
You're too pretty to work here.

Good morning Ewa!" a voice called out from the doorway. But the figure on the bed stirred only slightly and mumbled incoherently. The voice's owner shook her head in amusement and walked towards the bed, calling out again, "Ewa, do you know what time it is?"

Slowly, Ewa came to her senses and replied, "My cup is swrmrm....."

Perplexed, the woman furrowed her brow and asked, "Your cup is what? You're talking nonsense!"

The woman who had come into the room shook her head and took quick strides out of the brightly painted room. Undeterred, the sleeping girl continued to mumble until the woman returned with a jar, which she emptied over her. The shock of warm water jolted her awake and she sprang out of bed, rubbing her eyes in confusion. She turned her head to look at the window hidden behind her baby-pink curtains. A look of shock was evident on her face. "Ah! What time is it?"

Mrs Kolawole raised an eyebrow and held up the alarm clock, "Take a look, young lady. It's past nine!"

"You woke me up very early. Thank you ma." She replied sneezing as she ran around the room, searching for her towel. She groaned in frustration when she finally found it under her pillow and she ran into the bathroom.

"I'm going to ignore your tone and assume that it's because of your cold. You came home really late yesterday, and your eyes look like you gave them a tough time last night. Is anything wrong?"

"We'll talk about it later mummy. My oral hygiene is way more important." Ewa murmured through gritted teeth as she examined her teeth in the bathroom mirror.

"Ehnehn, I brought you hot water."

"You're the best!" Ewa screamed smiling. The thought of having to bath with cold water crossed her mind, making her shiver.

She shook the thought off her mind and got into the shower. After five minutes, she stepped out feeling slightly more refreshed but still rushed.

Mrs Kolawole quipped, "O de ti we niyen? You're sure you've taken your bath?"

Ewa rolled her eyes and couldn't help but feel a tinge of annoyance towards the woman. Mrs Kolawole seemed to enjoy her discomfort as she left the apartment with a smile on her face, leaving Ewa running about the room trying to look for her shoes.

As she hurriedly got dressed, her eyes widened and she picked up her phone quickly, dialling Inaya's number. She picked the call immediately and Ewa sighed in relief.

"Ewa! Why are you not here yet? Mr. Kola seems angry."

"I'm running late! Can you cover for me until I get there?" Ewa pleaded in between sneezes.

Inaya's voice was laced with concern, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a cold. See you soon."

Before leaving, Ewa caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and cringed. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep. A tear slipped down her cheek as she remembered Kunle's admonishment for not taking care of herself. Shaking off the thought, she tied her hair into a bun and moisturized her face. She grabbed her bag and a slice of bread and hurried out the door, poking her head through Mrs Kolawole's window to say goodbye.

The middle-aged woman smiled at the disappearing figure of the girl. She had moved into the apartment next to hers the previous year. She didn't know much about the girl, but she developed an instant liking for her after she offered to help her carry her bags when she was returning from the market. She had noticed that Ewa had yet to step out and assumed that she was still asleep, as usual.

Outside, the air was chilly and Ewa shivered as soon as she stepped outside. She wished she could go back to get herself a jacket, but she was already very late. Her fingers felt really cold, and she rubbed them together to get some heat. She qalked down the quiet street and reached the bus-stop in a couple of minutes. She stood on the covet with several other people and waved down several taxis until one finally heeded to her call.

"E wo le pelu change yin o. Come in with lower denominations."

"Okay." She mouthed getting into the green taxi with a single yellow stripe in the middle. She sat by the window, thankful she wasn't getting sandwiched between the fat old woman with a mole on her forehead and the skinny middle aged man who kept dipping all his fingers, one after the other in his nose.

As soon as she settled in, she grabbed a pill from her bag and swallowed it. She sighed as she stared outside the taxi's window, watching as it sped past buildings. She had moved into this town with high hopes, using more than half of her savings to pay for an apartment. She remembered how difficult it was before she got her present job and now she was late, for the fifth time this month.

The driver turned on the radio, and 'Always late' by Rizzle Kicks seeped out of the speakers.

'Great, even the universe is mocking me,' she thought to herself as she tried to shut her surroundings out by closing her eyes and leaning against the window.


Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Inaya was running about taking orders and serving customers all by herself. The others were yet to show up, and Mr. Kola was getting impatient with the complaints from customers. Just when Inaya thought she was about to collapse from exhaustion, Ewa walked in, looking frazzled. As she hurried towards the workers lounge, she couldn't help but feel a wave of frustration at the uniform she was expected to wear. The short, cotton, A-line black dress, with its short sleeves and deeply plunging scoop neck was a far cry from the clothes she normally wore.

The gown had a small white flap on its skirt, intricately attached to a belt and tied into a ribbon at the back, which likely served as a makeshift apron. But it was the zip at the front of the dress that really irked her. It stopped just below her cleavage, leaving a sliver of skin exposed. She knew it was meant to be a bit flirtatious and alluring, but it only made her feel self-conscious and exposed. She considered asking Mr Kola if she could wear a shirt or something underneath to cover up a bit more, but knew it would be futile. The uniform was mandatory, and any alterations or additions were strictly forbidden.

When she reached the lounge, she quickly changed into the uniform, pulling the hem down as far as it would go and fiddling with the flap on the skirt to make it sit just right.

'If only it could be longer,' She thought, but she knew she had to push her worries aside and focus on her work.

She picked her glasses and set them on her nose and neatened her mini twists. Joke walked in hurriedly, already dressed in her uniform and droped her bag on one of the chairs. Ewa smiled at her in greeting and left the room with quick steps.

As Ewa stepped out of the kitchen, her heart sank as she was met with the stern face of the middle-aged man. It was clear that Mr. Kola was not in a good mood, and her heart raced as he barked out orders.

"Come to my office when today's work is over," he shouted at her, before turning to face Joke who had just come out. "And you too," he added, his eyes boring into them. Ewa couldn't help but sneeze, and as she wiped her nose with her pink handkerchief, she saw Mr. Kola give her a strange look before walking away.

Joke, noticing her friend's discomfort, spoke up. "You look pale. Are you alright?"

"It's just my allergies. I woke up with a cold this morning."

"Oh, sorry. Although, this looks like it is more than a cold." She said, eyeing her suspiciously. "Did you get any sleep at all last night? Your eyes are swollen."

"Joke, customers are waiting to be served. My swollen eyes won't be able to save us from Mr. Kola's wrath if he comes back to meet us here."

"Alright, Inaya and I can serve while you take the orders."

"Thank you," Ewa said with a forced smile.

"No problem."

As the customers began to pile up, Ewa's swollen eyes seemed to worsen. She knew that her boss would not take kindly to any mistakes, and the pressure was mounting. Soon, six hours passed, and it was time for their break. Ewa walked into their workers' lounge and collapsed onto the chair closest to her. She was glad to finally get some moments of rest.

"Ewa, are you okay? You look lost and tired."

"I'm sick.....as usual." Ewa replied with a sigh.

"Sorry to hear that. Have you taken your medication?"

"Yes I did. The workload was heavier today because Tofunmi wasn't here to help."

"Oh, I see. He's not taking the morning shift today. He's probably gone to see his mum."

"But he told me his mother is dead." Ewa said looking confused.

"Wo, that's his problem. I saw him making a call in a corner once and I asked who it because he was really begging them for time. He told me it was his mother's doctor."

"Hmmm..." Ewa trailed off, trying to come up with reasons as to why Tofunmi would lie to her.

"Anyways, how's everything going with you and Jude? I saw both of you heading towards Sisi Yewa's Joint yesterday." Inaya teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing at all...we, we're just friends." Joke blushed, tucking a strand of her inferior black wig behind her ear as she munched on the fried meat in the tray before them.

"Friends don't go on night walks alone, with no other company. And from what I heard, you were dressed up! Abi you don't want to tell us?" Ewa muttered, a smile playing on her lips.

"Fine! I guess I like him, but I don't know if he feels the same way. He's really funny and sweet, too. He gave me this yesterday." Joke admitted as she stretched her wrist.

"Wow, that's beautiful. You guys make me feel like a stick. No one even notices me!" Inaya said, feigning tears.

Ewa raised an eyebrow. "What about Aremu? He's been interested in you for ages." She reminded Inaya.

"He's fat, young and not my type!" Inaya protested making the other girls erupt into laughter.

"Alright. Let's hurry up and eat our lunch. Very soon we'll be called back."

With that, they all concentrated on finishing the plates of rice before them. Inaya gave Ewa an irritated look.

"Why you dey look me with that kind eye?"

"Why are you eating like that?" Inaya questioned as Joke burst into laughter.

Ewa simply ignored them and continued shoveling the food into her mouth. That might be her last meal for the day and she wasn't going to let anyone distract her from enjoying it. She refused to let her problems control her appetite, especially when her drugs had a way of making her eat like she had a bottomless stomach.


She was looking better by the time they were called for their next shift. Relief washed over her when Tofunmi finally arrived to help with the workload. Inaya and Joke were really busy with their duties of serving the customers. As the evening crept in, the restaurant transformed into a completely different world. The once peaceful establishment was now overflowing with people, all seeking a drink or a companion for the night. Amidst the chaos, Ewa moved with purpose, her steps quick and sure as she expertly took orders from the patrons. Her fake smile was so convincing that it could fool even the most discerning customer.

As the night progressed, the restaurant grew rowdier. Glasses clinked, cutlery clattered, and conversations filled the air. Tables, including those in the VIP section, were tightly packed. A medley of spices and aromas wafted through the bustling space as waiters weaved between tables, swiftly taking orders. Rema's 'Charmed' blasted from the speakers, igniting the dance floor. Women in shimmering sequined dresses sought the attention of patrons, adding to the charged atmosphere.

As Tofunmi tended to the bar, Ewa handed him the orders she had taken and tried to ignore his persistent probing. But as she approached him the fifth time that night, Tofunmi's eyes lit up and he chewed his gum loudly.

"Thank you for yesterday." She said, glad that it was off her mind now.

"You're welcome but you see, Ewa, hmm, that man over there...," he started, nodding towards a patron at the restaurant.

Ewa gritted her teeth and with clenched fists, she turned to face him. "Not tonight, Tofunmi. I just want to go home," she said, taking the notepad from him and strutting off with a sense of annoyance.

Ewa was serving customers when a man waved her over. She approached him, trying to keep her composure despite the creepy feeling that came with his gaze. He had three bodyguards behind him, two of whom wore a stoic expression, except one that seemed to have a faint smile on his face.

"Sir, what would you like to have?"

"You." The man replied sending, shivers down her spine. She felt a wave of nausea as she assessed him with her eyes. He was much older than her but richer apparently. He folded his arms, placing them beneath his chin, probably trying to impress her with his Patek Philipe wristwatch but he was failing miserably. Kunle probably had a more expensive model. He loved watches.

'But he doesn't love you.'

"Sorry sir, but I'm not on the menu." She retorted coldly.

"Too bad, I would have loved to have a taste of you. You're too pretty to be working here. Why don't you come home with me instead? I'm Chief Amadi by the way." He said, his eyes lingering on the exposed part of her chest through the zip of her dress. She instinctively used her notepad to cover herself.

"I have no business whatsoever with your name sir. I'm sure the other customers are waiting to be served. So tell me, what would you like to have?"

"Ewa," he drawled, "Your parents named you well." He smirked, staring at her name tag. Ewa felt disgusted by his comments and could feel his eyes scanning her body.

"What would you like to have sir? I'm here to take down your orders." She replied, trying to maintain her professionalism.

"I love your uniform. It would look even better on my bedroom floor."

"It's quite obvious you're not interested in eating sir." She said coldly, turning to leave.

"Kai," He started staring at her back. "Shakara na-amasị gị. Bia ebea joor. You like shakara. Come here."

Immediately he completed his statement, she felt a hand hit her behind. Without thinking, she spun around and gave the perpetrator a tight slap across the face. The restaurant fell silent as everyone turned to look, and Ewa braced herself for the consequences of her actions.