Completing Push Ups and Sit Ups. First Kiss.

"Hey, will you get up! We have gym class. What did you actually do last night? I don't th..."

"Hey, chill man. It's not what you are thinking. Ouch!" Ethan exclaimed as he got up from the floor. Trevor had kicked him there to wake him up.

They hurriedly followed the class to the changing rooms, changed into their P.E jerseys; red shorts and white round neck shirts, and strolled to the gym. The jerseys were tight for the ladies as it revealed almost everything, breasts' shapes and sizes, butt sizes, etc. 

Fortunately, or unfortunately, today was a normal training, thus, they were to train without the assistance of a teacher. They just had to go over the set workouts for them by the teacher. Ethan decided to complete 90% of the quest here. The gym was very spacious with enough room for the students to go about their work. The only restriction they had was the ban of affinity usage in the room. 

Ethan and Trevor found themselves a good spot behind a group of girls and went on to do their things. Ethan got on all fours and started raising his body up and down. He continued to do this, sweating and breathing heavily. His eyes were red, and his muscles were twitching with pain and fatigue, but he prevailed. He managed to keep a somewhat calm face and reached the 100 mark.


Another notification but he ignored it still and went on with the next set.

"Did he really complete 100 pushups?"

"What the hell?!"

"And he's so calm. Like he isn't even tired."

Ethan bathed in the limelight and praises of the students while still keeping his facade of a calm face but internally...

'Damn this quest! I'm more than tired!'

To tell the truth, his stamina was so low, but the determined Ethan still got on with his quest. Trevor was even astonished by what his friend was doing. Ethan, the boy known for his laziness in gym class doing sit ups and it didn't he will be finishing soon. Little did they know that Ethan was reaching his limits. In fact, he was nearly passed his limits but at the same time, he was having fantasies. He was looking at the girls who were skipping and doing jumping jacks; their boobs and butts bouncing up and down in rhythm to their movements. That was enough motivation for him to finish his quests.


At the sound of the notification, Ethan collapsed on the floor under the dumbfounded gazes of his mates. 

"He actually did 100 pushups and sit ups each!"

"How is that possible? I thought he just awakened."

"Mm. That explains his sudden increase in strength, but I can't even do 100 of each of those workouts continuously."


'One more to finish right?'

[Yes Ethan. Let's see how you do it. Hahahaha!]

'I will first check the notifications.'

[As you wish. You still have 12 hours. Haha!]

Ethan kept his eyes closed as he lay there. He wasn't unconscious, just stabilizing his energy. He was so tired that he didn't notice the cute girl kneeling beside him, her face so close to his checking if he was breathing. Trevor was not around. He had gone out to get some fruit juice for Ethan. Everyone else was minding their own businesses except for a few who were looking at the two with suspicion.

Ethan was oblivious to his surroundings as he checked his messages.



*Bonus: Surpass Your Limits(Run More Than 102km)=> Completed.

Reward: Special Gift Card.

[Do You Want To Access It?]



'Yes it is!'

[Gift Card Sent To Storage Space. You Can Check It Out There]




*Daily: ^ Run 100km [100/100] (Completed)

^ Do 100 Sit Ups [100/100] (Completed)

^ Do 100 Pushups [100/100] (Completed)

^ Stay Focused (Pending) 12 Hours.

Mission Initiated!

*Mission: Fight A Tyrant

Time Limit: 1 Month

Penalty: Backslash Of Your Mage Rank At The Time

Reward: Gift Box(Random)


'Woah! That's awesome but the penalty is too much. Can we negotiate?'

[No! Check your stats. There's a surprise...]

'Sigh. Okay but can you recon...'

[No! It's a NO!]

'Aww man. I'm still a kid, you know.'




Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Strength: 06

Speed: 09

Stamina: 11

Perception: 02

Intelligence: 20

Affinity Energy: 35

Level: 1 [02/10]

Stat Points: 10

Current Form: [Mixed Human]

 * Affinity(s)

 * Spirit Beast(s)

 * Skills

 * Quests


'Woah! My speed increased along with strength, stamina and perception.'


'What's the 02 besides the level bar and the 10 stats points?'

[The 02 is your experience. That's what you use to level up. The stats points are like coins]

[You can use it to increase your strength stat to your perception stat]

'That's awesome! Let's see...'

[Before you do anything, they are not refundable. If you make a mistake, that's all]

'Okay. I understand. 3 in Stamina, 3 in Speed, 2 in Perception and 2 in Strength.'


Ethan felt better after that. He felt relaxed and strengthened as the new energy entered him. He checked his stats and saw the changes in them as he had made.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Strength: 08

Speed: 12

Stamina: 14

Perception: 04

Intelligence: 20

Affinity Energy: 35 

Level: 1 [02/10]

Stat Points: 00

Current Form: [Mixed Human]

 * Affinity(s)

 * Spirit Beast(s)

 * Skills""

 * Quests


He next checked the skills bar which was glowing.


^ Basic

^ Unique

^ Weapon

^ Affinity""


'A new tab?'


* Affinity'':

Face Of Terror: A skill which produces a barrier to block attacks from beasts and so on. The barrier is just an effect of it. The main skill is to put the victim in a strong illusion. It inculcates fear in the victim once it's used. The fear can even cause backlashes for the victim. The higher the realm of the user, the better and stronger the effect.


'Damn! This skill is OP. Can I use it?'

[Of course. You even used it in the morning, but the main skill is, let's say blocked.]

[You are still too weak and lacking to use it.]

[How about you check your Gift Card?]

'Not now. I'm still in the academy. I don't know what may happen.'

[Good thinking.

Mission Initiated!


* Mission:

^ Fight A Tyrant

 Time Limit: 1 Month 

 Penalty: Backslash Of Your Mage Rank At The Time

 Reward: Gift Box (Random)

^ Level Up To Level 5 To Unlock Main Skill Of Face Of Terror.

 Time Limit: 2 Weeks

 Penalty: Unkown

 Reward: None


'That's more like it... wait! Why is the penalty unknown and why is there no rewards.?'

[Don't know. Hahahaha!]


Ethan even though happy, was annoyed that Zark would seriously give him a mission which he didn't know its penalty. All in all, he felt refreshed and stronger. His energy had returned so he made to get up. That's when he felt the softness, warmness and sensational sensation that run from his lips to his entire being. It shocked him to the core that felt revitalized than ever before. He opened his eyes to see a pair of wide eyes showing shock and his lips against the person's lips. They instantly broke apart and stared wide eyed at each other amidst the stares of the class.

"C... Clara?" Ethan stuttered.

"You! You took advantage of me!" Clara exclaimed as her aura surged.

"I... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry even though it's nice. I was getting up. Trevor, help me here!" Ethan struggled to explain under the pressure.

"Bro, you're already dead. I can save you no more. May your soul rest in perfect peace." Trevor said as he slowly moved away from the place. Strange blue runes appeared around Clara as her eyes turned white.

"Clara let's talk about this....aaahhh!"