Cold Bath. Harley's Advances.

"Haa... haa... aaa... mmm... sss... sso... so cccc.... cold." Ethan shivered as he got into the bath.

[Quest Started!]

[PS: It's For Only 5 Hours]

'I know! You vermin!'

[What did you just call me, boy?]

'I was talking to little Ethan.'

[Such shamelessness! Tch!]

'Not as you!'

Ethan argued with the system as he laid in the cold bath. The water was too cold. A normal human would have collapsed by now. Seriously! He said cold, but what the fuck was Harley thinking. 

'I'mma kill Harley once I'm done with this. I'm gonna spank her so hard... wait. What am I thinking?'

[Yeah! That the spirit!]

Ethan closed his eyes and gathered his willpower to endure the scorching cold and pain. He was shivering, more like, vibrating. And, he had to stay in this damn thing for the next 5 hours. The most annoying part was that it was nearing Winter and unfortunately, the bathroom window was slightly opened. Imagine the cold air that would seep through, and he was lying in the cold bath. As he continued to force himself to adapt to the creeping cold, he felt something warm touch him. It felt like a hand, soft and soothing, bringing warmth all over his body. For a moment, he felt like all the cold had left him. It didn't stop there though, the hand crept all the way to his chest, setting his heart and body ablaze. He felt so lightheaded that he put his head on the edge of the tub, but it fell on something soft. That was when the familiar scent of his older sister entered his nostrils.

"H... Harley? What are you doing here and why the hell are you naked?!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Sshh! I came to cultivate with you. As your elder sister and keeper, I must take care of you and that is final!" Harley replied with a serious face.

"Bu... but I'm naked. Something can happen."

"You are finally of age, right? So, there's no feeling guilty if something happens. Besides, it's me you are dealing with." Harley said in a carefree tone.

Ethan was speechless at her. When did she become so straightforward and confident. He knew they were not related in any way, but they have treated each other like brother and sister their whole life and now it seems it's straying away from that.

One surprising thing was, he was now looking at Harley, naked. Her big boobs, erect and pink nipples, fair, unblemished skin, nice curves, everything was on display to him that he instinctively gulped in nervousness. Little Ethan was also up and standing like a good brother man in anticipation. Ethan's face was as red as red can be. Harley appeared to be prepared for anything that will come.

[Lucky bastard! Hmph!]

[Warning! Warning! Warning!]

[System Will Go Into Sleep Mode But Quest Will Continue!]

[Good Luck Host]

Ethan felt the familiar system energy in him recede. Harley also got into the tub with a red face. It turned out she was actually embarrassed but she managed to put up a front.

"Aaah!... Mmm... mmm. Ethan... www...what kind of cc... cultivation... technique is thisss? Aaa... the water is so coldddd."

Ethan felt like he will explode from the way Harley moaned. Nothing was going on between them but just way Harley moaned when she felt the seeping cold was a blow to his virgin spirit.


"Master, I'm sorry. I couldn't protect him."

"It's nothing. It's part of fate that that happened. He also got something out of it. You will see very soon."


"By the way, how is my place?"

"As perfect as always. Would you like to move there?"

"Hmmm... not now. I want him to grow more. He must be prepared for the trials before we move there."

"As wise as always Master. I will continue guiding him. But what about..."

"My stepson? Of course, he also needs protection and guidance. Excuse me for burdening you with him also."

"Oh no! It's my pleasure and obligation to serve my master."

"Mm. Thanks."


"Thanks for the company. Even though it was dangerous." Ethan said with a grim face.

"No problem. That's what siblings are for. By the way, I'm not getting in a cold bath with you again." Harley replied like she didn't hear him.

"No one asked you. It was my cultivation technique."

"Blah blah blah. See you later." Harley said as she gracefully ran out of the room.

"This... "

Ethan watched as Harley ran out of the room. She was indeed a great beauty, but it was too much for him. If it wasn't for his insane willpower and control which basically didn't work in anyway except for fear, something serious would have happened. Ethan displaced his dirty clothes into the laundry basket and wore his pajamas. It had been a long day. He threw himself onto his bed and instantly, he was drifting into sleep. But the devilish system appeared right on track, disrupting his sleep.

[System Rebooting---1%]

[System Rebooting---100%]

[Quest Completed!]

'Why the fuck did you go off?' Ethan asked.

[Don't ask me that! Just concentrate on what is happening.]

[System Interface Unlocked]


Name: Ethan Smith

Race: Mixed Human

Strength: 05

Speed: 05

Stamina: 06

Perception: 00

Intelligence: 20

Affinity Energy: 35

Level: 1[00/10]

Stat Points: 00

Current Form: Mixed Human


             *Spirit Beast(s)




'What the hell is this?'

[Everything you have in the system for now]

'Okay... so what do they do?'

[The purpose of the system is to make you strong. Stronger than anyone in this world and beyond]

'For what purpose?'

[Host is not legible to know for now]

'Okay... and what is this Mixed Human thingy?'

[That is your race for now. Everyone in this is of the same race unless they are able to awaken their racial bloodline, which gives them a defined and refined race]

[With the system, you will be able to awaken your bloodline. This is the Ancestral-line System, purposely for the awakening of ancestral bloodlines]

'Which is?'

[You will know in due time]

[Alert! Energy Stone Found!]

[Do You Want To Store It In The System Space?]

'What is the system space?'

[Host Is Not Legible To Know!]

'Do you mean the Awakening Stone?'

[Yes! It will be of help in the future]

[Do you want to store it?]


Ethan stared wide eyed as the Awakening Stone turned to dust in his hands and vanished with a pop sound. He got the stone from Miss Carmen. It was the one he was supposed to awaken with but for some reason, he didn't use it but all the same, Miss Carmen gave it to him.

'What about the Affinity, Spirit Beast and the rest?'

[Just look at it and the information will appear]

Ethan focused on the options and saw information on all of them.


* Affinity(s):

^ Psychic (Telekinesis Variant): A variant of Psychic that deals with the movement of objects with the mind. It's more like controlling gravity to move things, heavy or light with power of the mind. Higher levels of this affinity can even move mountains and more.

* Spirit Beast(s):

^ Psyche-Eye Serpent Emperor (Awakening) 

  Time Limit: Unknown

* Skills:

^ Basic: Martial Arts (LOW)

^ Unique: None

^ Weapon: None

* Quests:

^ Daily (not set)

^ Bonus (not set)

^ Missions (not set)


'Woah! That's so cool! By the way, who are you?'

[You are not worthy to know]

'Meh. Your name?'


'I'm Ethan.'

[I know, dummy]

'Blah blah blah. Oh! Before I forget, what is the intelligence, affinity energy, perception...'

[Huh?! Seriously with all the Intelligence you have. I think the system made a mistake]

'What do you mean?'

[Sigh! The Intelligence is your level of knowledge and wisdom. The Perception is your ability to perceive your surroundings. It's more like prediction with certainty. You will need practice and experience to understand it more. The Affinity Energy is the energy you acquired after awakening and the ones you acquire in the future. The reason for your high energy is because the serpent was a Gold Rank Beast, as according to this world's classification.

The level is your level as a mage. The system uses levels to measure yours. That's all you have to know]

'Oh... okay. Thanks a lot. Ha think ha ....sleep...'
