo, the creative director of the video game, as he proudly added, "After all, it was directed and written based on the young boss's vision."

The game developers looked at the creative director in speechless astonishment.

'He certainly knows how to flatter!' echoed in the minds of most of them.

Shin simply responded with a smile.

They will lead with the release of 'Metroid' as the opening salvo, building anticipation and excitement. Subsequently, after the buzz surrounding 'Metroid' has reached its peak, they will gradually introduce their new video games.

The intention is to make their rivals, Tora and Suzuki, believe that KiShin has exhausted its offerings with 'Metroid.' Then, taking them by surprise, they will unveil video games that achieved fame in Shin's previous life.

Shin held great admiration for Gunpei Yokoi's work on 'Metroid.'


[December 5, 1990]


The chill of winter was already in the air, prompting everyone to don jackets and scarves for warmth.

Some children and young adults sported KiShin Super Mario Bros. jackets, a trend that had swept through Tokyo thanks to the widespread popularity of video games.

With the cold weather outside, most people opted to stay snug indoors beneath their Kotatsu tables. In the cozy comfort of their homes, they indulged in snacks while watching television.

It happened to be the concluding episode of 'The Legend of Zelda.'

After Link valiantly battled numerous monsters and bosses, it seemed he was on the verge of rescuing the princess. However, just as viewers anticipated the princess's rescue, Link encountered one of Ganon's high-ranking subordinates. Yet, as Link engaged in combat with this formidable adversary, the credits abruptly rolled.

A young man expressed his disappointment, exclaiming, "Really? It's ending already?"

Many of those watching shared his disappointment, with a significant portion being avid KiShin fans.

Just as they were on the verge of switching off their television, a KiShin advertisement suddenly seized their attention. It featured a cosmic backdrop, where sudden explosions erupted. A figure in a spacesuit tumbled through the air and landed gracefully on a colossal yellow video game cartridge bearing the title 'Metroid.'

"Let's welcome, Metroid!" declared the narrator as the scene transitioned from a realistic galaxy to the pixelated world of the video game.

The advertisement showcased 'Metroid' gameplay, while the announcer elaborated, "You'll combat alien monsters with your FamiComputer!"

"Take aim and fire!"

The spacesuit-clad character was depicted skillfully dispatching creatures with a futuristic space gun.

The character executed stylish jumps and nimble rolls on the ground.

"Now, unleash your gaming prowess!"

Following this advertisement, a palpable wave of excitement swept through the viewers in the Kanto Region.



On the very first day of the advertisement's release, numerous residents of Tokyo eagerly left their homes to acquire 'Metroid.'

Despite the chilly weather, a multitude of people, predominantly young individuals, formed long queues at various stores and malls throughout Tokyo.

Since KiShin's video game, 'Metroid,' was family-friendly, even parents flocked to purchase it for their children. As a result, the estimated sales of 'Metroid' across Japan surged to 20 thousand units in just a single day.

The fervor for KiShin's video games remained unabated on the second day of its release, underscoring the public's longing for KiShin's video games, which had been absent from the market for an extended period.

Even Robert Johnson, who had returned to Japan for business after several months, found himself in line alongside countless others.

Robert worked in international consulting, which often took him abroad for business. During his free hours, he would explore various places. 

This time, during his leisure time, he invited his friend, Nick Conley, also an international consultant, to experience the captivating world of Japanese video games.

The tall Nick Conley raised an eyebrow as he surveyed the lengthy line and remarked, "Dude, seriously? I mean, I know Super Mario Bros. was a blast when we played it on your console, but waiting in this endless line?"

Robert chuckled and replied, "It's KiShin's video games... It's worth the wait."

Nick Conley pouted and said, "I get it, The Legend of Zelda was incredible, but I didn't realize you were becoming such a loyal fan of a Japanese company."

Robert smiled and said, "It's not just for me; I'm also getting this video game from Japan for my child."

Nick Conley furrowed his brows and complained, "It's freezing out here..."

After half an hour of waiting, they finally obtained their video games. Robert purchased Donkey Kong, Duck Hunt, and Metroid, while Nick Conley made the same choices without a care.

After purchasing their video games, they returned to Robert's rented apartment.

Nick Conley snorted as he examined the cover of Metroid and remarked, "I have a hunch that this video game will be a flop."

Robert frowned in response and inquired, "Why do you think that?"

With unwavering confidence, Nick Conley replied, "Remember Atari's colossal flop, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial? 'Metroid' feels eerily similar to it! I mean, they both delve into space and aliens or something..."

Robert shook his head, chuckling at his friend's assumptions, and said, "I've seen the advertisement! Just from that preview, I can tell it's going to be a really impressive video game!"

Nick Conley raised his hands in resignation and said, "Well, it's your call, dude." He paused, adding with a chuckle, "Don't say I didn't warn you; higher expectations often lead to greater disappointments."

Robert smiled at Nick Conley's words as he inserted the 'Metroid' video game cartridge into the FamiCom console.

"This is where we'll find out if it's any good," Robert said, looking at the powered-up TV and FamiCom.

Nick Conley also gazed at the TV as the video game finally began. The theme music played, and the blue title 'Metroid' appeared. He commented in a somewhat bored tone, "Oh, it's starting."

Robert nodded and initiated the video game. A message appeared on the screen, displaying, "EMERGENCY ORDER: DEFEAT THE METROID OF THE PLANET ZEBETH AND DESTROY THE MOTHER BRAIN, THE MECHANICAL LIFE VEIN. GALAXY FEDERAL POLICE M510."

Robert and Nick, not being Japanese, had some difficulty reading it, but they grasped the gist. The 'Metroid' video game officially began, revealing Robert's in-game character, a figure in a space suit armed with a high-tech space gun.

As he controlled his character, they encountered crawling monsters on the ground and walls. Robert dispatched them with his gun and skillfully maneuvered his character to roll swiftly through narrow rock passages.

Nick Conley watched with growing interest and remarked, "This game is indeed intriguing."

Robert chuckled but remained focused on playing as he replied, "Then get your own FamiCom."

Nick Conley exclaimed, "What do you mean, dude? I thought we were sharing your FamiCom."

Robert smiled and retorted, "Well, you can't play on this while I'm enjoying my 'Metroid.' Just buy your own FamiCom console."

Nick Conley snorted, "You're no fun..."

Many other players who purchased the 'Metroid' video game were also captivated by its space-themed adventure.

Meanwhile, the ongoing rivalry between Tora and Suzuki for the second place in the market drew its attention to KiShin.