Battles Upon Battles. Reaching Level 5 (2)

'Silver Rank beast! Fuck!'

Ethan's battle with the Drake Wolf had gotten the attention of the Silver Rank beast. Ethan hurriedly left the area, but the system notification still rang, meaning, the beast was very close. After running for 2 minutes, the notification stopped ringing, but Ethan felt that something was wrong. And he was right. His instincts screamed DODGE at the last second and he followed it by rolling to the left. He quickly got up and got into a fighting stance as he looked in a bit of horror at the beast in front of him. A towering beast, probably 4 meters tall stood in front of him, glaring menacingly but disdainfully at him. He was an ant compared to the beast.

It was a Silver Rank Wolf Drake and by the brownish red fur, he could tell that it had the Earth affinity, but the system poured cold water on him.

Ethan cursed his luck. He had successfully attracted the attention of a Silver Rank beast with dual affinities. Ethan was at a disadvantage in terms of everything, maybe except for his aura skills. He thought of how to manage to kill the beast if push comes to shove and the only way will be to use his strongest aura skill, Razor. 

Ethan and the beast were in a staring contest as they evaluated each other. The beast suddenly roared causing the trees around to shake. The earth suddenly split apart as sharp rocky spikes shot towards Ethan. It was planning to impale Ethan, leaving him with no option to fight back but Ethan wasn't going to give it that opportunity. Instead of running away, he ran towards the spikes. He used his Perception and Speed hand in hand, to the maximum. He successfully dodged the spikes and approached the beast. The beast seeing this roared in anger. The ant dared challenge it. A huge fireball shot from its mouth towards Ethan. The surrounding trees had scorch marks on them, and the environment turned hot from the heat. But Ethan was prepared. He activated Face Of Terror which blocked the attack, but the force of the attack threw Ethan 6 meters away from the beast. He managed to control his landing and dashed away leaving the beast stupefied for some seconds. The ant was just using it to escape. It roared in pure anger this time. That inferior creature tricked it and escaped its clutches. It dashed after Ethan and was on heels in no time. Ethan was a bit faster from the boost he got earlier from his pursuer, but the beast was fairly fast. It roared as small fireballs shot towards Ethan. Ethan dodged all of them with a few painful burns on his hands and shoulders. The earth started tilting in a weird way as it turned to mud. Ethan was nearly caught in it, but he managed to grab a tree branch and swing away at the right time. He could feel the thrill of the chase. The beast was relentless. It attacked the swinging Ethan with all it got but the two-day parkour and martial arts training Ethan went through with Zark was too difficult for it to by-pass. But that didn't mean Ethan wasn't hurt. Some Earth Spikes managed to hit him, but none impaled him. 

After 30 minutes of chase, Ethan realized that the beast would go to the ends of the world to just kill him. He quickly gathered aura on his legs and hands. He had been thinking of a speed skill lately and he felt it was the right time to try it. He jumped on to a strong branch and bent his legs. He visualized the skill he wanted to create in his head and jumped. 


He felt like he was flying. Trees flew past him in blurs as he streaked across the sky for a minute and fell back down. He had crossed 2 km with one speed jump. He swung onto a branch and turned to look behind him. He saw the beast a good distance away, but its huge size made it visible enough.

He quickly named the skill per the system's instructions.



[First Part Of Quest Completed]

[Finish Second Part To Gain Rewards]

'Oh! I even forgot about that.'

'Yo Zark. Do you think I can kill that beast?'

'Hmm... it's possible. Provided you have the object of surprise and powerful weapon, which you can make up for with the aura skills but remember, you have only two uses left.'

'Okay. Let's see.'

Ethan still had Boost activated so he could only use two more of the skills. 

'By the way, can I stack up more skills?'

'Yes, but it will still count us number of usages. Maybe that will change after you level up the skill.'




Ethan stared at the approaching beast and made up his mind. He jumped of the ground with dark gold lightning flickering around his hands and legs. He sprinted towards the beast with speed. He then activated Razor and Aura Shell. A dark silver machete appeared in his hands while a black shield appeared to be floating around him. He instantly reached the beast who also sent a fireball with the mixture of fire and earth towards him. 

Ethan faced it head on as the Aura Shell blocked it. He then slid under the beast and slashed his machete under it as he slid causing as shower of blood to pour out at the same time, causing the beast to cry out it agonizing pain. He quickly stopped, turned around and attacked it, He slashed some of its attacks while dodging most of them. He was too fast for the beast with Boost activated and his aura shield was just strong for the beast's attacks to penetrate. He quickly attacked with all he got. He jumped up high and slashed it eyes, turning it into a blind foe. He then slashed its legs which nearly got chopped off. The beast couldn't keep up with his attacks and eventually became weak. It couldn't get up as it fell down. It lost so much blood. Ethan climbed atop it and pierced its head straight to its brain, killing it. 

[Level Up!]

He jumped off it and nearly turned off his aura skill. Two beasts attacked him. They were Bronze Rank Earth Hyenas. They looked like your normal hyenas. They covered themselves with earth and attacked Ethan aggressively. Ethan had a few minutes to go before his aura skills deactivated so he faced them. Unlike before, he killed them fairly easily with Razor and Boost.


[Aura Control Level Up]

[You Can Use Aura Control Skills For 5 Times A Day]


Ethan exclaimed as he dashed into the forest. He was going to hunt till the time limit was up.