Good Results

The 'Mortal Kombat' surpasses audience expectations, excelling in CGI, special effects, and the martial arts performances of the cast. The dialogue is generally satisfactory, though there are moments, like the antagonist's use of the 'Fatality' term, that might be less relatable. Overall, the film is both menacing and cool.

However, its excessive violence and cruelty, highlighted by bone-cracking scenes and prominent gore, make 'Mortal Kombat' suitable primarily for a mature audience. Some film critics express mixed feelings, with some finding it very good, while others are unimpressed due to the film's intense focus on gore and violence.

While opinions among the general audience may vary, many found 'Mortal Kombat' to be very good overall.

"I felt my blood rushing in excitement as they battled the outerworld forces," one person shared with their friend.

"I liked Lord Raiden... he's such a cool character," another friend chimed in.

"Yeah, I liked him too," agreed another.

"I wonder if 'Mortal Kombat' will get a sequel... I'm genuinely interested in the Outerworld."

"Me too."

The audience engaged in discussions, and the consensus was that most of them enjoyed the film.

As the audience gradually exited the cinema, some were approached by various media outlets for interviews.

"What are your thoughts on the 'Mortal Kombat' film?" inquired a Fox reporter, addressing a man leaving the theater.

"It was a really good film, I must say!" the Caucasian man exclaimed. He then added, "But make sure not to bring your child, alright? The movie isn't exactly family-friendly..."

The Fox reporter nodded and asked, "I see... Does it include intense scenes as expected?"

The man nodded and replied, "That's right. Even though I'm accustomed to gore and violence in films, typically horror movies, I can confidently say that 'Mortal Kombat' definitely ranks high in terms of gore and violence, especially in the fight scenes."

Other interviewed audience members echoed similar sentiments.


Following the premiere, those fortunate enough to attend 'Mortal Kombat' began spreading the word to friends and family, generating some buzz. As days passed, the film saw a widespread release in cinemas, attracting a considerable audience. People eagerly purchased tickets, and during the screenings, viewers were notably impressed by the initial part of the film. Post-viewing, discussions about the movie naturally ensued among friends.

Soon after the first-day box office results were released, 'Mortal Kombat' had raked in around 2 million dollars.

The box office results brought a sigh of relief to Shin, who had been closely monitoring the first-day performance of 'Mortal Kombat.' Witnessing its strong initial showing, Shin felt a sense of relief. After all, he had made significant changes to the overall film, departing from the one in his previous life that only promised minimal success.

However, Shin acknowledged that there were still more days and months ahead, and whether 'Mortal Kombat' would maintain its success at the box office remained uncertain. Despite this, Shin remained hopeful.


A week after the widespread screening of 'Mortal Kombat,' the box office results surprised everyone, reaching around 48 million dollars.

It proved to be a massive success, with 'Mortal Kombat' gaining widespread popularity in the USA through KiShin's Merchandise, featuring 'Mortal Kombat' toys and action figures, and benefiting from additional marketing by Walt Disney.

The marketing strategies proved highly effective, propelling 'Mortal Kombat' to surpass even the successful films of Warner Bros. and Universal Studios. Newspapers in New York featured headlines such as "Another Film with Box Office Success from KiShin Pictures."

"After one of the most successful box office films, 'Jurassic Park,' KiShin strikes again with their new film, 'Mortal Kombat'! The film is lauded for its advanced CGI, animation, special effects, sound effects, and soundtrack. However, it also faces criticism for its gore and violence," reads the newspaper below the headline.

Many readers, discovering this news through newspapers, became aware of the emerging film in Hollywood. Some remarked, "Oh, the film studio that produced 'Jurassic Park.' I guess there's no harm in watching it..."

Most of the older generation, who still read newspapers, share somewhat similar opinions...


Simultaneously, numerous video game enthusiasts in the USA who watched 'Mortal Kombat' discovered that there's actually a video game in Japan with the same name as the film. This revelation came through the widespread attention given by film critics in their reviews of the 'Mortal Kombat' film.

Some film critics noted that the movie was adapted from a video game gaining modest popularity in Japan. While a few critics rated 'Mortal Kombat' as low as three stars out of five, the majority awarded it full stars.

Simultaneously, the curiosity of video game fans was piqued, with some considering a trip to Japan to obtain the game. However, the anticipation grew further when KiShin announced the upcoming release of their KS1 in the USA market—though the exact date remained uncertain.

Later, news spread of a collaboration between KiShin and Microsoft, revealing that KiShin PC video games would soon be available on Microsoft Operating systems. This development excited computer enthusiasts who were also video game fans.

It brought a sense of satisfaction among computer enthusiasts, and some of them expressed their excitement.

"Great! I'll finally be able to play Doom on our PC!" exclaimed a young man to his friend in class.

"I was about to sell my HP computer, but it seems that there's no need to..." his friend nodded in agreement.

"My Toshiba computer will finally have some use..." another added.

"I'll finally be able to run KiShin PC video games on my computer..."