Let's Try And Fight!

'Oh crap!' Ethan sprinted the field with the beast chasing him. In this forest, Ethan had become a very sort after delicacy, a priceless jewel, name it. You could say, he was the only higher level being in the forest. Higher level being as in, there were two classifications of beings: higher level and lower level. Humans, elves, dwarfs etc. fell under higher level beings while beasts fell under lower-level beings.

Ethan ran with everything he had. After some time, the buzzing of the beast grew farther and farther.

"It seems the increase in speed helped and I don't feel as tired as before. He eventually evaded the beast and stopped to catch his breath. But the forest wasn't letting him rest, not for a second. He heard a growl behind him while his instincts screamed for him to move out of the way. He rolled to the side just in time to dodge a Wind Slash. He turned and saw a very cute, white jackrabbit with long sharp fangs.


Ethan had been running for a day and half. He managed to escape the rabbit with a bit of difficulty, but he still couldn't rest. Hell, he was hungry, but he had no place to rest moreover eat. The moment he made an attempt to rest, his perception would kick in and he will have to run like his life depended on it, and it literally depended on it. The good news is, his running paid off as the system recorded his efforts with stat points increasing his stats, especially Speed, Stamina and Perception. With is current stats he could fight but the current beast chasing him wasn't one he could fight without getting hurt. Ethan didn't want to feel pain as the trauma of his awakening still haunted him.

This time he was being chased by a Razorfangs Puppy. A very fluffy puppy with black fur and shark teeth. It was at the Peak of the Bronze Rank with strength even higher than the Sabretooth Jackrabbit. It was very fast and aggressive. Through this chase, he had done a lot of things from raising and throwing twice his size and weight and swinging on branches to escape the eventual pounces of the beast. Indirectly, the system was training him in escapades and even parkour. His stats also played a big role in his training. As he run, he distributed his accumulated points. He had even leveled up a bit.


Name: Ethan Smith Junior

Race: Mixed Human

Strength: 16.3

Speed: 15.6

Stamina: 15.5

Perception: 9.5

Intelligence: 25

Affinity Energy: 40

Level: 3 [10/30]

Stat Points: 02=00

Current Form: [Mixed Human]


Ethan stopped abruptly causing him to skid. He turned to face the approaching beast. It was about 7.5 feet tall, and its affinity was actually Shadow, the basic stages of Darkness. Ethan felt the energy coursing through his body and the thirst for battle. He released his aura which had now improved by leaps and bounds and centered it on his hands. It glowed with a red color as he ran towards the beast. When got closer, he leaped while raising his right hand.

'Sky Uppercut!'

A red aura burst forth from his fist and hit the beast right under its huge jaw. The power and strength of the punch sent the beast flying in arc which even shocked Ethan. Unlike affinities, the use of aura for fighting wasn't something the beast could defend against. Even though Ethan's aura didn't have any specific trait other than being just aura, it was strong and powerful. Maybe with the power of the aura, he could fight Peak Bronze beasts, but he would have to use it wisely because of the time limit.

Ethan didn't wait for the beast to fall and sped towards it. His speed was incredible, another shock for him. When he reached where the beast would fall based on his instincts, he leaped 3 meters high, right under the beast and punched it in the spine. Its hide was very thick and strong which protected it from injury, but it still roared in pain as the force sent it crushing into a tree. Ethan stared at his fist and released a disturbing grin which sent chills down the spine of the beast, but it still attacked Ethan. It believed it was stronger than the human, but the human smiled that disturbing smile again and run towards it. The beast attacked with a claw strike, but Ethan evaded it by sliding under it and delivered a punch to its jaw. The beast was currently at a disadvantage as it was currently day. The were less shadows it could use to its advantage and the human tricked it to fight in an open space with less to no shadow for it make use of its affinity. The beast roared in anger and shot a black beam from its mouth, a skill of its affinity. It was clearly weak, but it wasn't something Ethan could take head on, and the strange thing was, he couldn't dodge it. The only thing he could do was to block it. Blue runes appeared on his face as his eyes glowed a bright blue. The runes formed a serpent-faced mask on his face.

Face Of Terror!

An invisible barrier appeared and blocked the attack, causing Ethan to be pushed back a little. He rushed towards the beast who was stupefied after he blocked its attack and kicked its legs apart. He then leaped up, gathered aura on his right hand and made a grasping motion. A system notification rang out informing of a new use of the aura. He quickly named it for its effects to come to play.


A dark blue claw grasped the fallen beast and threw it towards a row of tall trees. It broke the trees on impact before it skidded to a halt after leaving a long gulley of 4 meters. The impact caused some injuries to it. It had lost one eye, broken a front paw and some holes on its body. Its jaw was also facing the other way as it whimpered in pain, but Ethan was unforgiving. He instantly attacked again. With its back facing him, he attacked it spine a powerful punch, breaking its spine and stripping it of movement. He then jumped and hit its head with powerful punches. He was afraid of it attacking him and even felt some pity but the system or precisely, Zark gave him all the support needed, not to hold back his strength against the enemy. He was also the one giving Ethan pointers on how to attack, building and improving his martial arts.


[Threat Eliminated!]

[Hidden Quest Completed!]

[Rewards Will Be Allocated Now!]

[Congratulations On Your First Victory, Host]