Proposal of Shinro

Itori Tanaka was greatly surprised when Shinro Suzuki revealed that their meeting was about a business discussion, sparking genuine curiosity in him.

Intrigued, Tanaka inquired, "Business with me? Could you elaborate, Mr. Suzuki?"

As the server placed dishes on the table, Tanaka expressed gratitude before Shin remained silent, diving into the details. "It seems Tora-Suzuki is facing challenges in the video game production for their latest console, TSX Fusion," he stated while savoring a bite of the cut steak.

Itori Tanaka's expression soured slightly upon hearing this, and he responded, "So you were aware... Indeed, we're facing some challenges." After a brief pause, he continued, "Unlike the KS1 with the VG Engine, we lack advanced video game development toolkits for the TSX Fusion. This means a longer production time and fewer games this year."

Shin acknowledged this, saying, "Our VG Engine has proven invaluable for us."

Itori sought clarification, asking, "Is this related to the business discussion you wanted, Mr. Suzuki?"

With a nod, Shin affirmed, "Exactly."

Observing Itori's perplexed expression, Shin explained, "My proposal is for KiShin to expedite video game production for Tora-Suzuki's TSX Fusion."

Surprised, Itori exclaimed, "What!? You can expedite the video game productions for our TSX Fusion!?" He struggled to compose himself.

Shin nodded with a subtle smile and explained, "Indeed. It's a relatively straightforward process, actually."

Itori, wearing a serious expression, pondered Shinro Suzuki's intentions, thinking, 'What is he planning?'

Shin clarified, "While I understand you're not the sole decision-maker for the Tora and Suzuki alliance, you play a key role. I'm proposing an idea, and whether the Tora-Suzuki alliance accepts it is entirely their choice."

Itori nodded in comprehension.

Shin continued, "In my proposal, I suggest allowing Tora-Suzuki to utilize our game engine software..."

Itori, taken aback, thought, 'Allow Tora-Suzuki to use the game engine software!?' Unable to contain his astonishment, he exclaimed, "You'll permit Tora-Suzuki to access KiShin's advanced video game development!?"

"That's correct." Shin paused to sip his wine before adding, "Upon Tora-Suzuki's agreement to our terms and conditions, they gain access to our video game engine, the VG Engine. Additionally, the video game entertainment companies currently using our software can extend their capabilities to develop games for the TSX Fusion. Moreover, those companies exclusively offering games for the KS1 platform can also utilize the VG Engine for TSX Fusion compatibility."

Upon hearing this, Itori felt a temptation to agree immediately. However, he restrained himself, recognizing the need for caution, especially without knowing KiShin's specific terms and conditions. Even if he did know and agreed, discussions with Tora-Suzuki were essential.

Observing Itori's inclination, Shin opened his suitcase, revealing prepared documents. Placing them on the table, he invited Itori to inspect them with evident curiosity.

"This document outlines all the benefits of my proposal, along with the terms and conditions," Shin explained as he handed the documents to Itori Tanaka.

Itori nodded and began reading the document. It detailed the advantages of accepting KiShin's proposal, including access to the same level of video game toolkits and the VG Engine. However, it stipulated that Tora-Suzuki needed to provide hardware documentation for the TSX Fusion. This would enable KiShin to update their VG Engine, ensuring compatibility with the TSX Fusion for games developed using the software.

As Itori read through this requirement, he weighed it against the substantial benefits KiShin's proposal offered, realizing that providing hardware documentation was a reasonable trade-off given the solutions it presented for their video game production challenges.

Making the video games developed in the VG Engine compatible with the TSX Fusion would effectively resolve Tora-Suzuki's problems. Given that most video game entertainment companies developing for consoles were already utilizing the VG Engine, this solution would extend compatibility to games initially designed for KS1.

After reviewing the proposal, Itori delved into the KiShin terms and conditions. They specified a small royalty fee for video games produced by Tora-Suzuki using the VG Engine. While Itori found this acceptable, the challenge lay in whether other members of the Tora-Suzuki alliance would agree with it.

The development data from video games created using the VG Engine must also be sent to KiShin for software improvement.

Itori, not well-versed in software development, considered sending development data as a minor concern.

As he delved deeper into the terms and conditions, Itori found nothing objectionable. Viewing it as a mutually beneficial business proposal, he acknowledged the need for legal scrutiny to ensure no traps were set by KiShin.

"This is an intriguing proposal," Itori remarked, "but, as you mentioned, I'm just a key figure in the Tora-Suzuki alliance. I must seek the opinions of other key figures before deciding." He addressed Shinro Suzuki politely, who remained silent, focused on his steak.

"I anticipate an agreement with you, Mr. Tanaka," Shin smiled as he paused, adding, "After all, Tora-Suzuki won't have much of a choice. Within a few weeks or months following the initial success of your TSX Fusion, it may face a decline due to its limited video game library."

Upon hearing Shinro Suzuki's words, Itori Tanaka couldn't help but feel a slight twitch in his mouth.

Observing Shinro Suzuki's smiling face, Itori Tanaka couldn't shake the feeling that the smile held a hint of cunningness.