Metal Gear Solid I

As soon as Kevin connected the KS1 to the television, and the KS1 and KiShin intro played out, the video game introduction story started.

It began with the intense soundtrack. In the deep sea, a submarine can be seen. The scene changed to the inside of the submarine, with people operating it and high-tech equipment visible.

[Ohio Class Nuclear Submarine Discovery]

The location of the place was labeled.

And then, a middle-aged man's voice sounded.

"The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Moses Island, in Alaska's Fox Archipelago, was attacked and captured by next-generation special forces, being led by members of FOX-HOUND."

The camera zoomed in on the submarine's screen, and the scene turned white before zooming towards the radar screen in the sea.

"They're demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss, and if their demands aren't met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuclear weapon."

As Kevin watched the scene and listened to the dialogues, he grew curious.

Continuing the scene, Solid Snake was assigned a mission to infiltrate Moses Island and FOXHOUND organization to prevent the nuclear weapon launch.

FOXHOUND's special forces unit comprised experts specializing in various tasks: Revolver Ocelot, Sniper Wolf, Vulcan Raven, Psycho Mantis, Decoy Octopus, and the leader, Liquid Snake.

After the video game introduction, the scene shifted to the main menu. Kevin selected the options, chose "new game," and initiated the game.

The game commenced with an animation, featuring the protagonist swimming in the water to a choir-like soundtrack, creating a layer of mystery and suspense. The animation continued, revealing the credits.

The protagonist emerged from the water, sat on the land near a set of stairs.

As the protagonist removed his swimming fins, a voice declared, "Stay alert! He'll be through here... I know it."

"I'm going to swat down a couple of bothersome flies."

In the scene, the voice emanated from a man in the elevator, blond and directing men in white protective suits.

Following that, Solid Snake and the Colonel engaged in a conversation, with the Colonel instructing Kevin, the player, about using the "Select Button" for codec contact.

The game finally commenced, and Kevin observed his in-game character, Solid Snake, in the area where he emerged from the water.

Stairs and a lake-like water body were nearby. As Kevin guided his in-game character downstairs toward the floodwater, the camera zoomed closer to Solid Snake running through the flood.

"I've got to admit, the graphics are much better than the first Resident Evil game they released..." Kevin couldn't help but exclaim.

Compared to Resident Evil 1 with blocky 3D character models, limited animation, static environments, and less interactive pre-rendered backgrounds, Metal Gear Solid I impressively addressed those issues.

Not only did Metal Gear Solid I's graphics overcome the shortcomings of Resident Evil 1, but they also marked a significant leap in graphical improvement. Most of the 3D attempt gameplay problems in Resident Evil 1 were effectively solved, and in fact, Metal Gear Solid I even improved upon the positive aspects of Resident Evil's graphics.

Metal Gear Solid I featured cutting-edge polygon counts for characters and environments, creating a more detailed world compared to Resident Evil 1's pre-rendered backgrounds. The game boasted smooth character animations and more.

"As expected of KiShin... They improved the graphics so much in just a little over a year..." Kevin couldn't help but sigh.

With that, Kevin accidentally acquired a "RATION" in the floodwater, and then he walked upstairs.

Having read the video game story manual and control manual for "Metal Gear Solid I" in KiShin Power magazine before heading to the store to buy it, Kevin found the controls simple. He guided his in-game character to crawl down and navigate through a blocking pipe.

A map displayed in the corner of the screen helped Kevin track his in-game character's location. The gameplay involved Kevin controlling his character to stealthily move past patrolling soldiers in white suits.

Spotting a patrolling soldier in a descending elevator, Kevin patiently waited until the soldier wasn't looking before stealthily entering the elevator.

As Kevin successfully avoided the soldiers and sneaked behind them, he felt a rush of adrenaline. (Although the patrolling soldiers' AI wasn't very complicated and was easy to fool, Kevin remained unaware of that fact.)

Having played "Metal Gear Solid I" for quite a while, Kevin found the game to be quite enjoyable. In fact, he was more entertained by this game than the one he had played earlier, "Gloomy: Land of Happiness."


After a few days, many gamers in Tokyo purchased the latest video game from Tora-Suzuki, "Gloomy: Land of Happiness." However, after spending some time playing it, they noticed that, while the game was fun and the protagonist Gloomy was cool, clearing levels was too easy, and these easy levels were excessively prolonged. Even after hours of gameplay, Gloomy was unable to return to the Elemotion Land.

Despite varying opinions on "Gloomy: Land of Happiness," KiShin's latest video game, "Metal Gear Solid I," garnered significant attention.

Compared to "Gloomy: Land of Happiness," "Metal Gear Solid I" excelled in graphics and presented a more compelling storyline for most gamers.

While "Gloomy: Land of Happiness" had an interesting concept and a refreshing idea, "Metal Gear Solid I" was more mature and appealed to boys or men, tapping into the fantasy of being a legendary soldier, a concept cherished by many men worldwide, embodied in the protagonist, Solid Snake.

The game received praise for its cinematic cutscenes featuring impressive lighting and camera work, immersing players in the story. Professional video game developers also commended "Metal Gear Solid I" for its significant graphics leap, including smooth character animations, especially facial expressions and lip-syncing, which were groundbreaking at the time.