Chapter 271 A meal

A smile formed on his face, Anna was still shy, and now with his hands well, she was going to experience his skill and techniques.

But it wasn't going to be right now, Ethan had just arrived and he was slightly tired and a little hungry and of course he was now in the palace so he was going to look around, and from looking around find out which room the Queen was staying.

Just in case he made a wrong turn and landed in the Queen room naked.

"So the Queen is scared of you?" Ethan asked breaking the silence as he sat down.

"She'll not scared of me, it's just a joke, I can't even hold a candle to Isabella not to talk of the Queen" Anna replied, "But I'm good in politics, I've been in the council since I was 17" Anna

" you've been involved in making life changing decisions since you were 17, that must have been overwhelming"