Influence II

Beyond video games, KiShin's mobile phones were also experiencing significant success, particularly in Asia and Japan. Their signature flip phone design resonated with consumers, leading to strong sales.

This design proved so popular that other brands began incorporating similar models into their lineups, generating royalty fees for KiShin estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Fast forward to the year 2000, and KiShin was poised to further revolutionize the mobile phone industry by introducing a groundbreaking feature: Bluetooth.

KiShin had played a critical role in the development of Bluetooth technology since 1997. As a major shareholder in Ericsson Mobile Technology, they had actively supported its creation. Now, several years later, the technology was finally mature enough for integration into mobile phones.

KiShin proudly launched the first commercially available phone featuring Bluetooth connectivity. This innovative feature allowed users to connect wirelessly to various devices, including headsets and other phones. KiShin further complemented this advancement by introducing their own dedicated wireless earphones optimized for Bluetooth connection.

KiShin's marketing efforts for their Bluetooth-enabled phone weren't subtle. Commercials showcasing seamless connections between the phone and dedicated KiShin wireless earphones garnered significant attention, particularly among tech enthusiasts and early adopters.

However, KiShin's ambition didn't stop there. They took aim at the burgeoning music player market by introducing the second-generation iPod featuring, you guessed it, Bluetooth connectivity and compatibility with their wireless earphones.

This move caused a stir in the market, which was already grappling with the dominance of the first-generation iPod. While competitors scrambled to offer cheaper, albeit less feature-rich options, KiShin doubled down on premium quality and innovation.

Their approach seemed to resonate with consumers. While the second-generation iPod was pricier than its rivals, its slim design, enhanced features, and seamless Bluetooth functionality with KiShin's earphones proved appealing to many. Consumers were less concerned about the additional cost of dedicated earphones, valuing the integrated experience KiShin offered.

KiShin's iPod series, particularly the second generation, enjoyed widespread popularity across various demographics, including employees, students (especially university students), and even celebrities. This trend spanned across continents, evident in the USA, Europe, and Asia.

The release of the second-generation iPod in select US states sparked significant excitement, with long lines forming as eager consumers sought to get their hands on the device and its accompanying wireless earphones. This fervor contrasted with the initial reception of the first-generation iPod, where some questioned the hype. However, with the passage of time and the increasing adoption by celebrities, the public's understanding of the iPod's appeal had grown, leading to the enthusiastic reception of the second iteration.

This phenomenon wasn't exclusive to the USA. Similar scenes of enthusiastic early adopters lining up were observed in both Europe and Asia, highlighting the global appeal of the iPod and its growing impact on digital music consumption.


The online entertainment landscape received a boost with the arrival of "PayShin Digital," a new player in the online payment space. This company emerged from the merger of Confinity, known for secure digital payments on handheld devices, and KiShin Digital, a subsidiary of KiShin with similar ambitions.

PayShin Digital offered a convenient and accessible payment solution for various online services, including the popular renting platform "Netflix." Gamers and movie lovers alike benefited from the ease of subscribing to monthly plans.

The platform's ease of use extended to younger audiences, as even teenagers without personal bank accounts could subscribe with their parents' linked accounts. This contributed to a significant rise in Netflix's revenue, attracting new users through convenient and accessible payment methods.

In the lists of video game rentals on Netflix during 2000, the classic "Mario Party" series held the top spot for the month. However, a newcomer was steadily climbing the ranks: "Metal Gear Solid II: Sons of Liberty," the latest release from KS2.

For gamers who had experienced the groundbreaking "Metal Gear Solid I," the new title sparked a wave of nostalgia. The years since its release hadn't diminished its impact, and the memories of its immersive story and innovative gameplay remained fresh.

For many, college days spent playing "Metal Gear Solid I" now seemed distant as they navigated careers and adult life. Yet, the allure of venturing back into "Metal Gear" world with the release of "Metal Gear Solid II" proved irresistible. Many contemplated a nostalgic return to the series, eager to relive the classic story and explore its thrilling sequel.

This phenomenon highlights the power of nostalgia in the gaming industry. A well-crafted sequel can not only captivate new audiences but also rekindle the passion of lapsed players, reminding them of the joy and connection they once experienced.

As returning veterans booted up Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty in 2000, a wave of anticipation crashed over them. The groundbreaking first game had set a high bar, and KiShin's latest offering promised an even deeper dive into Solid Snake's world. Yet, as the title screen faded, a spectrum of reactions emerged, reflecting the unique expectations each player carried.

"Woah, Raiden? Snake's gone? What is this?!" exclaimed John, brow furrowed in confusion. The protagonist shift jolted many back, the familiar gruffness of Solid Snake replaced by the youthful agility of Raiden. Some, like Sarah, found the fresh perspective intriguing, a chance to experience the Metal Gear world through new eyes. "It's a different angle, but still cool," she admitted, appreciating the acrobatic combat style. Others, like Mark, yearned for Snake's seasoned presence. "Snake carried the first game. This feels...weird."

"The graphics are insane! Look at that detail!" marveled David, his eyes glued to the screen. The leap to the KS2 platform had brought stunning visuals, transforming the Metal Gear universe into a feast for the eyes.