
In mid-March, people were surprised to discover that KiShin significantly lowered the price of the KES and SKES video game console, making it even more affordable than ToRaKi. This sparked discussions in Japan.

"Whoa, what's going on? What is KiShin thinking? They actually slashed the prices of KES and SKES this much?"

"They also slightly dropped the prices of the video games too..."

"I wonder what KiShin is up to..."

Many were left pondering the unexpected discounted prices of KiShin's video game consoles. Whether it was a temporary discount or a permanent reduction remained unverified by KiShin, as they maintained silence regarding the price drop.

Simultaneously, with the reduction in prices for KES and SKES, the Japanese began to purchase these consoles in a small frenzy, leading to a surge in sales for KiShin video game consoles and video games.

Meanwhile, the Tora-Suzuki alliance, privy to Intel about KiShin's plans to release their CD format video game console, found themselves in a somber state, particularly for those working in the electronics sector responsible for developing Tora-Suzuki's video game consoles.

Despite the aspirations of Itori Tanaka and others leading the Tora-Suzuki alliance to surpass KiShin in the video game sector, KiShin managed to get ahead of them.

To be honest, Tora Corporation Chairman, Asahi Tanaka, had already shifted his focus away from video games, as their business extended beyond this sector. The same applied to the Suzuki Group; their primary focus wasn't solely on video games, yet they still maintained an interest in video game development.

Despite the modest profits derived from the video game business, both companies recognized that any profit was worthwhile. Consequently, Chairman Asahi Tanaka of Tora Corporation allocated additional workforce to the video games sector.

Meanwhile, at TV Asahi, an advertisement captured the attention of casual video game fans: KiShin's animations featuring video game characters and CGI 'Jurassic Park' dinosaurs.

A deep-voiced Japanese narrator proclaimed, "KiShin's latest will unveil a new chapter for the video game industry in 1994..." as the KiShin logo, accompanied by animations of CGI dinosaurs and beloved characters like Super Mario, Link, Zelda, Yoshi, Sonic, Pikachu, and Ash, played out.

"Hello, it's me, Mario!" Mario leaped in his iconic style, introducing himself.

Other KiShin video game characters also took turns introducing themselves before the Japanese narrator declared, "KiShin will herald the beginning of the revolutionary era in video games in 1994..."

Casual players, along with dedicated fans, found themselves excitedly watching the advertisement.

The Japanese narrator continued, "KiShin founder, Shinro Suzuki, will make this announcement on April 1, 1994... Stay tuned to the TV Asahi channel at 12:00 pm."

On the animated screen, text appeared, proclaiming, "KiShin announcement in 1994... April 1, 1994."

Video game enthusiasts, whether loyal to KiShin, Tora, or Suzuki, erupted into discussions as they absorbed the KiShin advertisement about an upcoming announcement.

"Ohhh!!! Is KiShin planning to release another revolutionary video game!?" a guy exclaimed in the plaza, looking at his friends with anticipation.

"Idiot! There's no need for such an elaborate advertisement with costly CGI and anime animations if it's just a video game announcement!" his friend rebuked him.

"That's true. For a simple video game announcement, they could just release the date casually without all the fuss," another agreed with a nod.

"Exactly. There's no need for KiShin founder, Shinro Suzuki, to personally announce it if it's just a video game," a young man concurred with excitement in his eyes.

"The announcement being on April 1, 1994, doesn't it feel a bit suspicious?" a guy interjected.

Upon hearing this, a sense of suspicion swept through the group regarding KiShin's choice of April 1, 1994, for the announcement.

"Are they trying to make it a joke, the so-called 'April fools'!?"

"It can't be... right?" another said, his tone tinged with doubt.

"If KiShin pulls that off, I'll never buy a single product from them again..."


"I'll curse Shinro Suzuki, even if he is the reason for the revival of the video game industry..."

Other video game fans were engaged in similar discussions, simultaneously harboring doubts about KiShin's intentions.

"Why announce it on April 1? Is KiShin really playing an April Fool's prank!?"

Despite the anticipation, there was a collective lowering of expectations, with some fearing that KiShin might indeed be fooling them just for the sake of amusement.

Nevertheless, amidst the skepticism, some video game fans speculated, "Could KiShin actually be releasing a new video game console?"

"I think so too... The fact that the advertisement mentioned 'the revolutionary era of video games,' coupled with the price reductions on their KES and SKES, seems to suggest that possibility..."


"I hope that's the case, unlike the speculation about it being KiShin's April Fool's joke..."


Many video game fans preferred the idea of KiShin releasing a new video game console rather than it turning out to be a prank, as everyone believed it would harm KiShin's reputation if they played with the fans' expectations.


Meanwhile, the Suzuki brothers, who had also come to watch the advertisement, chuckled.

Shiko shook his head, saying, "It was really the fourth brother... Making such a big deal out of their new console..."

Seki smiled and remarked, "I think I'd do the same if I were him..." Although he said this in a light tone, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy toward Shinro in his heart.

"Actually, creating animations of their IPs' video game characters with CGI dinosaurs from 'Jurassic Park'... That short ad alone must have cost a lot."

Seki continued to smile, his hands in his pockets, and said, "It was his money... His rules."

Shiko remained silent after that.

Meanwhile, at Tora Electronics headquarters, Itori Tanaka's expressions were indifferent as he stroked his chin. He muttered, "Such a high-profile marketing... KiShin is certainly confident in everything—or rather, Shinro Suzuki is certainly confident in everything."

He mentioned this because KiShin didn't limit its advertising to just TV Asahi; it spread across various TV channels, capturing the attention of many who learned about KiShin's upcoming announcement on April 1, 1994.

Suddenly, April 1, 1994, became the eagerly awaited date in Japan.

The catch, however, was that April 1 coincided with "Shigatsu Baka," or April Fool's Day.

Consequently, several media outlets in Japan began speculating that KiShin was planning to execute the biggest prank in the history of Japan.

"Is KiShin planning the biggest April Fool's Day prank not only in Japan but also in the whole world?" questioned the NHK news anchor.

"Deceiving an entire country and building anticipation among your fans, only to leave them disappointed in the end – is this KiShin's cruel plan!?" remarked a TBS news source.

KiShin's April Fool's plan began to gain international attention, catching the eye of foreign media outlets. People from various countries started learning about KiShin's impending announcement through the news.

Given the different timelines and dates in each country, and some even having their own calendars, the notion of KiShin potentially planning to prank a country on April 1 brought laughter from foreigners.

Simultaneously, on CNN, a reporter asked a professional, "Would KiShin and Shinro Suzuki be willing to jeopardize the reputation they've built over the years just for an April Fool's Day?"

The professional shook his head and responded, "I don't think so. Considering the fact that Shinro Suzuki is said to be announcing something remarkable on April 1, 1994, there's no doubt about that..." He paused and added, "This may be a marketing strategy from KiShin."

The CNN reporter was somewhat surprised and nodded, saying, "Oh, now it makes sense..."

While it made sense to some, others remained doubtful and unsure. Whether it was truly an April Fool's prank by KiShin or a genius marketing strategy would be revealed on April 1, 1994, in Japan.